New: steemchurchAll contentvideoblurtburnbotkractifitartgameszzanphotographylolznewswamblurtgermanr2cornellblurtblockaimusicjapanblurtindiaresearchfeclockHotTrendingNewDAppsgreatness96 in heartchurch • 3 years agoI Shall Fear No EvilPsalms 23:4 Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me. There's a confidence we have in…sirmiraculous in heartchurch • 4 years agoLOOK NOT WITHIN. LOOK UNTO GOD.It feels so good to be back here after a very long time. I have been off the internet for some months now and I must tell you it has been moments of feelings I can't fully grasp. Some are wonderful…sirmiraculous in heartchurch • 5 years agoOUR HEALER!Greetings everyone! A warm welcome to my blog again. It feels good to know that you are enjoying the grace of God. His mercies endures forever and I must confess that it is by his mercy we are…sirmiraculous in heartchurch • 5 years agoMEEKNESS.Greetings to everyone. It feels good to be here again. Welcome to my blog. Today, we shall be looking at an interesting topic titled meekness Remain blessed like you've always been even as…sirmiraculous in heartchurch • 5 years agoFELLOWSHIP WITH THE BRETHREN.Greetings everyone! Welcome to my blog. In a world where the company you keep affects you in the sphere of life, it is expedient that we fellowship with the right people else we would be…