Hall of Fame, my highest rewarded posts throughout time

in blurtafria •  2 years ago 

I thought it would be fun to do a run down of some of my highest paid posts throughout time. Next month will be 2 years now that I have been on blurt. It has been a learning experience, and maybe not as lucrative as I had hopped at first for now, but with the current value of my account being around $2,200 it is not completely a waste either. If blurt ever gets back to the 4 cent mark where it was at the end of 2021, it will be worth in the tune of $22,000 which is a nice chunk of change.

To make this a little easier to sort out I have basically listed every post I have made that got over 1000 blurt in votes. Maybe this will help others see what gets attention and maybe some readers that were not around in those times will find the recap interesting. Most of the posts that made it over a 1000 Blurt are from well over a year ago, which means that the consistency of my posting was better and played a roll. Things that get good votes are travel, life milestones, blurt goals reached, controversy, bikini's and posts about my own life.

So lets get started my highest paying posts from highest going down:

Settling into a new position


What can I say? This post is near the top of this and I think all we have to do is see the featured image to know why. You can't argue with that. But on another note it was a big life announcement for me and I would like to think people were celebrating with me.

Bummer Surfboard Repair Dude Part 1 The Disaster, 2,327 Blurt


I would say this one made it to near the top of my list for a few reasons. I really got in the part and made it sound like it was written by a total surfer dude bra. Also I got my DIY on with some good picture and doing something in the real world that translated nicely to a a good written photo story.

Greetings From the Beach, 2,182 Blurt


This post is near the top of the list and as you work down the list you will see some themes in the top earning posts on this list. This is a personal post about my life, my beautiful wife is on the cover photo and I go into my farm, life on the beach, and work. An update about life with some great photos. This was also during a period where I was consistently posting which also helps.

Another Week in Paradise a Focus on the Farming, 1,994 Blurt

This post features a fun picture of a friend playing on the beach, goes into beach life and a lot of permaculture design and farming. This is a great all around post when I was posting quite frequently.

Slice of Heaven in the Western Region, 1,968 Blurt


This post was a very high earner of votes. It featured some good fun and great photos with greenery, fun people, and beach paradise.

Aftermath of HF6 and HF7 a minor road bump, 1,962 Blurt


About the only thing that gets more blurts than bikinis and travel on blurt is things that involve controversy and fear. Many will not remember HF6 and HF7 but the vote weights really changed during this time and it took some time for things to stabilize. This hurt many of the big curator accounts for a while and perhaps took some vim out of some of the solid accounts like r2cornell. But in the end like the title says this was all just a road bump soon forgotten and much sooner than our latest rounds of controversy.

A Monday Morning Walk and an intriguing little trap, 1,961 Blurt


My photo walk stories always do very well. Especially if they involve nature and something a little off beat like this little rodent trap we found.

The Chaos of the Impending Storm, 1,849 Blurt


This short photo story did very well with votes. But it captured some of the natural drama very well in a sequence of photos. Perhaps I can experiment with some shorter very vivid short photo stories also.

A life and Farm Update from the past few weeks, 1,763 Blurt


I personally think this is one of my best farm posts as I have most of the structure laid out and starting to plant and have sprouts coming up. It also provides some life updates and my wife is ever present.

My introduction to my #blurtafrica community curation 1,728 Blurt


Beyond my first post this was my first highest paying post and a popular announcement of the start of my curation project.

Part 2 The Traditional Wedding and Court House Marriage, 1,687 Blurt


Well for anyone who has followed my blog this was a big day for me and one worth celebration for any of my readers so it is no question as to why this post would get some good upvotes.

My introduction post did pretty well with 1,681 Blurt


I think it helped that I was on the discord and a facebook chat before I did my intro post. @jacobgadikian also did an introduction to for me to many of the active blurt members at that time.

Another Garden Update No Rain for over 2 weeks, 1,661 Blurt


When I was able to be consistent with my garden posts they were well appreciated. It is always nice to see green and life on the computer screen.

Sunday Funday at the Beach, 1,633 Blurt


Another beach and personal life post.

A rundown on the last week and a half a busy life in paradise, 1,609 Blurt


This post contains a little bit of everything, gardening, farming, urban exploration and parts of my everyday life. It is real and genuine and offers a glimpse into another world for some people.

Fes Leather Tannery, 1,574 Blurt


This travel post about Fes in Morocco has some great pictures of a place that really takes you back in time. Things have not changed here in about a 1000 years and I am sure it is interesting to people living in the modern world. It sure was interesting for me to visit but the smell was horrible.

Hotel Management and Permaculture Design in Practice, 1,566 Blurt


This post is the first one on the start of my farm and the post that started a lot of interaction with @practicalthought who commented this is the best how to post he has read. I quite enjoy this post myself some good memories.

Clarification of my Curation of #blurtafrica or what gets my vote, 1,544 Blurt


This is another post on my curation project and an update and clarification on what gets my vote. One of the great things about being actively involved with a community is that when you post also there is active engagement and a great result in votes.

From Surfing to Survival Mode in the Blink of an Eye, 1,509 Blurt


Who does not love a good story with excitement an potentially life threatening consequences. It always helps to have a happy ending which this one does.

Blurt Dad Contest, 1,453 Blurt


This was a very personal post talking about my grandfather who is now passed. He was a great man and there are some great pictures of the both of us here. You are missed grandpa.

New Beginnings Beach Life, 1,367 Blurt


This was the post announcing my new job and move to the beach resort. Posts featuring me and my wife and our life have always done well.

Togo Voodoo Market Where you go for Super Powers, 1,345 Blurt


This post just offers a view into another world most westerners would find absolutely foreign and crazy. But there is is in living color for everyone to read and see.

Merry Christmas and a walk down memory lane, 1,340 Blurt


This is a very person post that shows Christmas in my life going back all the way to child hood. I think that people on blurt always appreciate people who are genuine and can really share interesting things about their lives. Everyone can hid behind a user name and go off about politics, crypto, pandemics and things but it is another thing to let people into your life with no mask on.

Last Day in Tamale and Red Clay Studio, 1,269


Travel posts, with lots of good photos and art are some of my favorite to do and they seem to be appreciated.

Daily dose of Melanin on the Beach 1,261 Blurt


This was probably the first time my photography got noticed and started to get some good votes.

Sunday Funday at the beach, 1,251 Blurt


What more do I need to say, sex appeal, swim suites, beach. This makes for good reading and votes.

The Sweet Spot 1,000 Blurt a Day for 165 day, 1,241 Blurt


This post was a nice coincidence I had 165,000 blurt and my account was 165 days old. Blurt always loves to celebrate successes together and it makes for some good votes.

Abundance of free mulch a blessing and a curse, 1,213 Blurt


This post covers some unique farming practices plus another update on the farm and garden, my life and my wife.

Tamale Weekend Visit Day 2 the Art Market, 1,179 Blurt


Another post with travel, art and my personal life. These posts do well.

A Blurt Adventure a Few Days in Ho Chi Minh City Vietnam, 1,177 Blurt


This is an epic post showing off an adventure in Vietnam. It is a little out of my normal coverage area and focused on the city with still a little bit of nature. Once again a good adventure paired with the story is a good combo to get votes.

Excitement of HF6 has calmed down now lets sit back and see what happens, 1,135 Blurt


This was another post on the challenges after HF6. Things changed a lot in the Tokenomics and caused some fear in the community. But after a few weeks the votes stabilized again and it ended up being a good move for smaller accounts on the platform.

3 Days 3 Nights in the Sahara Desert, 1,127 Blurt


This was my first really good photo story about my Christmas in Morocco Trip. I think that the success of this post on Blurt and Hive led me to adapt this longer style of photo story posts for more of my posts going forward.

#BlurtAfrica Curation Report 5, 1,123 Blurt


When I first started doing curation reports they had good readership and would get good votes. After time time they hardly got any votes so I discontinued from writing the reports.

#blurtafrica 4th Weekly Curation Report, 1,122 Blurt


It is interesting that the 4th curation report came within 1 blurt of the 5th curation report. Maybe I need to go back and review these and see if I did anything different with these than I did on the last ones that I did that did not get much of a vote.

The Napa valley of India Wine Country, 1096 Blurt


Another travel post with beautiful photos. There is a strong Indian community on blurt and in this post I was showing some of the beauty of India and I am sure that community helped to boost this post to reach this list.

Camping Weekend The Volta Loop Day 2 and 3, 1,083 Blurt


More swimsuits, camping, travel and road trips, a great combo for a post.

Long Overdue First Post of the Year, 1,044 Blurt


Another very personal post bringing an end to the year and the start of another.

Green Color Challenge Fresh Greens 50 shades of Green


Wow what can I say the challenge asked for green on a Thursday and I really over delivered on this and shared an abundance of green.

500,000 Blurt Power Goal Reached, 1,002 Blurt


This post was on a major milestone reached within blurt. Most people like to see people reaching their goals and having more blurt powered up.

Posted from https://blurtlatam.intinte.org

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Wow am humble and the same time motivated. Two years of blogging here in blurt. For me I haven't gotten any post close to the 1000+ threshold but I believe am getting closer each day.

I could remember when i First started I was getting around 12-25 blurt per post and after two months to attract blurtbooster vote getting around,100 blurt I feel more excited to write and last week one of my post hit a great milestone by hitting 800+ blurt. The better I write and create relationship the more I see improvement on my post vote.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Your posts are good and getting better and your votes are growing too. Just stay consistent and regular and you will get there.

Posted from https://blurtlatam.intinte.org

Thanks for the message am happy

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Hello leifasaur, how many life stories have you shared with us on Blurt, it is incredible how we came to connect as a family of friends, here, they have met their partners, some have shared the death of a relative, others share the joy of the birth of a son, birthday, they share if they suffer from any disease, and you have here as your family album, where you share your story with love.
I hope you keep going with us and like you, I also keep my confidence that Blurt will increase, in the meantime here we continue.
Good wishes to you and your beautiful family.
Good vibes.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Thank you I can remember that you were the first to welcome me to the blurt discord when I was getting started. Good vibes since the start.

Posted from https://blurtlatam.intinte.org

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Wow, how amazing that you still remember it, you have given me a great gift, thank you. When I share a greeting, I do it sincerely and sharing good energy, so I do it without expectations and without expecting anything, but it feels great when the other person can appreciate and feel the beauty of the energy that I deliver, since that is For me Blurt, a beautiful place where we all connect with each piece of content we share and our dedication to doing it well, and it's amazing how being from different cultures, different languages, we can communicate and build not only a chain of blocks but also friendships.

Sincerely, thank you and sorry for my late response, I was receiving new users, meeting and sharing love with others, and my time was running out.
Good vibes.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Congratulations, your post has been curated by @r2cornell, a curating account for @R2cornell's Discord Community.

Manually curated by @Angelica7

logo3 Discord.png

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Thank you, you have been instrumental in many of these totals. Much appreciated.

Posted from https://blurtlatam.intinte.org

It is a pleasure for us to share our best wishes and congratulations. You have received a virtual hug, from the @newvisionlife account. Curation team.
Living better without thinking about age is our motto

Thank you for using our hashtag #newvisionlife


  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Thank you.

Posted from https://blurtlatam.intinte.org

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Hello leadfard, how many life stories have you shared with us on Blurt, it is incredible how we came to connect as a family of friends, here, they have met their partners, some have shared the death of a relative, others share the joy of the birth of a son, birthday, they share if they suffer from any disease, and you have here as your family album, where you share your story with love.
I hope you keep going with us and like you, I also keep my confidence that Blurt will increase, in the meantime here we continue.
Good wishes to you and your beautiful family.
Good vibes.


You have recieved a coconutty upvote! 🥥
Thank you for contributing to the Blurt Blockchain!
Keep up the great work!

Curated by @outofthematrix!

Please take a moment to vote for my witness.
You can do this by logging into your wallet with your active key! 🗳️ https://blurtwallet.com/~witnesses?highlight=outofthematrix


Thank you for sharing such great content!
We are happy you posted in #blurtconnect
Blurt to the Moon 🌕
Most welcome Votes for our community Witness Here
Your publication has been manually upvoted by @oadissinblurtconnect.gif
Please delegate Blurt power to @blurtconnect-ng and help support this curation account

Also, keep in touch with Blurtconnect-ng family on Telegramand Whatsapp


Posted from https://blurtlatam.intinte.org