Tales about animals: The Fox and the Bear

in writing •  last year 

Once a fox came to her neighbor, the bear, and said:

  • Dear neighbor, you have strength, and I have cunning. Let's plow the field together, sow the seeds, and when the harvest is ripe, we'll divide it equally and take it to the market.
  • But you won't deceive me, will you? - asked the bear.
  • What are you thinking, what are you thinking! How could you, dear Bear, think such a thing about me?.. - the fox was offended. - You will choose half of the harvest that you like.
  • Fine, - agreed the bear.

They plowed the field and planted turnips. The bear worked hard, sweating profusely. The fox waved a stick, shouting at the bear: "You're lazy, dear neighbor! I regret getting involved with you - now I'm not happy. Carrying the harvest is nothing! You should try carrying the plow!"

In autumn, when the harvest was ready, the fox said:

  • Well, dear Bear, choose: the tops or the roots?
    The turnip greens were juicy and dense. "I'll take the tops," the bear decided. "What good are the roots!.." He took the greens, and the fox dug up the turnips. They took them to the market to sell. The fox quickly sold her share. But no one bought the bear's greens, and they laughed at him: "Oh, you fool!"
    The bear got angry. "Fine," he thought, "next time I won't make a mistake."

Spring came. The bear came to the fox and said:

  • Look, neighbor, let's sow the field again. But this time you won't deceive me during the division - I know how to choose.
    Once again, the bear plowed and toiled while the fox reproached him:
  • Carrying the plow is nothing! You should try carrying the plow...
    They planted rye. When it ripened, they started dividing the harvest.
  • What will you take, dear Bear? - the fox asked.
  • The roots! - said the bear.
  • As you wish, dear neighbor, as you wish, - the fox sang in a sweet voice. - You see, I don't deceive you and I take what's left.

The fox threshed the grains, and the bear dug up the roots. They took them to the market to sell. The fox's grains were immediately bought, and they laughed even harder at the bear, pointing their fingers at him and calling him offensive names. The bear became furious.

  • Well, - he said, - dear neighbor, you won't get away with this for free! Sit next to me on the stump and let's howl together. Whoever out-howls the other will eat them. This time you won't deceive me, I will be on top.
    They sat opposite each other on stumps. The bear roared loudly, and the fox howled softly. The bear tried his best, opening his mouth wide and closing his eyes. He roared - he heard nothing, he saw nothing. The fox jumped off the stump, ran behind a bush, and disappeared. When the bear stopped roaring, he opened his eyes - the fox was long gone.

This tale is from my children's book. As you know, folklore is not protected by copyright, but I still retold it for you in my own words😊

Pics created by app.hypotenuse.ai

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