Animal court

in writing •  last year 


The rooster and the kitten became friends. They went to the forest for nuts. They reached the walnut grove, and the kitten said, "Brother rooster, climb up the tree, pick the nuts, and throw them down, while I collect them."


The rooster climbed up the walnut tree, picked the nuts, and threw them down. He accidentally broke off a big branch with nuts and it hit the kitten's eye, knocking it out. The kitten got angry and said, "Well, brother rooster, I will go to court and complain about you."


The kitten went to court and said, "The rooster knocked out my eye."
The judges said, "Bring the rooster here."
They went to get the rooster.
The rooster arrived and the judges asked, "Why did you knock out the kitten's eye?"
The rooster had no way to defend himself, so he said, "Why did the walnut tree tear my pants?"
"Well then, bring the walnut tree here!" said the judges.
They went to get the walnut tree.
The judges said to the walnut tree, "Why did you tear the rooster's pants?"
"Why did the goat chew on me?" said the walnut tree.
"Alright, bring the goat here!" said the judges.
They went to get the goat.
The judges said, "Why did you chew on the walnut tree?"
"Why doesn't the shepherd take care of me?" said the goat.
"Okay, bring the shepherd here!" said the judges.

They went to get the shepherd.
The shepherd arrived.
"Why aren't you taking care of the goat?" said the judges.
"Why isn't the owner paying me?" said the shepherd.
"Alright, bring the owner here!"

They went to get the owner of the goat.
The owner arrived, and the judges said, "Why aren't you paying the shepherd?"
The owner hesitated and said, "Why did the pig dig up my entire garden?"
"Alright, bring the pig here!"

They brought the pig.
"Why did you dig up the owner's garden?" asked the judges.
"Why did the wolf strangle my piglets?" said the pig.
"Well then, bring the wolf here!" said the judges.
They went to the forest to search for the wolf. And now, they are still searching for him.

This is everything you need to know about how justice works.😉

This tale is from my children's book. As you know, folklore is not protected by copyright, but I still retold it for you in my own words😊

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