New: booksAll contentrewardsvideoblurtactifitkrgamesblurtgermanburnbotartnewslolzphotographywamphotographblurtblockr2cornellblurtlifecentzzanblurtindiaHotTrendingNewDAppsesecholo in books • 5 days agoAlmost There! Finalizing My Fantasy Novella & Preparing Exclusive Editions 🎉📚I'm excited to share that I'm almost finished with my short novel! The final task ahead is to complete the proofreading of my Fantasy novella and create an EPUB thumbnail for it. This project has…argenvista in books • 19 days agoBlow Fly by Patricia Cornwell, is an excellent detective novel, with a good reading pace and excellently constructed characters.Calliphora, de Patricia Cornwell, es una excelente novela policial, con un buen ritmo de lectura y personajes excelentemente construidos. ollasysartenes in literatura • 20 days agoMo Hayder's Pig Island is a well-constructed and smooth-reading thriller.La Isla de los Cerdos de Mo Hayder es un thriller bien construido y de lectura fluida.hugo1954 in books • 23 days agoLegítima Defensa es una gran novela de John Grisham, en su estilo más clásico.The Rainmaker is a great novel by John Grisham, in his most classic style. testarasta in books • 26 days agoDeath of a Blue Movie Star is Jeffery Deaver's second novel in the Rune series, which is definitely worth a read.Requiem para una Pornostar es la segunda novela de Jeffery Deaver de la serie dedicada a Rune, que definitivamente vale la pena leer.argenvista in books • 29 days agoIn The Last Precinct, Patricia Cornwell is skillful in describing the complex and unstoppable decline of Kay Scarpetta.En El Último Reducto Patricia Cornwell es hábil en describir el complejo e imparable declive de Kay Scarpetta.syedazharuddin in reading • 29 days agoThe Power of Reading: Why You Should Read Every DayThe Power of Reading: Why You Should Read Every Day Reading is one of the most powerful habits you can develop. Whether it's books, articles, or even short stories , reading every day can…ollasysartenes in literatura • last monthMo Hayder's The Devil of nanking is a novel that analyses, in a thriller style, a story of Japanese history that is little known to us: the Nanking Massacre.Nankin de Mo Hayder es una novela que analiza, en clave de thriller, una historia de la historia japonesa poco conocida por nosotros.hugo1954 in books • last monthJohn Grisham's The Chamberis about a true story and the subsequent death sentence of the accusedCámara de Gas de John Grisham trata una historia verdadera y la consiguiente condena a muerte del acusadotestarasta in books • last monthWith Manhattan Is My Beat Jeffery Deaver constructs an intense and atmospheric plot like a 1940s noir.Con Manhattan Jeffery Deaver construye una trama intensa y atmosférica como la de una película negra de los años 40.ollasysartenes in literatura • last monthMo Hayder's Treatment is undoubtedly a novel that takes perversion to a horrifying extreme.El Tratamiento de Mo Hayder es sin duda una novela que lleva la perversión hacia un horroroso extremo. hugo1954 in books • last monthEl cliente es una de las novelas más conocidas de John Grisham (y tal vez una de las mejores).The Client is one of John Grisham's best-known novels (and perhaps one of his best).argenvista in books • last monthBlack Notice is a novel in the Kay Scarpetta series, written by Patricia Cornwell with macabre clues and a disturbing signature.Identidad Desconocida es una novela de la serie Kay Scarpetta, escrita por Patricia Cornwell con pistas macabras y una firma inquietante.mohdrafi786 in reading • last monthThe Importance of Reading: How Books Can Transform Your LifeThe Importance of Reading: How Books Can Transform Your Life In a world dominated by screens and fast-paced content, the habit of reading books is often overlooked. However, reading is one of the…testarasta in books • 2 months agoRobert McCammon's The Five is probably his best novel (acclaimed by Stephen King himself).The Five de Robert McCammon, es, probablemente, su mejor novela (aclamada por el mismo Stephen King)ollasysartenes in literatura • 2 months agoBirdman by Mo Hayder is a thriller that borders on splatter. [ENG-ESP]Birdman, de Mo Hayder , es un thriller que raya en lo descontroladohugo1954 in books • 2 months agoEl Informe Peíicano es una de las mejores novelas de Grisham, una mezcla de thriller jurídico y acción. [ESP-ENG]The Pelican Brief is one of Grisham's best novels, a blend of legal thriller and action.argenvista in books • 2 months agoRed Mist by Patricia Cornwell is the nineteenth novel in the series centered on the legendary character of Kay Scarpetta.Niebla Roja de patricia Cornwell es la decimonovena novela de la serie centrada en el legendario personaje de Kay Scarpettaoffgridlife in trump • 2 months agoAdventures of Baron Trump, written in 1890I’m Reading about the complete destruction of the USA in this book written in 1890 … The Adventures of little Baron Trump. The final chapter is called. “The Last President” Adventures of…bluesky01 in blurt-188398 • 2 months agoBuku tulisBuku tulis yang ada beberapa. Buku tulis ini sesuai dengan namanya digunakan untuk menulis. Anak sekolah paling banyak menggunakan buku tulis. Dan biasanya di bawa ke sekolah. Buku tulis memiliki…