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Originating from tropical regions of the Americas, this small shrub is famous…arifaakter1 in blurtconnect • 7 months agoগরু ছাগল পালনের উপকারিতা।গরু ও ছাগল পালনের মাধ্যমে কৃষকরা বিভিন্ন ধরনের উপকারিতা লাভ করতে পারেন, যা তাদের জীবনযাত্রার মান উন্নত করতে সাহায্য করে। প্রথমত, গরু ও ছাগল মাংস ও দুধের গুরুত্বপূর্ণ উৎস হিসেবে পরিচিত। গরুর দুধ…mspbro in blurtconnect • 7 months agoMY DSLR CAMERA PHOTOS.Hello Everyone... Your friend MSPBRO is Here.. Friend i love photography. I have DSLR Camera. Camera model Canon1300D. The Canon EOS 1300D is an entry-level DSLR camera that is well-regarded for…mspbro in blurtconnect • 8 months agoPaddy planting season is going on.How are you all friends I hope you are all well. I'm fine too. Friends, now is the season of planting rice. Now the farmers are very busy planting paddy. The farmer has planted some small rice…mspbro in blurtconnect • 8 months agoBenefits of Akanda leaves.Akanda Gram is a well-known herbal plant of Bengal. Many of us know about this plant but we don't know about its exact properties. This plant is a medium-sized plant that looks like a bush. This…mspbro in blurtconnect • 8 months agoDo not take medicine, eat green chilies.Green chillies add flavor to food. Just what? Chili acts like medicine. Eating one green pepper every day will silently cure thousands of diseases. We all know that green chillies fulfill the…mspbro in blurtconnect • 8 months agoAmazing corn plant.Hello friends how are you all hope everyone is fine I am fine too guys today I see an amazing thing. Friends today I see a corn plant. These corn plants are from some fallen corn. Which looks…mspbro in blurtconnect • 9 months agoSo many medicinal properties of Shvetadrona.White-dron is a species of Leucus genus in the Lamiaceae family. Although in different regions of the world where it grows, it is known by different names. Its scientific name is Leucas aspera and…mspbro in blurtconnect • 9 months agoCarolina horsenettle Flower.Assalamu Alaikum to my dear Bengali blog brothers and sisters, Muslim brothers and sisters. Greetings and greetings to the brothers and sisters of Sanatan Dharma and to the brothers and sisters who…mspbro in blurtconnect • 9 months agoEucollectors become millionaires by selling trees.Nowadays everyone wants to earn good income. However, this income is possible without a job. He just needs to set the right goal and walk on that path. You can also earn millions through farming…mspbro in blurtconnect • 9 months agoOur Jackfruit tree.The summer fruit is jackfruit. Although it is our national fruit, many people do not like to eat this fruit. But the quality of jackfruit is not only in the fruit, but in the whole tree. As it has…mspbro in blurtconnect • 9 months agoBenefits of eating Helancha greens.Helencha or Hincha Shak is very familiar to many. But many people do not know what happens when they eat this vegetable. There are many natural elements around us that we are not aware of their…mspbro in blurtconnect • 9 months agoBenefits of eating raw vegetables.Hellow Everyone... Doctors recommend eating plenty of vegetables to stay healthy. One such useful vegetable is green leafy vegetables. The benefits and nutritional value of green leafy vegetables…mspbro in blurtconnect • 10 months agoUse of henna leaves as a remedy.Many people do not know about the use of henna leaves as a remedy. Usually, henna is used to decorate women and to dye men's hair and beards. But it has many medicinal properties. Ali Ibn Ubaidullah…mspbro in blurtconnect • 10 months agoA vegetable yellow flower.Assalamu Alaikum friends, How are you all, I hope you are all well. I'm fine too. Friends today I came to a vegetable garden in this vegetable garden there are lots of vegetables and different…arifaakter1 in blurtconnect • 10 months agoআমার বাড়ির পাশের সুন্দর পরিবেশ দৃশ্য।আসসালামু আলাইকুম বন্ধুগণ। সবাই কেমন আছেন আশা করি সবাই ভাল আছেন। আল্লাহর রহমতে আমিও ভাল আছি। বন্ধুগণ প্রাকৃতিক পরিবেশ দেখতে আমার খুবই ভালো লাগে। তাই আমি মাঝেমধ্যে বিভিন্ন প্রাকৃতিক সৌন্দর্য উপভোগ…mspbro in r2cornell • 10 months agoOur national fruit jackfruit.Hello friends how are you all. Hope everyone is well. Friends our national fruit is jackfruit. Jackfruit is the only fruit of our Bangladesh which grows very large in the morning. This fruit is…mspbro in blurtconnect • 10 months agoHow Chichinga Cultivation comes with 100% success.Hello Everyone... Chichinga grows best in warm and humid climates. Chichinga can be grown at any time of the year in Bangladesh except for two or three months of winter. Chichinga can be grown in…mspbro in blurtconnect • 10 months agoCultivation method of bitter gourd.Bitter gourd is a crop suitable for hot and humid climates. It is a tolerant plant. Its yield is possible even in fairly dry climates. Bitter gourd cannot tolerate waterlogging. Again, excessive…