The Covid situation here in Canada is changing. Despite every effort by corrupt health officials, media, and government, Covid hospitalization and deaths are plunging toward zero, and much of the public is refusing to take anymore toxic mRNA injections. They will need a new tactic in 2023 if they want to retain control over the Canadian populace!

Official Covid numbers
After Omicron subsided, to justify continued restrictions and mandates on the people, the government changed how they record and display Covid data. For example, any death within 30 days of a positive Covid test (or even a suspected Covid case) is counted as a death from Covid, even if the person was hit by a bus, stabbed to death, dropped suddenly after a booster shot, or died of cancer. Every death is counted as a Covid death unless there's absolutely no possible way it could have been Covid. This keeps the numbers inflated to several times their real level.
Even so, numbers of hospitalizations and deaths have been dropping ever since. Here are the latest data from my province, British Columbia:

The dashed line is when they changed how they calculate hospitalizations and deaths to keep numbers up. Even though Omicron was over, hospitals were emptying out, and life was going back to normal, notice the spike in deaths in May/June 2022. This spike never actually happened in real life, and only appears on the chart because of the accounting trickery. Also notice how deaths remain higher than they were between waves in the past. This also has not been seen in real life and only exists in the falsified data. Pretty scandalous. This is how they justify fearmongering in the media, and continuing "vaccine" mandates for groups like healthcare workers (leading to a staffing shortage and patients dying unnecessarily).
Here are some recent numbers for supposed Covid deaths in BC:

See the fine print where they admit the death figures include non-Covid deaths?
Despite the trickery, notice how the number of supposed deaths are falling quickly each week. This is despite nonstop fearmongering in the media telling us a new "Kraken" variant has taken over... a sort of super-Omicron mutation which is more transmissible than anything we saw before. I'm just not seeing it. Even my fully-vaxxed inlaws, who have been sick nonstop since Halloween, seem to be recovering somewhat lately. Shops are full of unmasked people doing their normal thing, nobody's sick, nothing is going on. Herd immunity has been reached and each additional variant is barely noticed.
Numbers for all of Canada are similar:

The red line is where we changed how we calculated deaths to artificially increase the numbers. Even so, deaths across the country have been low and stable for 10 months now. There's just nothing happening, even though they call every death from respiratory illnesses (like in old age homes) "Covid", and even though they call a lot of deaths by mRNA injection "Covid" as well.
There's pretty much no Covid here, and if there is, most of us aren't affected by it.
Vaxxine uptake
Trudeau (our false, globalist, lying non-leader) claims almost every Canadian is vaxxinated. While it's true that about 4 in 5 of us took the first shot, and maybe the second, very few people have taken one since late 2021. Official numbers show less than 1 in 4 Canadians are staying current with their Covid shots:

People here have realized that Covid isn't dangerous anymore, if it ever was, and that the mRNA injections are dangerous. The risk-reward ratio just doesn't justify taking more shots, except for the most brainwashed statists and media followers.
Just in the first 2 weeks of 2023, we've seen nonstop evidence that the so-called "vaccines" should be avoided at all costs:
- Science not allowed in discussion around Hamlin's sudden collapse
- Majority of Americans now believe Covid-19 shots are killing a lot of people!
- 2023 is the year they stop pretending mRNA injections are safe
- Data shows deaths in Canada spiking in 2021 and 2022
- CDC forced to release VAERS safety analysis - No wonder they were hiding it!
- Author of study reviewing original mRNA safety data now says STOP THE SHOT!
- Lisa Marie Presley has died suddenly of cardiac arrest at 54
- CDC admits Pfizer mRNA injection may cause strokes!

Speaking of dying suddenly...
In late 2021, at the height of the mRNA injection madness, CNN interviewed Dr. Rashid Buttar, calling him "crazy" for his anti-vaxxine stance and alternative treatments for cancer. Buttar is an accomplished doctor and surgeon in North Carolina and was interviewed by CNN's Drew Griffin.
"High-profile doctors spreading Covid-19 disinformation collectively reach millions of Americans, and a dangerous number of people believe their falsehoods. CNN speaks to one of these doctors and counters each incorrect statement with the truth. CNN's Drew Griffin reports."
CNN posted the video to their YouTube page, titling it "I think you're crazy". Griffin badgered Buttar over and over about his methods for treating cancer (which are more successful than conventional chemo and radiation), calling him a nut, psycho, dangerous disinformation agent, and so on. Griffin, a raging Trump-hater and Covid vaccine advocate, had zero credentials in medicine and obviously no knowledge on the topics being covered. He continued to mock the doctor, who remained calm and gave logical reasoning for each of his statements. The interview is hard to watch, knowing how completely off-base Griffin is on literally every point being discussed, especially Buttar's "anti-vaxx" stance. Dr. Buttar gave his expert opinion on why the mRNA injections are unsafe, which Griffin called "insane".

About a year after the interview, just before Christmas 2022, Drew Griffin's family unexpectedly announced he had died suddenly from cancer. They said it was a long battle, but the cancer had gone from remission to suddenly aggressive and deadly. He was 60 years old.
Dr. Rashid Buttar continues to practice medicine, spread knowledge of the dangers of Covid injections, and save lives with his alternative cancer therapies.
Covid "vaccine" led to quick cancer death in my friend
I have some sad news about a man I met through the freedom community during the Covid lockdowns. I became friends with him and his elderly father, both of whom attended the local rallies regularly. He had a brain tumor that was difficult to cure, and seemed to be slowly progressing year by year, but maintained a pleasant personality and drive to fight for freedom.
In late 2021, due to my knowledge of using cannabis to treat cancer, the man's father asked me if I would create a batch of oil for his son, and teach them how to administer it. I was more than happy to do so, and posted about it here. I have not posted an update about it until now, as I was pretty demoralized by the outcome.
About Christmastime, the family informed me the patient was having trouble understanding the dosing, so I explained it to them in detail, and made a post about it here, to help others with the same issue. I then heard back that things were going well, the patient was adjusting to the effects, and the brain tumor seemed to be calming down. His thinking and coordination weren't getting worse. They told me a story about how he had accidentally taken too much at Christmas, was giddy around the elderly parents, and they all had a good laugh. Things seemed to be going well, despite the type of tumor he had being incredibly hard to treat, and almost always fatal.
Sadly, the patient succumbed to pressure from the media, and took a Covid mRNA booster shot in early 2022. By February, the tumor had started to grow again, and he was too unwell to attend the Freedom Convoy rally we had near our town. By March, he was dead.
The family, also good friends of mine through the freedom rallies and private functions, was devastated. They had hoped not to have to bury their adult son. I was quite upset I wasn't able to do more, but don't regret trying. I'm happy he was able to get some symptom relief from the cannabis oil, a couple months of remission, and was well enough to enjoy one last Christmas with his family. I only wish he hadn't taken that Covid shot. We'll never know if that's what did him in, but everybody who was close to him said they wish he had not taken it, as he went immediately steadily downhill afterward.
Many are calling the mRNA injections "the cancer enhancer", as it seems to knock patients out of remission into fullblown disease. This is the kind of thing we are only seeing the first waves of now. It likely won't be known or officially admitted for several years just how deadly the shots are for cancer patients, or if they cause cancers themselves. As soon as they came out, we discovered serious allergies, clotting, and things like Bell's palsy. We now know about the heart problems, strokes, and lung damage. Neurological conditions, autoimmune, and cancers seem to be next to get official acknowledgement. And who knows about ultra-long term effects? There's a reason vaccines have always been tested for 10-15 years in the past. Some drugs take 20-40 years to be identified as dangerous, like those that cause generational adverse events, not showing up until the following generation tries to reproduce. We simply don't know after just 2 years of testing and use on the public.
It was a pleasure to do my best to help my friend and his elderly parents in their fight against his brain cancer. I will always remember fighting for freedom alongside them.

Covid was never a major threat, and in 2023 isn't even remotely dangerous enough to call a pandemic. Restrictions and mandates have only partially been lifted here in Canada. Thankfully, more and more people are aware of the scam, and know how unsafe the mRNA injections are, leading to incredibly low compliance with the boosters. Here's hoping this year will bring even more awareness, the end of remaining mandates, and peace, healing, and justice for those who have been harmed around the world.
I had a friend that I was informed had cancer and he died within 6 weeks of his diagnosis. I am led to believe he was jabbed he was also a very fit and active man of 50 year's of age at the time. This happened about one year ago. To go from no issues to dead from cancer in 6 weeks seems really quick and I suspect the jab brought it all on so fast.
Our immune system is what keeps cancerous cells in check... when that is busy clearing spike proteins, it can't do its regular job....
Sorry about your friend.
Thanks as he is well missed.
My best friend got a blood clot and fell down dead in the hallway outside his apartment last year. His wife won't say why the blood clot happened, although he did have an issue with clots years ago. He was fine for a long time so the timing is pretty suspicious, and I remember him defending the masks and shots before he died, I think he may have fallen for the narrative. Now his widow is raising their 2 little guys alone.
My Sister is just out of hospital with bloodclots in her liver. 3x jabbed...
Sorry to hear that, wow. I hope she'll be alright. Bloodclots in the liver is serious, but not something you hear about very often (until the past year or two).
Thanks, she won't be the same again. It is the evil nature of this "society" we live in.
Dr. Rashid Buttar, that guy saying crazy stuff about COVID...oh wait, it's all coming true he just stuck his neck out and said it too soon. Funny that his Wiki page says he's a conspiracy theorist first and an orthopedic surgeon second. Wow, if I knew being a conspiracy earned you a title....
So sad to hear that buddy! May he rest in love! 🕯️❤️🌈
We all do what we can... No regrets! 🙏
That's wonderful
So you mean that there is no more Covid in Canada
So why are people still taking the booster?
Here in the West we have a very powerful state-run media, such as CNN in the USA, and CBC here in Canada. Many people still believe their propaganda and consider it trustworthy. They use "experts" to tell the public what to do, and a certain number of people go along with it. They are told anyone or anything that tells them otherwise is lying to them and trying to feed them "disinformation" so they must listen only to the television, newspaper, and radio for official government-approved messages. It is dark and cold here this time of year, leading to more colds and flus, and the government tells people that most of these illnesses are due to Covid, so they better take more Covid vaxxines. It is quite tragic to witness. My parents are among the brainwashed and they think I'm crazy. I have a degree in nursing and 1500+ hours research on this topic, they simply do what they are told by the state.
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