Takes about animals: Fox Red and Cat Murr

in writing •  last year 

The cat wanted to take a walk, so he went to the forest. He met a fox who said:
"What's your name, little brother?"
"I'm Murr. And what's your name?"
"I'm Red. Let's live together."

They built a house in the forest and started living together. One day, the fox went for a walk in the forest to chase away boredom. As she walked, she met a bear.

"Fox, I will eat you," he said.
"Oh, come on, Bear!" said the fox. "I have a friend, Murr, who is ten times stronger than you."
The bear got scared and ran away as fast as he could.

The fox continued walking and met a wolf:
"Fox, I will eat you," said the wolf.
The fox threatened him with her friend.
The wolf got scared and ran away.

Then, a hare came across the fox and said:
"Fox, I will eat you."
"Wait," said the fox, "I have a friend, Murr, who is a thousand times stronger than you."
The hare got so scared that he quickly ran away.
He ran and ran and met the wolf and the bear.

They started discussing how they could find out if Murr was really as strong as the fox claimed. The wolf said:
"I will go and kill a bull, prepare a feast, and invite Murr as our guest. Then we'll see."
"Alright," said the hare. "I will go and gather firewood."
"And I," said the bear, "will go get some honey."
The wolf brought the bull, the hare gathered firewood, and the bear brought honey. They prepared a feast. The bear went to invite the fox and Murr. He approached the fox's house and shouted:
"Fox, come to our feast and bring your friend."


"Just a moment," said the fox, "we need to wash up and get ready."
The bear returned to his companions, and they waited. They waited and waited, but the cat and the fox didn't come. The wolf went to call them:
"Fox, come to our feast with Murr!"
"Just a moment, we need to get dressed," replied the fox.

They waited and waited. Then the hare went to call the guests:
"Fox, come to our feast with your friend!"
"We're already coming," said the fox.
The hare got scared and ran back.
"They're coming!" he shouted.

The bear climbed a pine tree out of fear, the wolf hid in the bushes, and the hare hid under a pile of firewood.
The fox and Murr arrived. The cat saw the wolf in the bushes and got scared. He jumped onto the pine tree! The bear, in his fear, fell headfirst into the bushes. The wolf jumped out and pounced on the pile of firewood, scaring away the hare. The animals went crazy with fear and ran in different directions. But the fox and the cat enjoyed their meal and went on their way.


This tale is from my children's book. As you know, folklore is not protected by copyright, but I still retold it for you in my own words😊

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