Scorpion Androctonus amoreuxi

in blurtimals •  3 years ago 

The Androctonus amoreuxi scorpion is considered one of the most dangerous in the world. Its poison is extremely toxic, just one bite is enough for an adult and completely healthy person to instantly find himself between life and death. And children and the elderly have practically no chance, they should not even come close to this scorpion.

Fortunately, Androctonus amoreuxi is not so easy to meet: it lives in the sandy areas and dunes of Africa and Asia. Since the sun constantly burns there during the day, the scorpion comes out of hiding only at dusk. It hunts for any prey that suits its size, because in the desert there is not much choice.

In captivity, it eats crickets, locusts and cockroaches with pleasure. True, due to the nasty nature of such a scorpion, only professionals can keep it. Very often it is shown at exhibitions of dangerous animals.

The light yellow body of Androctonus amoreuxi with a huge sting is immediately admired. And even relatively small claws do not spoil the picture at all: it only proves that with such a poison no other protection is needed. The body length of an adult scorpion ranges from 8 to 11 cm. The male from the female can be distinguished by the "comb" located in the lower part of the abdomen. Females have 18-20 teeth there, while males have 22 to 27.

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