New: taleAll contentvideoburnbotkrblurtactifitartgameszzannewsr2cornellblurtgermanphotographyaimusicwamblurtblocklolzmemeblurtlifeblurtindiablurthispanoHotTrendingNewDAppsanimal-shelter in writing • last yearTales about animals: The Fox and the BearOnce a fox came to her neighbor, the bear, and said: Dear neighbor, you have strength, and I have cunning. Let's plow the field together, sow the seeds, and when the harvest is ripe, we'll…animal-shelter in writing • last yearTales about animals: Stupid jokes always end badlyA pig with twelve piglets was headed to the acorn market when she saw a wolf approaching her. The wolf asked, "Where are you going?" The pig replied, "To the acorn market." The wolf asked, "Will you…animal-shelter in writing • last yearTakes about animals: Fox Red and Cat MurrThe cat wanted to take a walk, so he went to the forest. He met a fox who said: "What's your name, little brother?" "I'm Murr. And what's your name?" "I'm Red. Let's live together." They…animal-shelter in writing • last yearAnimal courtThe rooster and the kitten became friends. They went to the forest for nuts. They reached the walnut grove, and the kitten said, "Brother rooster, climb up the tree, pick the nuts, and throw them…blurtbuyback in old • 2 years agoTale of the Tortoise and the hareTale of the Tortoise I'm the slow one that wins the race. Designed using AI Well, hello there dude! It's me, Crush the Turtle, and I've got a story to share with you that's as old as the sea…