Australian terrier

in blurtimals •  2 years ago 

The Australian Terrier is a breed native to Australia, as you probably guessed from the name. However, despite the fact that the breed is considered Australian, it originated from British terriers, which were imported by settlers. During the formation of the breed, various terriers interbred with each other until they got a small, but very funny and in many ways useful companion.

These dogs were first brought to England by employees of the diplomatic service in the first half of the 20th century, and the Australian Terrier received official recognition from the British Kennel Club in 1933. From the UK, the breed came to the United States, around the 40s, when military personnel and military journalists during the Second World War brought them with them from England.

The Australian Terrier needs to be brushed about 2 times a week, the dog needs to be bathed at least once a week or more often. Nails are trimmed 3 times a month, ears are cleaned 3 times a week, eyes are cleaned daily.

The Australian Terrier is a breed that loves games, fun, entertainment and all kinds of activities. In fact, the activity does not have to consist of games, because if you live in a private house, the dog will definitely try to hunt rats, dig a hole in the yard or dig a wormhole, even trying to get to its owner. So the perfect lawn or fresh garden bed is always at risk.


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