Long overdue first post of the year

in blurtafrica •  last year 


Hello blurt, I hope 2023 is treating you all well. This post is long overdue and I have not posted since middle of December when I reached my 500k bp goal. A lot has been going on in my world and this is very much the high season at the resort that I manage.

The last life and personal update blog I gave was in November after my son was born. And let me tell you a lot has happened since then and time is even more of a premium now with the little one around.


At the time my son was born, my mother in law was with us as is customary in Ghana so she can help take care of my wife post birth and also her duty is to give the child his first baths. She stayed on for about another 5 days after that. Within a week an a half my mother came to visit from the US. She stayed for about 3 week. Right before this I had to fire the accountant and second in command of the hotel I am working at and so I took many of these duties on myself. When my mother was here in the end of November and beginning of December is when business really started to pick up in the hotel and I started to get more busy.


My wife is an early sleeper and I am a night owl and so I would often be the one to take care of our little guy at night and try to get him to sleep. I still am not as good at this as I do not carry boobs which really helps him to get to sleep if he is snacking. But I would still do my best. This is usually the time I would spend on blurt. I have not been able to really write or post but I tried to at least hold my presence with the curation of the #blurtafrica community and also voting across the platform generally.


In the middle of November is when my mom came around. Bjorn was just a few weeks old then but it was still great that they got some time together.


She made an amazing quilt for Bjorn with animals and a lot of great colors and patterns. Sometimes he will lay in his crib and just look at it and study it.


She also brought us an amazing gift in the form of cotton diapers and water proof covers for them. This really helps us cut down on the amount of waste we produce and the cost of constantly using disposable diapers. Sadly though sometimes it is more work for my wife as she needs to do more washing.


The middle of December came around an my mothers trip came to an end. We dropped her off at the airport in Accra and had a little time to ourselves. We stayed with a friend in Accra and snapped this picture and the one below in the elevator.


Within 5 days my dad flew in, he was visiting some friends in Australia and then Vietnam. By this point Bjorn was about 5 weeks old and was beginning to really open his eyes and smile and become playful. Just in time to meet his grandpa.


Grandpa is a natural with babies having some experience with my sisters niece. He never would have imagined but he has really found part of his calling in being a grandparent. Each afternoon he would take Bjorn down to the beach and they would take a nap together under the palm trees. Bjorn has found a kindred spirit in the palm trees. Initially he just liked to look up in the leaves and enjoy their contrast with the bright blue sky beyond. But now he likes to get up close to the trunks, talk to them and even touch them. They always help to calm the boy.


Grandpa also came with a lot of great gifts. He came with these toys from my sister, a lot of clothes from a friend in Australia. And also the baby carrier that my sister picked out. I like it because it is simple to use, not too many straps, a cool light weight material for Bjorn, and it doesn't look like you are going to war when you wear it.


Christmas came around and we had some fully booked weekends at the resort and I was very busy. Dzigbordi has been recovering nicely from the birth and pregnancy as you can see and got in the spirit.


Grandpa really got to see Bjorn develop as he was with us when he got to two months old a the turn of the year. He enjoyed playing music for him, reading him books, playing with him. And of course their naps at the beach.



My dad got to spend a full month with us and left in the middle of January. It was tough saying good bye because we know we would miss him along with Bjorn.


Before going though we got to try some new craft beers in Accra by Tale. This was a Hibiscus IPA, we also tried a Ginger Triple and a Farm House Ale. I think my favorite was the Ginger Triple. This was a nice break from the simple English style Lagers that we normally have here.

After my Fathers departure, @dzigbordi's sister came to Ghana from Germany with her German husband and 2 kids. They went and visited family in the North of Ghana and eventually made it down to the resort where we had a birthday party for her first child who lives in Ghana.


We had an amazing spread of food, lobster, chicken, beef kebab, fried plantain, french fries, jollof rice, fried rice, tilapia, banku and more. They soon set off back to Germany. This has been our first full week alone with our son since he was born I think with all the coming and going of family. It has been rewarding but also exhausting with my work schedule also. Things continue to be busy on the weekends at the resort. Tomorrow is another busy Sunday so I better wrap up this post.

I plan to write again soon about some of the other activities we did when my dad was in town, a gallery visit, and a nice walk on the beach in the tidal pools at low tide. I also want to address #blurtafrica curation and some criticism I have received and I hope to seek some feedback from the community and see about the best way forward as we move through 2023.

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  ·  last year  ·  

Greetings to you sir,
😊Our little blurtian is growing so fast.

  ·  last year  ·  

He really is and coming out with so much personality and joy. It makes a dad proud. Thanks for stopping through and your upvote.

  ·  last year  ·  

You share fun moments with your family. Thank for sharing. May your family always be healthy ✨

  ·  last year  ·  

We thank you and wish the same for you and yours.

  ·  last year  ·  


  ·  last year  ·  

Welcome back!
I think you and me are same at posting. I have also posted after three or four months.
Your son is looking so cute.

  ·  last year  ·  

Thank you. Yes sometimes it is hard to find the time and motivation to do it but it is always nice to get back into the swing of things.

Yes he is a very good looking boy, we are all fortunate.

  ·  last year  ·  

I forgot to say you about my wedding. I have entered into my married life. I got married on 16th January 2023. You may see some activities in this post:

  ·  last year  ·  

I am very glad that your parents accompanied you in this important stage of your life.

The photos are great and I can see that Bjorn is growing up fast.

My best wishes to you and all your family, brother.

  ·  last year  ·  

Thank you brother. I am seeing you everywhere on blurt these days, good for you. Thanks for stopping buy, yes this boy is growing like a bamboo.

Your post showed beautiful photos of your family. I am so happy for you. It can be challenging at first when we become a father, but with the help of family members, I am sure it is going to be fine.
When you can spare some time to post on blurt, it will be a pleasure to catch up.
Thank you

Posted from https://blurtlatam.intinte.org

  ·  last year  ·  

Thank you for the warm welcome back and comment. Yes all things will get easier. I will work no posting more of course.

  ·  last year  ·  

Y'all look amazing. The kid, the grandparents (I love grandpa's beards).

Happy new year 💗🎊

  ·  last year  ·  

haha, thanks. Grandpa was asked numerous times if he was jesus. At one place a security guard asked if he was hulk hogan.

Congratulations, your post has been curated by @r2cornell-curate. Also, find us on Discord

Manually curated by @abiga554

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Felicitaciones, su publication ha sido votado por @r2cornell-curate. También, encuéntranos en Discord

  ·  last year  ·  

Thank you as always it is great to see you in my comment section.

  ·  last year  ·  

It is a great thing that your Mom and relatives would get to see each other considering that they are coming from another country @leifasaur
The quilt made by your Mom is truly superb! 👍
I'm wishing you more happiness plus more success for your business too.

Posted from https://blurtlatam.intinte.org

  ·  last year  ·  

Yes it is nice to have a supportive family with the means to bridge the distances between us.

Thank you for the comment.

  ·  last year  ·  

Congratulations your post has been curated by blurt-india

  ·  last year  ·  

Boss your kid looks beautiful congratulations for sharing your little kid baby with blurt family

  ·  last year  ·  

Thank you, your post has been upvoted by @blurttribe.

Curated manually by @obikay

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  ·  last year  ·  

Great post! It's great to see updates on your life and the new addition to your family.

It's impressive how you've been managing your personal life and your job as a hotel manager. Being a new parent can be challenging, but it's heartwarming to hear about your bond with your son, Bjorn.

Your father's visit and the role he played in caring for Bjorn is truly touching. The gift of cotton diapers and waterproof covers from your mother is a thoughtful and eco-friendly gesture. It's also great to see you taking time to relax with your family. Seeing your family when you live abroad is really good, even if the video calling tools allow you to keep in touch easily, being able to have your family with you for a few days is a real bonus.

Overall, it sounds like 2023 has been a busy but fulfilling year for you so far. All the best to you and your family! Great to see you back on Blurt 🎉

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