"The day the earth was turned into a cemetery"

in instablurt •  3 years ago  (edited)

1963 Italian sci-fi movie poster "The Omicron Variant"
"The day the earth was turned into a cemetary"
Are we living in a sci-fi movie matrix or is someone taking the almighty piss out of us? There has been much fun had with this new variant name already. The memes are raining down.

Possible hints at what it could mean, this one reminds me of the satanic ritual gig where lots of young people all appeared to have heart attacks at the same time-

Yeh this gig -
The anagrams are pouring in - Moronic
Omicron B - No Crimbo
The numerology buffs are having a field day, and the links to pharma and tech company products flooding social media.

Then today a very weird news article which comes up on microsofts pocket page so will be getting a LOT of exposure. I thought I'd take the sections of it that screamed at me, or rather had me screaming at my screen but sometimes chuckling. It is full of hints and sci-fi style drama which need breaking down and explaining.
The opening paragraph says it all. Firstly HOW did they 'identify' this new strain when they still have not isolated the original virus?
WTF is this nonsense about a nanomechanical tentacle? It's straight out of a B movie isn't it? Nano tech is manmade too, how did a nano robotic tentacle get into someones body by accident? Maybe it was an alien abduction procedure huh? Oops different sci-fi movie.
An artifact is something created in the lab by the process used. So what this says is if you don't look for something you won't find anything so they're only finding new variants because that is what they're looking for and not the results of mass poisoning everyone. Don't look to the vaccines, never.
Here's another time machine movie moment where someone discovers the thing before it's been actually discovered again. Do they really have a time machine?
Oh the 'scientists', the priests in white of the new religious cult of 'science' are going to save the day. Of course they are, as long as they stick to the script eh!
I tell you what might help.....yeh some genetic structure lol
A smattering of 'inference' to try and guess what the made-up new bogeyman is gonna do next, if it will manage to evade the armed soldiers (antibody variant) or whether the innoculated lab made gene fragments will come to life and bash Omicrons brains in. But Pillay remembers at the last minute they don't have the genetics of the damned thing so oops we'll have to assess based on the ones we made earlier in the lab....
Now the bastard hits you with some 'science' just to discombobulate your brain a little more into submission to the cult priests in white coats....
except hang on a cotton picking minute that's NOT how this works. Modified versions of spike protein means the manmade protein they made in a lab and keep tweeking coz as far as we know they have no virus yet. 138 and counting FOI's to every major health authority in the world including the CDC prove without doubt they have no sars/cov2 virus anywhere.
Therefore they do not have a spike protein said to be on the outside of the virus they have never found. Here they are playing at lego-virus building in the lab. The 'truthers' call that 'gain of function' and it's highly secret work so why is this man blabbing about it?
If it's a supposed harmless manmade virus then why would the 'immune system' they're trying to emulate in their little petri dishes even react? "Binding affinity" just means dead and dying cells clumping together like a 'clot', that's what they refer to as 'plaques'. This is their old method to detect a 'virus' by claiming the effect is caused by the invisible bogeyman. This method has been thoroughly debunked in court by Stefan Lanka.
Why would 'immune systems' react to a 'protein' when they've always told us it's viruses and bacteria that attack us. Now it's proteins? If that were true then why would they be trying to make our cells make this deadly protein to immunize us against it. Seems a tad foolish now doesn't it. Everything in this paragraph is pseudo-sci-fi-'science'. I just wanted to point out the glaring contradictions in it for you. It's a badly made-up lie with lots of holes in it.
A 'pseudo-virus' as mentioned is a lab artifact, made in a lab using chemicals and amino-acids in varying combinations and nothing like the CGI pictures they sell us of viruses.

"The real virus" huh like the other one they haven't got, the original one? Another admission right there that they do not have this variant or any other variant or original virus, in black and white.
this is a big fat lie right here. Anti-retrovirals were TESTED in Africa on thousands of malnourished Africans they mis-diagnosed as having HIV/AIDS. All old vaccines were also tested on poor Africans too, in fact they seem to have cottoned on to the white mans game and do not want their bloody vaccines thankyou very much. They are certainly not wanting of any free drugs there, nope.
If the virus is so dangerous how come it can use the immuno compromized to 'mutate' without killing them. There's another big contradiction to their silly virus and immune system theories.
Good luck getting to see a doctor who will treat you if you get sick enough to want one and even better luck getting them to help you when they know nothing about the human body and 'dis-ease' except what they've been taught to parrot by the pharma owned medical schools.
Good luck finding unvaccinated to study too as they are not the ones going back to the doctors who poisoned them in the first place. No doubt they'll just make up the data they want just like everything else they've made up.
BINGO another truth bomb. Epidemiology is maths and graphs and not medical 'science'. It's not only a proxy for virology it is the excuse for virology and the fuel.
OK and how do they do this when they haven't yet isolated Omicron let alone Sars/COV2. They can't program a PCR test without a proper genome, oh hang on they did that already from the start didn't they. How are they still getting away with this PCR nonsense?
Again the admission that they have no virus isolates. Plus an excuse to keep people flying to give them the excuse of variants spreading by plebs travelling too much. Or maybe they are saying only the priests of the cult and the officials should be allowed the pleasure of travelling about the world?

and here comes the sales pitch-
Keep buying those slave masks, keep taking the vaccines that aren't vaccines anyway, but they defo work coz Fauci said they do (well at least for two weeks anyway), and definitely stop socializing with each other and spreading information which could cause a revolution.
Carry on regardless.......
Hmmm wondering where they got that 'burning building' analogy from now? How DARE they!!

Excerpts taken from this strange news article-

Finally this little 'news' gem where the ozzies seem to have had secret information on Omicron enough to have made a new vaccine started 5 months before Omicron was even invented (oops sorry discovered lol).


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They do seem to love rubbing the shit in the faces of those who are brave enough to look.

I've always seen that people are fed thought programs, which my perception master series discussed. But since Corona, it made me see how Agent Smith does indeed materialize within the average person around one as soon as the program begins having errors. Otherwise rational seeming people losing their shit in ways you never could have seen them do, folks who before Corona in no way would anyone have thought of as a Karen.

This overlooking the heart issues is frightening, and to watch as they now try to shift the blame to a "new" version of Corona and not the vaccine would be hysterical if it wasn't for the fact I can already know that most will buy it despite all the people for months now dying of it shortly after the lethal injection.

Keep up the good work. Hopefully those on the edge of programming malfunction can see your work and get unplugged from the death cult matrix.

I wonder if the people on blurt are here because we are free thinkers and generally want to get along with one another not fight and flag lol.

I know that's the only reason I came. I was tired of all the cruelty and fighting and flagging going on at Hive. I just powered down without telling anyone I was leaving and curated until the last weeks of my power down when it was no longer worth the effort.

I watched so many I grew to care for have meltdowns, and knew that wasn't the way. Not only doesn't it change anything as far as the way the system there operates, but many good things still happen there, many good people still there. I had no desire to destroy them in some war to destroy the ones causing the problems.

I do hope they come here, and I'm finally seeing more from my old circles arriving. If they were to invest their investments here in the long run I believe it will be in their best interests.

There is much to say about freedom of speech. I learn my most valuable lessons when confronted with my ignorance which usually is created when an opposing view is elegantly laid out displaying it.

Fighting just to be fighting is such a waste of energy and creates much needless pain. There is enough fighting we can't escape from in life to always be looking to be in ones easily avoided.

I put my story below.I I invested a hell of a lot of time building a community on hive/Steemit. I was actually really sad when everybody left Steemit because I knew what those people were about already and what hive would become. As soon as steam cleaners left Steemit it was soooooooo much better it’s just everybody left so it was a ghost town..Nobody ever listened to me back then as they didn’t get the hassle, but I think now a few people are getting to experience what I did and they probably understand more.


I read that some time ago over at Hive when I was looking at some I follow ( I do that without logging in). I was horrified yet not surprised to see such going on. I really hate the Discord thing. I've never used it and always thought it shady that others wouldn't use the site itself to communicate. Guessing most do it to hide conversations as you outline here.

this was on Steem chat I haven't had such bad experiences on discord but I just find it can eat away at time, when I was using it I was making more money on the platforms but I was generally more miserable from so much screen time and staying up so late at night as so many are American on there.

I agree with you after the last incident I just completely changed my perspective on hive for my own mental health and well being. I post there but I no longer have any attachment to making money because I just don’t trust anything about it and know anyone can rob you at any time. If I do make it that’s an amazing bonus but I’m really focused on trying to generate Crypto from other method so I’m less and less bothered.At the end of the day people can say it’s not about money all day long but those people probably have a few million in the bank. Most of us are here because we want to generate income from our proof of work. We want a time to be rewarded for creating and engaging. There is nothing wrong with admitting that I noticed there is some people it just seem to be ashamed or think it’s silly people want to make money. It’s bizarre

Thankyou, I'm not sure if I've saved anyone from the jabs but have been told by a few I've saved their sanity LOL so that's at least something. At least my kids are safe after I've brought them up to distrust vaccines from birth.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

It is all getting so ridiculous as to be funny. I do not understand why so many believe this nonsense. I also do not understand how I have escaped. But thankfully, I have. And thankfully you have. More and more join us everyday but, as I have heard it said, no one is switching from covid sceptic to covid believer.

great point that, they can't win.

lol seen this a few other weird things like a video game bill gates made called omicron that was about demons pretending to be humans to harvest their souls.

  ·  3 years ago  ·   (edited)

Yeh saw this too, very dark and spooky and probably nearer to the truth than most will want to know. Used to be you could SELL your soul to the devil, looks like he's taken to stealing them now huh? So we need to find this 'Astoroth' lol

haha yeah I haven't worked that bit out yet any ideas?

well a wild guess would be Rothschild ? It has Roth in it anyway ;-)

  ·  3 years ago  ·   (edited)

Astaroth, in demonology, is the Great Duke of Hell in the first hierarchy with Beelzebub and Lucifer; he is part of the evil trinity. He is a male figure most likely named after the Near Eastern goddess Astarte.

Astaroth's seal (according to The Lesser Key of Solomon

well maybe he is channeling thru the Rothschild family lol

I actually channeled lucifer once and he wasn’t bad he just transcended duality he was different to the devil we know. He was purposely demonised to encourage us to follow rules For fear of good vs bad. That’s what I picked up anywyas.

You can't trust anything they tell you, they're just like politicians for lying and it's well known satanists lie,mirror and project. They always said the devil will present as a charming and handsome do-gooder. Those pics of the red faced horned devil are obviously hollywood nonsense.

Yeah I heard that before although it actually resonated for me. We like to demonise things so people don’t see the truth sometimes. I don’t really believe Lilith was a demon either.

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I used to think but surely if this was all true about sacrifices and cloning etc then people would come forwards, now I realise they do people just call them crazy lol. Till recently there was an active clone site called cloneworld.com or something you could actually go to it and email regarding cloning a baby etc. It dissapeared after a rapper came forwards saying he was a clone. People can say things in broad daylight and people just don't believe it. I mean I don't know why people think the idea of cloning is so weird when they cloned a sheep 30 years ago.