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well a wild guess would be Rothschild ? It has Roth in it anyway ;-)

  ·  3 years ago  ·   (edited)

Astaroth, in demonology, is the Great Duke of Hell in the first hierarchy with Beelzebub and Lucifer; he is part of the evil trinity. He is a male figure most likely named after the Near Eastern goddess Astarte.

Astaroth's seal (according to The Lesser Key of Solomon

well maybe he is channeling thru the Rothschild family lol

I actually channeled lucifer once and he wasn’t bad he just transcended duality he was different to the devil we know. He was purposely demonised to encourage us to follow rules For fear of good vs bad. That’s what I picked up anywyas.

You can't trust anything they tell you, they're just like politicians for lying and it's well known satanists lie,mirror and project. They always said the devil will present as a charming and handsome do-gooder. Those pics of the red faced horned devil are obviously hollywood nonsense.

Yeah I heard that before although it actually resonated for me. We like to demonise things so people don’t see the truth sometimes. I don’t really believe Lilith was a demon either.

yeh I get what ur saying, it's like light and dark some say you need both for either to exist but I say dark is just an absence of light, as black is an absence of colour, maybe 'evil' is just an absence of good or rather love.

well yes the message was there is no such thing as good or bad, good and bad only exists in a world of duality. By believing in either good or bad we are keeping ourselves trapped in a matrix of duality.

this actually resonates to me as I had been drawing those conclusions anyway. That we create our own reality and we just create from our thoughts and our patterns, by judging what we create we are not taking responsibility for it, it's hard to do though but there are none dual paths.

I'm not so sure I can create my own reality at all coz this one stinks. maybe it is all scripted beforehand. Or can others with more power influence my reality? As in spells which 'they' seem to be doing a lot of.

when I say create, I mean your beliefs etc create, so if for example you think your life sucks, you begin to tell yourself the story your life sucks, you then go around and say to others your life sucks you are affirming your life sucks, so it has no option but to go on sucking and give you more and more evidence it sucks. There are the two options really and I have always flipped between the two and they both seem to work in different ways. One way is to lie to oneself over and over till it becomes a reality. I did this with guys, I used to always say bad stories about my connections and that strong soul connections didn't want to commit blah blah blah, they are always runners and afraid of connections, or make excuses, then say they were narcissists lol etc . After a year or so of constant repetition that men loved committing to me, they always worked through anything that came up to be with me, had always wanted to commit to me etc and only saying the things I wanted and not engaging in any stories that I did not want I got into a relationship with a strong connection super easily. I found everywhere I went I would meet great guys who wanted to commit almost immediately, by this point I didn't even want them as had someone already. But I switched my beliefs by repetition of what I wanted as if it was already the case rather than constantly moan to friends about what I didn't;/ Once I stopped doing it I saw just how much people moan about guys, when they asked me and I would now say oh everything is going super well it's all good, they just didn't speak any more because they only really knew how to bitch about guys, and of course in their reality they had a lot to bitch about. This is just an example but it applies to everything I also did it or am doing it with money. Having said that it can make you feel a bit like you are 'trying' hard it's not really the path of none duality which is to surrender and accept everything and just give it no reaction or energy. That does seem to bring a greater feeling of joy and love but then at times I think it is important to really work on re wiring built in beliefs. I often listen to binearals and subliminals as they go straight into the subconicous. Of course this is just my journey, I am not saying everyone has to believe in it but it worked for me on pretty much every area of my life.

The truth is I don't know for sure and no-one does about how individual personalities affect the one consciousness. My gut feeling is there are timelines playing out and scripts but we can create our own little bubble of freedom within that. So for example someone can say you have to wear a mask but your local shop never asks you and doesn't care and you are almost invisible to people just as a silly little example. Of course there is even the possibility multiple realities exist all at the same time and our only job is to align to the version of reality we wish to experience. No one really knows for sure but if you test it out you can definitely feel quite confident your words and thoughts do create your experience.