
in blurtimals •  3 years ago 

Close relatives of lacewings, antlions and mantispas, osmilidae (lat. Osmylidae) are part of the little-studied Neuroptera family of lacewing insects, a characteristic feature of which is two pairs of oval wings covered with a dense network of thin veins. Osmilidae are found all over the world, with the exception of North America, inhabiting damp, dark places near the shores of water bodies.

Fresh water is an important part of the life of these insects. On its banks, females lay oval white eggs, from which larvae hatch in less than a week. Their almost black torsos are decorated with golden splashes of various shapes.

Some osmilid larvae lead an aquatic or semi-aquatic lifestyle, while others prefer to live under stones or in cracks in tree bark. Young animals have special spiracles that allow them to leave their native reservoir for a while.

A source: https://www.zoopicture.ru/osmylidae/

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