The Night of Full Moon

in fullmoon •  2 years ago 

For the last few months I was unable to do my Full Moon rituals. Last Night being the Full Moon I felt like doing it after a very long time. I like to go with my heart, if I do not feel like doing something I do not push myself, specially in these kind of things where it's all about energy. Last night was the Blood Full Moon, on this we see the Moon a little darken from the normal and with a reddish hue. There are mechanics behind this, it is based on the position of the Sun, the Moon and the Earth's atmosphere. And this can be seen from only some parts and not from all across.

The best part of the Full Moon is to see it rising. It looks bigger and has a beautiful reddish hue in the rising. Once it is up then it will look just the normal silver bright Moon. The energies are high in the rising of the full moon and it stays for 2 to 3 days, a day prior and the day later are a good time to sow seeds of anything that you wish to start new or want to manifest.

On the night of Full Moon there is excess splurge in the energy levels, the energy of the full moon is directly connected with our human life. We observe a lot of behavior changes. Specially for Children, during these days you will observe some Children with very erratic behavior. Many school teachers also complain that during the Full moon time their Children behave more aggressive. Hence it is so much advisable to do Meditation to be in a stable state. While some people can go very low in these days, some people can also go on very highs, be it whatever both are not very good. There needs to be a balance and the body to be compatible to deal with these high and low energy fluctuations.
Release and Restore is what works best in these days, hence when one can sit and spend some quiet moments with self it will settle on the disturbances within.

During the full moon there is high tide, the nature also gets impacted with it. If the whole of Ocean gets disturbed then how will our body not? 70% of our body is water hence we will feel this emotional turbulence within us. It would be best to be patient and calm and talk less as much as possible, release resistance and not to be too emotional.

At my Altar cleared up the space and then spent some time in Meditation. I like to soak myself into the Crystals energy during this time.


From my window I could see the Moon


This picture was sent to me by my friend from SFO. In this one I can see the reddish hue

A night relaxed evening it was and I had a peaceful night after this.

Thank you for visiting my blog. 👼🏻👼🏻💖💖🌹🌺🌸

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