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Over the last several years I have been helping out newbies by answering FAQ's, hosting shows where I educated some of the…bigbdp in blurt-192372 • 14 hours agoBIG NEWS (Su noticiero)OPENING -Un enorme saludo a todos nuestros queridos lectores y amigos del BIGVERSO, estamos de vuelta este lunes con su noticiero BIG NEWS,...woleyou in blurt-1845409 • 7 hours agoThe Silent Symphony of Wayside Blossoms 隙间生灵颂Amidst the cracked asphalt where urban shadows fall, a constellation of cerulean stars blooms - the Arabis stellata, painting constellations upon concrete canvases. Beside forgotten bicycle racks…woleyou in blurt-1845409 • yesterdayEphemeral Elegance in Bashan Valley 刹那芳华醉巴山Spring winds teased through Bashan Valley's cherry orchards like mischievous poets rearranging verses. Following the mountain-hugging road westward, clusters of flowering trees emerged as accidental…bring in blurt-188888 • yesterday人生就是一场修行 Life Is a Process of Self-cultivation Life Is a Process of Self-cultivationjgb in blurt-188398 • 8 hours agoEl poder de soñarLos sueños son la chispa que enciende el motor del cambio. Víctor Hugo, con su aguda visión de la vida y la humanidad, nos dejó una frase que encierra una verdad fundamental: "No hay nada como un…bigbdp in blurt-192372 • yesterdayLa Primera Gato 🐱 AVENTURA [Final](Orígenes del BigVerso)La Diosa, el león y el lobo (final) -Clo, clo, clo!!!-, el Demonio granjero ya se sentía ganador, el enorme tamaño de su ejercito de pollos...hossy in newvisionlife • 18 hours agoLatest University graduates 🎓A university graduate is someone who has successfully completed an academic program at a university or college and has earned a degree (such as a bachelor's, master's, or doctoral degree).…imransoudagar in blurtindia • yesterday1000 Blurt Power Daily Delegation Giveaway Monday, 24 March, 2025As a top 20 Blurt witness it is my duty to help users on this platform. Over the last several years I have been helping out newbies by answering FAQ's, hosting shows where I educated some of the…jgb in blurt-188398 • yesterdayEvitemos que la ansiedad nos impida disfrutar del presenteLa ansiedad es una sombra que nos persigue, incluso en los momentos en los que todo parece estar en calma. Nos roba la tranquilidad, nos aleja de la realidad y nos mantiene atrapados en un sinfín de…woleyou in blurt-1845409 • 2 days agoFins & Fulfillment: A Birthday Angler's Tale 鱼神送来的生日厚礼The fish gods conspired in our favor today. On my husband's birthday, as if telepathically summoned by his annual wish, scaly celebrants queued beneath the ripples of a forgotten pond. We'd traded…imransoudagar in blurtindia • 2 days ago1000 Blurt Power Daily Delegation Giveaway Sunday, 23 March, 2025As a top 20 Blurt witness it is my duty to help users on this platform. Over the last several years I have been helping out newbies by answering FAQ's, hosting shows where I educated some of the…bigbdp in blurt-192372 • 2 days agoEl último círculo [Two Shot] (BigVerso)El último circulo [Primera parte] El helicóptero con el logotipo del grupo Klausman estampado en un costado de su fuselaje despegaba del...suanky in writing • 18 hours ago24/03/2025Español Este mes de marzo me lo tomé de descanso en el gimnasio, primero por la diarrea que experimenté los primeros días del mismo. Descubrí también que no puedo hacer mucho esfuerzo con el…jgb in blurt-188398 • 2 days agoEl síndrome del impostor: cómo superarlo y reconocer nuestro propio valorEl síndrome del impostor es una sensación persistente de duda sobre nuestras propias capacidades, a pesar de contar con logros y habilidades que demuestran lo contrario. Muchas personas, incluso…hossy in newvisionlife • 2 days agoChampion gym Fitness competition winners 🏋️🏋️♂️Fitness gym tournaments are events where athletes or fitness enthusiasts compete in various physical challenges, often focusing on strength, endurance, and skill. These tournaments can be organized…imransoudagar in blurtindia • 3 days ago1000 Blurt Power Daily Delegation Giveaway Saturday, 22 March, 2025As a top 20 Blurt witness it is my duty to help users on this platform. Over the last several years I have been helping out newbies by answering FAQ's, hosting shows where I educated some of the…bigbdp in blurt-192372 • 3 days agoLa Joya del Amazonas [22] (Historias viejas del BigVerso)La joya del Amazonas[22]: COOOOOLT!!! Muchas horas antes ese mismo día en una vieja casa abandonada cerca del camino de la Ceiba… Los...jgb in blurt-188398 • 3 days agoEl poder de la visualización para alcanzar nuestras metasLa mente humana es una herramienta poderosa capaz de moldear la realidad que experimentamos. A lo largo de la historia, grandes atletas, empresarios, artistas y visionarios han atribuido su éxito a…