New: bridsAll contentkrblurtburnbotvideoactifitgamesphotographyartblurtgermanzzannewsblurtblocksteemr2cornellwamresearchadventurephotohealthdiscussionHotTrendingNewDAppsmarcosvaraskoli in r2cornell • last yearbridssveta91 in blurtimals • 3 years agoAlaskan MalamuteThe Alaskan Malamute is a very strong, intelligent and ancient dog of the aboriginal type, which is used to surviving in the harsh conditions of Alaska, at extremely low temperatures and with…sveta91 in blurtimals • 3 years agoAlapakhskiy bul'dogThe Alapaha Bulldog is a rare but very colorful breed. No less colorful is the history of beautiful animals. It all started when a Rebecca, Georgia farmer named Buck Lane decided to revive the…sveta91 in blurtimals • 3 years agoAkita inuThe Japanese Akita Inu dog is a legendary domestic animal of Japan, known to the locals since ancient times. Do not confuse the Japanese Akita and the American - they are different dogs. The…sveta91 in blurtimals • 3 years agoAzawakh (African Hound)Azawakh is an ancient and rare breed of dog that originated in the Sahara desert, namely in the Sahel region. In this region there is the Azawakh Valley - in fact, various legends and beliefs…sveta91 in blurtimals • 3 years agoAustralian HeelerThe Australian Heeler breed was bred in Australia, as the name implies, during the period of settlement of these areas by the British. People needed a strong, hardy and intelligent dog with a large…sveta91 in blurtimals • 3 years agoAustralian terrierThe Australian Terrier is a breed native to Australia, as you probably guessed from the name. However, despite the fact that the breed is considered Australian, it originated from British terriers…sveta91 in blurtimals • 3 years agoAkita InuThe breed got its name from the province of Akita, where it was bred. Recall that this province is geographically located on about. Honshu. In modern Japan, the Akita is one of the national…sveta91 in blurtimals • 3 years agoPink sea cucumberWith the light hand of marine biologists who studied the underwater life of the Caribbean, this deep-sea sea cucumber has received the name "headless chicken." Pink sea cucumber (lat. Enypniastes…sveta91 in blurtimals • 3 years agoOsmilidesClose relatives of lacewings, antlions and mantispas, osmilidae (lat. Osmylidae) are part of the little-studied Neuroptera family of lacewing insects, a characteristic feature of which is two pairs…sveta91 in blurtimals • 3 years agoColobus KirkIt is unlikely that this unique primate at least once in your life caught your eye. Colobus Kirk (lat.Piliocolobus kirkii) lives only in the south of the island of Zanzibar, and even then there are…sveta91 in blurtimals • 3 years agoScorpion Androctonus amoreuxiThe Androctonus amoreuxi scorpion is considered one of the most dangerous in the world. Its poison is extremely toxic, just one bite is enough for an adult and completely healthy person to instantly…sveta91 in blurtimals • 3 years agoShovel-nosed tree frogThe elongated, flattened nose of this indigenous inhabitant of the Mexican forests really resembles a miniature shovel, therefore, without further ado, scientists called it the shovel-nosed tree…sveta91 in blurtimals • 3 years agoOsmilidesClose relatives of lacewings, antlions and mantispas, osmilidae (lat. Osmylidae) are part of the little-studied Neuroptera family of lacewing insects, whose characteristic feature is two pairs of…sveta91 in blurtimals • 3 years agoScorpion tail spiderThese Australian natives are not venomous and are too small, and the only correct way for them to protect themselves was to pretend to be someone dangerous. Female scorpion-tailed spider (lat.…sveta91 in blurtimals • 3 years agoEight-spot crab spiderEight-spotted crab spider (lat. Platythomisus octomaculatus) is a real beauty! It seems as if it was specially painted with a thin brush. At the same time, the first segments of the legs, the…sveta91 in blurtimals • 3 years agoSmith's geckoNamed after Scottish zoologist and founder of the South African Museum of Natural History Andrew Smith, Smith's gecko (lat. Gekko smithii) is considered one of the largest geckos in the world and…sveta91 in blurtimals • 3 years agoRubber snakeThe closest relative of boas and anacondas, the rubber snake (lat. Charina bottae) is one of the “shortest” representatives of its family. Its dense, brownish-olive body grows only 60 cm, while the…sveta91 in blurtimals • 3 years agoSharpeiAh, those cute sausages, packed from head to toe in folds and folds of different sizes and shapes! It is impossible to remain indifferent while observing this miracle of nature, and even more so…sveta91 in blurtimals • 3 years agoJapanese ChinThe ancient Japanese were absolutely convinced that a miniature dog with silky long hair and an unearthly look of shiny dark eyes was the messenger of the gods, and nothing else. Therefore, in…