Tales about animals: Stupid jokes always end badly

in writing •  last year 

A pig with twelve piglets was headed to the acorn market when she saw a wolf approaching her. The wolf asked, "Where are you going?" The pig replied, "To the acorn market." The wolf asked, "Will you take me with you?" The pig explained that there was a very large ravine that the wolf wouldn't be able to cross. The wolf insisted that if the pig with twelve piglets could make it, he could too. The pig agreed and they walked together.


Along the way, they encountered a bear who asked where they were all going. The pig explained that they were going to the market and the bear asked if he could join them. The pig warned the bear about the wide ravine, but the bear insisted he could jump over it since the pig with twelve piglets managed to cross. So, the pig, the wolf, and the bear continued on together.


Later, they encountered a fox who asked where they were going. The pig told the fox about their destination and the fox asked if she could come along. The pig warned the fox about the wide ravine, but the fox confidently said she could easily jump over it since the pig with twelve piglets had managed to do so.


Eventually, they reached the ravine. The pig told the wolf to jump first, but he hesitated and then fell headfirst into the ravine. The bear followed and met the same fate. The fox attempted to cross but failed as well.


The pig carefully crossed the ravine, went to the market, ate and drank, and then returned home.


At the bottom of the ravine, the bear found a beehive, opened it, and tried to eat the honey. However, the bees stung the bear, as well as the fox and the wolf when they tried to join in. They all jumped into the water to escape the bees, but the bees continued to sting them. Angry, the bear submerged the beehive in the water, causing the bees to drown. He then smashed the beehive and shared the honey with everyone. They all ate their fill and then rested.


The fox couldn't sleep and noticed some leftover honey at the bottom of the hive. The bear was fast asleep, so the fox decided to play a prank. She smeared the honey under the bear's tail. The bees smelled the honey and started stinging the bear. The bear woke up and attacked his companions in a rage. He beat them all and was left alone in the ravine.


This tale is from my children's book. As you know, folklore is not protected by copyright, but I still retold it for you in my own words😊

Pics created by app.hypotenuse.ai

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