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There is no work that humans can do. There is no…boddhisattva in blurt-177869 • 3 hours agoIce kingdomI love photography. I spend time in nature, walking around the city. And I often take pictures when I see something interesting. I always edit my pictures (mostly using Lightroom) and love sharing…iyanpol12 in mydailypost • 3 hours agoLeaving the Sports Complex Photography 022125Have you met someone that during that first time, you became close already? Others say first impressions last but it depends. Such person may be compatible with your personality. The good vibes that…shawmeow in mydailypost • 3 hours agoCountryside in ColoradoIt's not snowing, and the sun is out here in Colorado. My sister and I went out to explore the town. No cars to commute here. Even it's sunny, it's still hot right here.kenechukwu001 in blurtstory • 6 hours agoBOOK REVIEW: ATOMIC HABITS (Chapter 16: How to Use Habit Tracking Effectively(2))Never Miss Twice: The Power of Consistency source Continued from last post Remember , the goal here is not perfection , but consistency. As...b-hive in mydailypost • 3 hours agoMindful, Tune of the Day - With YouBe with a person who cares about you. The impact they can share to you, which will be based on their good actions. Sometimes even relatives doesn't seem to care, friends acts better than them. Still…circlebubble in cn • 9 hours ago觀影隨筆 Fantasy FootballBobby是一名優秀的專業美國橄欖球員,然而,隨著年齡漸大,他的體能及反應逐漸下降,在幾次重大的比賽中,他犯了一些錯誤,讓球隊輸了比賽,於是他被球隊交易到其他球隊,為了服務新球隊,他必須和家人搬到新球隊所在地,於是,他的16歲女兒Callie,從開始小學後,就沒有在一個地方待超過兩年,終於,他們到了亞特蘭大市,這會是一個重新的開始嗎? PS1:…gduran in actifit • 9 hours agoMy Actifit Report Card: March 28 2025I had a nice walk today, short and with a lot of sun. But there was also heavy winds so it was not too hot. But there certainly less people out on the streets, I guess the economy just is not…hossy in newvisionlife • 14 hours agoOrganizing group of farmers to work for youGroup farming refers to the practice where multiple individuals, families, or small-scale farmers come together to pool their resources, labor, and skills in order to increase efficiency, reduce…liumei in blurttribe • 9 hours ago继续招人大姐试干了三天,放弃了,她想找个不操心的活,说在我这干老板的活,拿服务员的工资。当然,她这是跟其他大店的工资比,我周围的小店给到三千的都几乎没有,都是两千多块。 而且,这几天打扫卫生做的比较多,日后,没事时候也是闲着。 但,人家主要就是不想操心。 再就是我讲可能客人多要拿得起活,不然我给四千不值 。她也觉得自己能力不够吧。mahmud552 in blurt-1787181 • 17 hours agoI arranged for Iftar on the 11th of Ramadan.Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim Hello friends how are you all? Hope you all are very well and healthy, I am also very well with your prayers and God's grace. Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim Hello…naturelover10 in blurt-1787181 • 17 hours agoI went to college, had Iftar in the mosque in the afternoon for exams and studied for some time at night.Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem Assalamualaikum Everyone. This is @sohag10 from #Bangladesh. Dear friends, hope everyone is well and healthy. By the grace of Allah I am very…mdshahporan0278 in blurt-1787181 • 18 hours agoRaising Domestic Ducks in Water A Comprehensive Guide.Raising Domestic Ducks in Water A Comprehensive Guide. Ducks are a great addition to any farm or homestead. They are easy to raise, require minimal care, and can provide eggs, meat, and natural…kemeagadaga in instablurt • 20 hours agoThe 10 Best Romantic Movies of the Last 30 Years, RankedYou might not love movies about love, but enough people around the world do to keep movies about the subject coming out on a near-constant basis. Really, cinema has never been starved of romantic…maxinpower in japan • 21 hours agoA cheerful look back to winter =/= Ein munterer Blick zurück auf den Winter 👹🍣🎎 Wonderful Japan ENG-GERGood buy winter! Well, now that we are suddenly in spring, the previous winter season seems to be a long time ago. But it's only a few weeks that separate us from shoveling snow and driving on…shula14 in mydailypost • 19 hours agoPeaceful PlaceWe went to the villages of Wawa, Aliwekwek, Basing and Rosario during our weekend field service. Some places may look dry, but some areas are worth staying because of the views and the fresh air.…iyanpol12 in mydailypost • 21 hours agoTrack and Field Oval Photography 022025Have you ever felt like your efforts are not paying off? There are times when you just wanted to give up. Don't ever do so. Never lose hope because there will always be. What you need is strength to…sabus in beblurt • 22 hours agoIftar party with friendsপ্রতিবছরের মত এ বছরও আমরা কলেজে বন্ধুরা মিলে ইফতারের আয়োজন করেছি। কিছুদিন হয় আলোচনা হচ্ছিল ইফতার নিয়ে, অবশেষে সবাই মিলে সেই ইফতার বাস্তবায়ন করলাম।। ইফতার করার মূল উদ্দেশ্য সবাই একত্রিত হওয়া এবং…