Only Screenshots left & after that I can submit apps to AppStore PlayStore

in blurt •  last year 

Hello Blurt Community Members,

With this post, I am going to share updates on the mobile app.

Earlier upload has issues.

  • Previous Upload has some issues.
  • I forgot to add Photo-gallery access related permission string
  • Due to this, That build is no longer valid for submitting to the AppStore.
  • Here is the preview of how a failure message from apple would look like.


Process of Submitting the App to the AppStore.

  • I fixed necessary issues.
  • Compiled the app again.
  • Uploaded the build to the AppStore.
  • Now, we are all set to submit the app to appstore.


oh no! Wait. I missed a bigger task

  • Due to redesign of the whole application, I am now required to upload new screenshots.
  • I'll prepare few screenshots soon.
  • As soon as those are ready, I'll upload & submit app to AppStore.


What's the status on GooglePlayStore?

  • I purchased a new Google Play Store account.
  • Got my identity approved by Google.
  • I've uploaded the build.
  • On Google play store also, I am yet to generate screenshots.


Can someone help me here?

  • Do we have good designer in Blurt Community?
  • Does someone want to put a good fancy screenshots on GooglePlayStore & Apple's AppStore?
  • Please leave your comments in the comment-section below.

What's next?

  • Prepare screenshots for AppStore
  • Prepare screenshots for GooglePlayStore
  • Submit app to AppStore
  • Submit app to PlayStore

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  • My curation bot (or I've) decided to ❤️ love the posts of following users.
  • Don't forget to motivate below mentioned users by clicking the links provided.


Have a good one

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nice post

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