New: fullmoonAll contentvideoburnbotkrblurtactifitartnewsgamesr2cornellblurtgermanzzanphotographyaimusicblurtblockmemelolzwamblurtlifeblurtindiablurtafricaHotTrendingNewDAppsbeben in bnwphotography • 7 months agoBlack And White Photography # 28-07-2024Rules to follow in this Black & White photography challenge: Your own photo Black and white images that represent any positive meaning in life Present one or two image every…beben in bnwphotography • 8 months agoBlack And White Photography # 04-07-2024Rules to follow in this Black & White photography challenge: Your own photo Black and white images that represent any positive meaning in life Present one or two image every…nainaztengra in photography • last yearThe Night of Full MoonIt's always nice to soak up in the energies of the Full moon. Last night was full moon and the eclipse also and besides that another one major event was there which was the appearance of Jupiter.…saraah in moonchild • last yearThe Enigmatic Moon Child PhenomenonHave you ever heard of the Moon Child phenomenon? It is a mysterious and fascinating idea. Some people believe that when a child is born during a full moon they possess special powers and a strong…nainaztengra in nature • 2 years agoThe Full Moon scenes from my WindowLast evening was a Full Moon night. I was out for the evening, but I wanted to make sure that I would spend some time in Meditation after returning back home. It was the Flower Moon. Every full moon…moonm00n in krpool • 2 years ago갑작스런전화어제 점심시간에 갑작스레 둘째 어린이집에서 전화가 걸려왔다. 전화가 오지 않을 시간에 오는 전화는 보통 좋지 않은 소식인데… 슬픈예감은 틀리지 않는다. 둘째가 놀이터에서 놀다가 벤치 모서리에 부딪쳤는데 심하게 다친 것 같아 전화를 하였다 한다. 일단 사진을 보내달라하여 확인하니 병원을 갈 정도는 아니어서 그냥 있었는데 하원 후 살펴보니 꽤…nainaztengra in fullmoon • 2 years agoLast evening Sunset and Full Moon moodsYesterday was the last full moon of the year. Nothing very special about it just that it is a time of high energy and manifestation and since it's the year ending time and very soon the New Year…abbak7 in hive-193552 • 2 years agoTonight's Full Moon pics..This report was published via Actifit app ( Android | iOS ). Check out the original version here on actifit.iomoonm00n in krpool • 3 years ago추석연휴 마지막날~연휴의 마지막날은 항상 별다른 스케쥴없이 집에서 쉬는 것 같네요. 휴직후 주말의습격을 받았었는데 방학의역습 이후 명절의대반격마저 무사히 잘 넘겼네요ㅋㅋ 내일부터 아이들은 학교와 어린이집으로~ 다다음주 제주여행을 위해 체험학습신청서도 제출하고 짐도 싸면서 다음주를 보낼 듯 합니다~moonm00n in krpool • 3 years ago추석연휴~추석연휴가 빠르게 지나가고 있습니다~ 오늘은 처갓집에 다녀왔습니다. 저녁에 산책을 하다 첫째가 초상화 그려주는걸 보더니 하고 싶다길래 시간을 들여 그렸네요ㅋㅋ 하고싶은게 많은 나이 같네요~ 추석연휴가 화살같이 흘러가는 느낌입니다~moonm00n in krpool • 3 years ago추석~가족들과 모여 먹는 어머니 음식… 이것보다 더 좋은게 있나 싶네요~ 배부르고 등따시니 신선이 된 듯 합니다 허허 둘째 녀석이 컨디션이 좋지 않아 힘이 없네요. 병원을 다녀와 약을 먹었는데 얼른 낫기를… 와이프는 간만에 친구를 만나러 잠시 나갔는데 즐거운 시간을 보내고 있는지 연락이 없네요ㅋㅋ 즐거운 한가위가 이렇게 지나가고 있습니다~moonm00n in krpool • 3 years ago즐거운 한가위 되세요~더도말고 덜도말고 한가위만 같아라~ 휴직중 맞이하는 찻번째 명절 추석이네요. 많은 일들이 있어지만 휴직하길 참 잘한 것 같습니다. 올해 남은 날 마무리 잘하고 내년 한가위도 무탈하게 맞이하고 싶네요ㅋㅋ 화이팅!! 다들 즐거운 한가위 되세요~~kenny-crane in hive-193552 • 3 years agoMy Actifit Report Card: August 11 2022 - Full Moon!9K on another hot and humid day. It was slightly raining when I took my walk tonight but I didn't mind it. The drizzle cooled me a bit. I was happy to see a big beautiful perfect full moon above…yayogerardo in blurt • 3 years agoBLURT Moons of 2021 on Ionomy exchangeA common thing I found from other crypto traders is that they use the dates of the full moon to find patterns. The moon is a powerful emotional manipulator as it controls the waters of our life…nainaztengra in fullmoon • 3 years agoThe Night of Full MoonFor the last few months I was unable to do my Full Moon rituals. Last Night being the Full Moon I felt like doing it after a very long time. I like to go with my heart, if I do not feel like doing…