New: instablurtAll contentrewardsvideokrblurtactifitzzangamesburnbotcentphotographyblurtgermanlolzartphotographblurtblocknewswamr2cornellblurtlifebyterebelHotTrendingNewDAppscirclebubble in cn • 1 hour ago觀影隨筆 When in Rome義大利的羅馬是一座充滿歷史與文化的古城,也是一座浪漫且迷人的城市,生活在美國紐約的工作狂Beth,因為妹妹Joan的婚禮,來到這座神秘且浪漫的城市,在短暫停留的期間,她不但出席妹妹的婚禮,也同時在煩惱工作上的瑣事,不過,她沒想到的是,她嚮往已久的愛情,也悄悄地來敲門。 PS1: 在這,我會分享我認為不錯的影片,不一定是較新的電影,也可能是我覺得好看的舊片,請大家包涵及支持。 PS2:…liumei in r2cornell • 4 hours ago礼物给强哥在小日子买的美食到了,一共买了两盒,32个小块。 给店里各个角落,能放的尽量放了,尤其是厨房那个严重灾区,几乎都放那里了。 留了6块拿回家分开放,以前也看过有强哥出没,都说有一只的背后已经是一支大军了,再说天天从店里到家里,强哥卵也能带回来,希望能大灭强哥威风,杀它们个片甲不留!circlebubble in cn • 7 hours ago觀影隨筆 Heart and Souls很多小朋友在成長的過程中,都有看不見的朋友,只有自己看的見,其它人都看不見,人們有時候會看到小朋友喃喃自語的對空氣說話,或許他們正在和看不見的朋友說話,Thomas在成長過程中,有四個看不見的朋友,Harrison是位害羞的歌手,Penny是位三個孩子的媽媽,Julia有個熱愛她的男朋友,Milo是位品行不端正的小偷,隨著Thomas年紀越來越大,他漸漸地發現,他的看不見的朋友,似乎和其它人的不太kemeagadaga in instablurt • 8 hours ago10 Horror Movies That Are Actually Terrifying From Start To FinishEven though some horror films may be intricate and multifaceted, they all have one primary goal: to make the viewer feel uneasy. The fear they elicit might be used as a tool to explore controversial…mahmud552 in blurt-1787181 • 9 hours agoI spent the ninth day of Ramadan very beautifully.Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim Hello friends how are you all? Hope you all are very well and healthy, I am also very well with your prayers and God's grace. Cover photo edit by…lightcaptured in photography • 10 hours agoSpring FeelingsAll photographs and text in my posts, unless specified otherwise, are created by me.barski in blurt-177869 • 10 hours agoSpring is on the horizonI don't know if you are familiar with this feeling of some excitement before something new and unknown, but since I write about how I...tonton23 in blurtpilipinas • 10 hours agoWherever Boxing Is; Guilang guilang, Manolo FortochBoxing is my first love and I just can't let it go not matter what. Thanks to my wife' s advice that I should stop playing on the tournament and become a referee and judge instead. Now I still enjoy…kenechukwu001 in blurtstory • 13 hours agoBOOK REVIEW: ATOMIC HABITS (Chapter 16: Why Habit Tracking Works(3))Habit Tracking Provides Immediate Gratification source Continued from last post Naturally , or should i say through experience , instant...woleyou in blurt-1845409 • 15 hours agoSelf-Sufficiency Bountiful Harvests 自给自足 丰衣足食The morning dew still clung to the kitchen window when I began peeling forty-odd lettuce stalks. Two enamel basins gradually filled with jade-green ribbons as my knife danced rhythmically against…sabus in beblurt • 16 hours agoHave a nice afternoon.মন ভালো করার জন্য প্রাকৃতিক সৌন্দর্য অনেক বেশি ভূমিকা পালন করে।। আপনি খেয়াল করলেই দেখতে পারবেন যখন আপনার মন খারাপ থাকবে প্রাকৃতির মাঝখানে গেলে অটোমেটিক আপনার মন ভালো হয়ে যাবে।। আমাদের প্রতিটি…maxinpower in japan • 16 hours agoAre we going? - Or do we wait a little longer?Taking off - who wouldn't want to do that? At least once in a while, most of us would like to break out of the here and now, where everything seems familiar but also so stale and antiquated, and set…outofthematrix in blurt-192372 • 17 hours ago100K Blurt Power Delegation Contest @ Curators Community + Curation Report for @curationcoconut 🥥Hi all you beautiful, benevolent, bold, badass, brave, bright-eyed, brilliant, bubbly, bohemian, blissful, blessed, beguiling, boundless, breathtaking and buoyant BLURTARIANS! 🍀🙏🌞 If you want…boddhisattva in blurt-177869 • 18 hours agoShadows on the snowI always edit my pictures (mostly using Lightroom) and love sharing them with the community. I strongly recommend to open the photo in a separate tab to appreciate it. Samsung S22…blurtconnect-ng in blurt-131902 • 18 hours agoBLURTCONNECT-NG LARGE SCOPE CONTENTS REPORT N#407 // 2% to Null Blurtconnect Witness and Curators welcome you all to this brief recapitulation of posts in the communityoadissin in blurt-171001 • 18 hours agoSplinterlands Contest - Land Project may need more workforce - Be preparedDelegate reception has never been so easygodlovermel25 in instablurt • 18 hours agoMy Daily Blurt Post Day 11: We held our Monthly Minister's Meeting at the Beach Resort! 🥰😊😇Hello guys and all my Blurters friends! I just want to thank first of all my God who is in heaven for He didn't leave me in everyday of my life. He keeps on giving me strength and good health.…shariarahammad in blurt-1787181 • 19 hours agoNature is amazing, you can see nature up close.Hello friends, how are you all? I hope you are well and healthy. Today I have come to you with a beautiful blog again. I hope you will like it again today. There is beauty in every person in this…mdshahporan0278 in blurt-1787181 • 21 hours agoCalotropis Flower Photography Capturing the Beauty of the Crown Flower.Calotropis Flower Photography Capturing the Beauty of the Crown Flower. Calotropis, commonly known as the Crown Flower, is a beautiful and unique plant that has fascinated photographers and nature…kgakakillerg in art • 21 hours agoLife Is The Biggest Test by kgakakillerg London Artist (💯 Original content I post new creations daily)Hello friend's family followers stars good morning good afternoon good evening where ever you are around the world 🌎 🌍 🌍 🌍 🌍 🌍 I hope you all have a fantastic day today 🙏🏾 Ok I woke up…