New: bogorAll contentvideoblurtburnbotkractifitartgameszzanphotographylolznewswamblurtgermanr2cornellblurtblockaimusicjapanblurtindiaresearchfeclockHotTrendingNewDAppssantiintan in food • 3 years agoJalan-jalan ke Bogorfotosedjarah in history • 3 years agoBogor Palace, 1880 and 2017Photo: Carl E. Lang/ National Gallery of Australia Above is a photo of the Bogor Palace around 1880 which was taken from the Bogor Botanical Garden area. While below is a photo of the Bogor…fotosedjarah in history • 3 years agoKenari Street in Bogor Botanical Garden, 1880Photo: Carl E. Lang/ National Gallery of Australia The Bogor Botanical Garden is an icon of the city of Bogor. Anyone who goes to Bogor is incomplete if they have never visited the Bogor…fotosedjarah in history • 3 years agoBogor Palace, 1842Image: Adrianes Bik/ Atlas van Stolk Have you been to Bogor? If so, you certainly would not miss Bogor Palace. Because the complex is wide and very strategic, not far from Bogor Station. So…fotosedjarah in sejarah • 3 years agoIstana Bogor, 1880 dan 2017Foto: Carl E. Lang/ National Gallery of Australia Di atas adalah foto Istana Bogor pada sekitar tahun 1880 yang diambil dari area Kebun Raya Bogor. Sedangkan di bawah adalah foto Istana Bogor…fotosedjarah in sejarah • 3 years agoJalan Kenari Kebun Raya Bogor, 1880Foto: Carl E. Lang/ National Gallery of Australia Kebun Raya Bogor adalah ikon Kota Bogor. Siapapun yang ke Bogor rasanya belum lengkap bila belum pernah mengunjungi Kebun Raya Bogor. Lokasinya…fotosedjarah in sejarah • 3 years agoIstana Bogor, 1842Gambar: Adrianes Bik/ Atlas van Stolk Anda pernah ke Bogor? Jika iya, tentu tidak akan melewatkan Istana Bogor. Karena kompleksnya yang luas dan sangat strategis, tidak jauh dari Stasiun Bogor.…fotosedjarah in history • 3 years agoHotel du Chemin de Fer in Bogor, 1880Photo: Carl E. Lang/ National Gallery of Australia As a city close to Batavia, Buitenzorg received an abundance of development from the center of the Dutch East Indies. The cold weather of…fotosedjarah in history • 3 years agoSocieteit Building in Bogor, 1880Photo: Carl E. Lang/ National Gallery of Australia Since the transportation revolution with the advent of steamships and the opening of the Suez Canal, as well as the telecommunications…fotosedjarah in history • 3 years agoResidency Building in Bogor, 1880Image: Carl E. Lang/ National Gallery of Australia The photo above is the Residency Building (Residentiekantoor) in Bogor which was published by Carl E. Lang in the album van Buitenzorg book…fotosedjarah in sejarah • 3 years agoHotel du Chemin de Fer di Bogor, 1880Foto: Carl E. Lang/ National Gallery of Australia Sebagai kota yang dekat dari Batavia, Buitenzorg mendapat limpahan pembangunan dari pusat Hindia Belanda tersebut. Hawa dingin Buitenzorg…fotosedjarah in sejarah • 3 years agoGedung Societeit di Bogor, 1880Foto: Carl E. Lang/ National Gallery of Australia Sejak revolusi transportasi dengan hadirnya kapal uap dan pembukaan Terusan Suez, juga revolusi telekomunikasi dengan hadirnya telegraf membuat…fotosedjarah in history • 3 years agoPuncak Pass, 1880Image: Carl E. Lang/ National Gallery of Australia The Puncak route in West Java was part of Governor General Daendels' ambitious project to build the Jalan Raya Pos ( Grote Post Weg ) from…fotosedjarah in history • 3 years agoCisadane River in Bogor, 1880Image: Carl E. Lang/ National Gallery of Australia The photo above shows the atmosphere on a piece of the Cisadane River in Bogor circa 1880 published by Carl E. Lang. We can see that the…fotosedjarah in sejarah • 3 years agoGedung Karesidenan di Bogor, 1880Foto: Carl E. Lang/ National Gallery of Australia Foto di atas adalah Gedung Karesidenan ( Residentiekantoor ) di Bogor yang diterbitkan oleh Carl E. Lang dalam buku Album van Buitenzorg…fotosedjarah in history • 3 years agoChinatown Area in Bogor, 1880Image: Carl Lang/ National Gallery of Australia Ethnic Chinese have long been part of one of the tribes in the archipelago. The turbulent and war-torn land of China made many Chinese migrated…syarrf in instablurt • 3 years agoDagelan2fotosedjarah in history • 3 years agoMosque in Kampung Empang, Bogor circa 1880Image: Carl Lang/ National Gallery of Australia The photo above is the scene in front of a mosque in Kampung Empang, Bogor, circa 1880, published by the publisher Carl Lang. We can see a large…fotosedjarah in sejarah • 3 years agoSungai Cisadane di Bogor, 1880Foto: Carl Lang/ National Gallery of Australia Foto di atas memperlihatkan suasana di sepotong aliran Sungai Cisadane di Bogor sekitar tahun 1880 yang diterbitkan oleh penerbit Carl Lang.…fotosedjarah in sejarah • 3 years agoKawasan Pecinan di Bogor, 1880Foto: Carl Lang/ National Gallery of Australia Etnis Tionghoa telah lama menjadi bagian dari salah satu suku di Nusantara. Tanah Tiongkok yang bergejolak dan dilanda peperangan membuat banyak…