Camping weekend the Volta Loop: Day 2 and 3

in blurtafrica •  4 years ago 

On Monday I wrote about the first day of a camping trip I went on this past weekend in my Vintage VW Double Cab with some friends.

Today I am going to finish things off with the rest of the story and some more photos. I will tag all photos that are not taken personally.

The first night went off ok, three of us slept in hammocks and 2 slept in tents. It was Dzigbordi's first time sleeping in a hammock and things were comfy for all of us other than it just being noisy at night in the village.

Photo taken by @dzigbordi

Next morning we all made breakfast some eggs, bread roll and cheese. We also had some tombrown which is a pasty peanut based porridge. After breakfast we started to break camp and immediately had an audience as the village children gathered around to watch again.

Photo taken by @dzigbordi

We then went over to my friends family house in the village, we bathed an checked out the hive of activity as they were still doing all the celebration for the initiation of the shrine priestess.

Photo taken by @dzigbordi of a village bicycle

Photo taken by @dzigbordi of a very large pig at my friends family farm

One of my friend Jon on the trip inspecting some mushrooms

I took some headshoots around of Dzigbordi

My friends cousin and friends under a tree that has been trained to be a flat sun shade

After a little time there in the village we got packed up and back on the road. The road from here was very rough and washboard. Before lone the sky was looking very dark and ominous in front of us as a storm front approached. I was driving so sadly I don't have any pics of this storm front approaching. Since we had a lot of things in the back of the truck we stopped and secured it under a tarp as well as we could and then continued down the rough road. The rain really came down before we reached the main village on that side and paved roads started again.

We continued down across the Volta river again and to the coast line to Ada Foah were were were going to spend the next night. None of us knew the area very well, but we went down some muddy roads to the sailing club which is near the mouth of the estuary. They do not allow anyone to camp there so we were going to try to make it a small resort out on the point of sand where the river and the ocean meet. Mind you it was still pouring rain, was windy and quite cold. I was wondering how we were even going to camp that night in hammocks.

We continued down the road that got deeper and deeper with mud and water, but the road ran out and according to everyone around the only way to where we wanted to go was to drive along the beach. Bucket is not a 4 x 4 and even the road to get to the beach was completely underwater. So we continued a little west to connect with the beach on that side.

On the edge of town near some ponds probably used for some sort of fish farming or shrimp farming the road got really bad and muddy and bucket spun out once but we got past the worst part and saw a little rasta oasis close to the beach it had some trees and a bamboo wall around and and we thought why not lets check it out for our camp spot.

It ended up being called Panama Beach Resort, it took us a while to find anyone to talk to as the weather was still very cold and the workers were hidden away in their rooms. When I did find someone at this point it looked like those of us with tents would be fine but those of us in hammocks would have a harder time that night and also all the hammocks had got wet in the back of bucket. With the weather not looking like it will be letting up at all we inquired about rooms as they had some little bungalow. They were very cheap and we even talked them down a bit more and got permission to put out the tents and cook at a little bamboo bar in the compound.

We unpacked bucket and got to work on putting together a meal, we had banku and okra stew a very nice Ghanaian dish Dzigbordi put together. One of my friends is vegetarian and put together the above meal for himself. The white bit is a local cheese they make.

My 3 friends on the trip, Eli, Jon, and Kelechie

Dzigbordi cooking

Stormy evening at the beach

That night we all kinda turned in early after the good meal.

Next morning the weather was much better. We made breakfast and I did some photo shoots with Dzigbordi.

Dzigbordi posing in front of our room

A little after noon we made the 2.5 to 3 hour drive back to Accra in bucket hitting a little traffic along the way.

I am sure we will do it again soon.

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