Another week in paradise a focus on the farming

in blurtafrica •  3 years ago 

Wow another week has flown by since I posted a bit of an update on my life last monday.

Actually it was my highest voted post yet and hit #1 on the trending list. So thank you all for that love on that post.


I am still getting the hang of my new position and also my change in life. But it has been going great so far. Just some minor issue in the hotel, water pipe breaking and a flooded spa, and more water plant problems.

But life goes on. Mid week last week I made a quick trip to Accra. And stopped at my local beach I will do an update on the break water construction there very soon.


I spent a few evenings last week doing some more work on the farm land also. I would work in the evening and take a sunset bath in the sea to get all the dirt off of me. Dzigbordi joined me on Friday evening and found me in the field. She helped finish the day and spent the weekend with me.

Things got busy during the weekend though and I had some friends visit the resort also. So I did not get another chance to hit the farm until sunday.



While enjoying the evening on Saturday we witnessed this dead Cuttle fish wash up onto the beach. What a very beautiful creature. It was sad as it was a waste and we wonder what killed it.

Sunday night Dzigbordi and I got in a few hours on the farm and planted some seedlings that were waiting since Thursday when i picked them up from my other garden in the city.




also got some time to continue digging on my swale and leveling the bottom.



It is true two hands are better than one. While I as digging on the swale Dzigbordi was able to plant 2 beds with pepper seedlings and tomato seedlings from my garden in the city. We also planted some Papaya or Pawpaw along the berm. In the pictures you can see some feed bags. Before planting we amended the soil with some charcoal powder or bio char. This is scraps from the charcoal seller up the road that I picked up cheap. I also had some chicken droppings that I brought and mixed with the soil.







Yesterday was Monday and Dzigbordi had to go back to Accra where she teaches farming in a preschool and works for an urban farming company. Monday night I hit the farm again. At the resort we recently hired some new grounds keepers and they did a lot of pruning of the palms and other plants around the place. Rather than throwing it away or burning it I had them move it to the farm where I can put it in the swale and if we ever collect some water in it it will absorb it and release it slowly, shade the water form evaporation and slowly release nutrients as it breaks down.



I started this post yesterday but I fell asleep and did not get a chance to post it. So I will add today's update and how I have extended the swale and continue to fill it. The first swale here is basically finished I just need to level out the one and and fill it in. I can then finish creating the beds above it and planting. I will then move to below it. I am curious to see how everything holds up in a good thunder storm. We also have the dry season coming up in January and I am hoping to trap as much rain water in the soil as possible.


We got a little rain today but I am really hoping for more. I started a seedling bed today and I have all of the above seeds to plant also. I will plant some in beds. I will also plant some in zones along the berm depending on how much sun and water they like.

Shot with Huawei Y7 Prime phone and Iphone 8

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  ·  3 years ago  ·  

You are a hardworking person. You will be successful, hard work is a stepping stone to good luck. I pray that you will succeed in your every endeavor.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Thank you.

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  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Blurt Better! Thanks!

id place those leafy greens under cover - they will be massacrd in storms :-)

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

I will be doing a bamboo framework with the palm leaves set on top over the seedlings. Luckily for now only light rains. Not even enough to make me happy. I am looking for a good down pour to study the water flow some more and harvest some off the road and into the hillside. Luckily we don't get anything like hail here.