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As he relates his unfairness, my natural inclination is to support him.…charmingking1 in blurttribe • 2 years agoQuestions?source I don't usually appreciate inquiries from strangers. I don't always listen well when I'm pressed for time or when I have suspicions about someone's motives. I rebuff questions that I…charmingking1 in blurttribe • 2 years agoGod will never forget us!source The Lord never forgets His people. While they are away from home serving in a faraway country, he does not forget about them. He is aware of their valiant fight against health…charmingking1 in blurttribe • 2 years agoMy God livessource In fact, because of our faith in the Lord's much loved son Jesus, He has adopted us rather than leaving us as orphans. Without trust in Christ, a person is left to navigate life on…charmingking1 in blurttribe • 2 years agoStructured Bondingsource Structure provides our life with a clear path to follow. Without structure, we impulsively respond to every situation or person. One day, Secure environments are a result of stable…charmingking1 in blurttribe • 2 years agoMaking the Most of Yourselfsource Strongholds in life Strongholds are Satan's attempt to choke the saints of God of their spiritual vitality. The enemy assaults relentlessly and is constantly looking to pass…charmingking1 in blurttribe • 2 years agoHappy weekendsource A soul grows unhealthily when expectations are harmful. Unrealistic expectations of others and ourselves breed discontentment and a life without joy. We could fake a smile out of…charmingking1 in blurttribe • 2 years agoRejoice in Lifesource We can choose to live a "drive-through dining" lifestyle, rushing from one activity to the next, or a "sit down dinner" one, savoring the compassionate company of others.…charmingking1 in blurttribe • 2 years agoIS EVERYONE THAT IMPORTANT?source Comparing ourselves is one of the greatest breakdowns of humanity. And how versatile we utilize such a technology is beyond odd. When we stack our limited successes against those of…charmingking1 in blurttribe • 2 years agoDispute Resolutionsource Christians avoid confrontation. Although Jesus taught that it is spiritual, other people think it is unspiritual. Healthy disagreement is essential for interpersonal and spiritual…charmingking1 in blurttribe • 2 years agoGood deedssource Good deeds aren't all that bad. They're great. We ought to be required to perform things as Christians. We shouldn't let the fact that we are not saved by our deeds keep us from…charmingking1 in blurttribe • 2 years agoWhen God lifts yousource Nothing compares to having God as your companion in life. Given that man is constrained and unable to prevent himself from becoming overwhelmed by life's constraints, doing as you…charmingking1 in blurttribe • 2 years agoThe Tongue: A powerful weaponsource One of our body's sense organs, the tongue was primarily created so that we could communicate and consume food. These are the primary factors that God considered when designing the…charmingking1 in blurttribe • 2 years agoA Dishonest Loversource Pornography is an unfaithful lover; at its worst, it is devastating. The photos are flirty, offering shallow closeness. That may offend the Lord and those who love Him, but it only…charmingking1 in blurttribe • 2 years agoForgive One Another | Na-agbaghara ibe unusource Until the one giving the gift is at peace with the person who is more significant to God than the offering, the gift is unacceptable to the Lord. To seek forgiveness from God without…charmingking1 in blurttribe • 2 years agoMeditationsource A lawsuit is not a possibility for two Christians since there would be no distinction between those who follow Jesus and those who do not because there are no differences in values…charmingking1 in blurttribe • 2 years agoMoney 💰source Money betrays by making erroneous promises and having dual loyalties. It seductively draws in a once-godly ambition and transforms it into a plan to make money at whatever cost.…charmingking1 in blurttribe • 2 years agoBecome more hospitablesource The needs of those close to us might be overwhelming: sick kids, elderly parents, friends without jobs, prodigal teenagers, and acquaintances struggling under mounting debt. Their…