New: buddhismAll contentvideoburnbotkrblurtactifitartzzangameslolznewsphotographywamblurtgermanr2cornellblurtblockaimusicblurtindiajapanfeclockblurthispanoHotTrendingNewDAppsvimukthi in buddhism • 4 months agoConversation With Christopher Langan (210 IQ) and My Notes on Philosophy and BuddhismThere are times where I am compelled to write about a topic and today's article is one of them. It begins with the man with the highest IQ among all the known and tested human being currently…cloudblade in cn • 2 years ago接引与准提接引与准提 在中国的神话故事之中 道教中的接引道人与准提道人前往西方 在西方创立了西方教 两人乃是西方教的大教主和二教主 西方教在后来演变成了佛教 接引道人成了如来佛 而准提道人就是孙悟空的师傅菩提祖师 在西游记中 菩提祖师隐居于西牛贺洲[1]灵台方寸山斜月三星洞,菩提祖师只用了三年的时间,就教会了孙悟空长生不老术、七十二变和筋斗云,然后将孙悟空给赶出了山门…samstonehill in buddhism • 2 years agoWhy is Christianity the number one religion when Buddhism is so much more powerful?I came across a book for children recently called Prince Siddhartha which tells the life story of Buddha and aside from being profoundly moved by it I noted how much more powerful it was than the…cleanenergygarro in ibor • 3 years agoThe Bizarre Life Of An Enlightened Person "Ok, I Accept This Quantum Entangled Message"cloudblade in cn • 3 years ago唐三藏取经唐三藏取经 唐三藏,俗家名为「陈祎」,法名「玄奘」,是佛教有名的译经师,西游记便是改编自其真人真事 .... 在西游记中,唐三藏带着三位法术高强的徒弟上路,分别是孙悟空和猪八戒以及沙悟净,事实上是,唐太宗李世民收其为御弟,派出军士护卫和民伕随从前往,走陆路前往,搭海船而回 .... 唐太宗李世民的考量,是当时的道教势大,故而扶持佛教来平衡,而走陆路,是其政治考量 ...…rycharde in spirituality • 3 years agoWas Guru Padmasambhava the Father of Quantum Physics?This is the most recent documentary film produced by Shambhala Studio. I am not sure of the precise order, but here are four of the three films: Guru Padmasambhava - Searching for Lotus born…offgridlife in zen • 3 years agoOvercoming the idea that Space Separates things …Any Zen Buddhists out there ? Is everything Connected ? Is everything really One ? I’m listening to some Alan Watts again … This guy certainly makes you think. Source: Youtube (Video is a…cloudblade in cn • 4 years ago汉传佛教汉传佛教 佛教(Buddhism)起源于古印度河流域的迦毗罗卫国的王室太子悉达多·乔答摩。 迦毗罗卫古国,现今之地理位置大约处于尼泊尔和印度之间,较靠近尼泊尔,所以有人说佛教起源于古印度,也有人说起源于尼泊尔。…besticofinder in r2cornell • 4 years agoRock Inscriptions ( සෙල් ලිපි) - Sri LankaRock Inscriptions ( සෙල් ලිපි) - Sri Lanka Dear Friends , Rock Inscriptions , in sinhala we call " Sel lipi" are facts written on rock surfaces. In ancient times there was a habit…besticofinder in r2cornell • 4 years agoWatadhageya - PolonnaruwaDear Friends , Watadhageya is one of the best example for the greatness of ancient Sri Lankan architecture. This is a very important building which was used to locate the relics of lord Buddha…tumutanzi in cn • 4 years ago《般若波罗蜜多心经》分段逻辑与背诵晚上睡觉前拿起书架上的《金刚经》,翻到最后一页,居然发现《般若波罗蜜多心经》全文。这篇经文我其实以前就能背诵,但好久未读,已经背不出来了。 我尝试再次背诵,抵抗年岁增长带来的记忆力减退。如今再读,感受与年轻时自然有所不一样,大概心中的智慧和大脑的理解力也不一样了吧,毕竟经文还是那些经文。 我发现网上对《心经》的分段都不太利于我背诵,于是我把经文按我的理解分成了以下八段。…cloudblade in cn • 4 years ago韦驮尊者韦驮尊者 韦驮尊者是佛教的护法天神 全称为 "南无护法韦驮尊天菩萨" 在此一提的是 韦驮尊者在印度的形象乃是一个王子 但在中国的形象却是中国的一位韦姓将军 在封神榜之中, 也有出现到, 乃是十二门徒之一的道行天尊的徒弟, 被称之为 "韦护". 韦护就是驮驼护法的意思. 基于大合一观念, 韦护可视为尊天菩萨的化身, 即佛教传入中国之后, 其在中国的化身.vimukthi in buddhism • 4 years agoCausality, Dependent Origination(Paṭiccasamuppāda ) and the existence Demystified and Clarified (or at least tried to do so)Since I have a terrible history of writing focused posts on a single subject without jumping onto tangents I thought I'd make a very focused post this time. I'd eventually pick a title. For now I'm…vimukthi in buddhism • 5 years agoDiamond Sutra - New English Translation Based on and Improved Upon 15 Previous TranslationsI wanted to start my transactions on BLURT blockchain by doing something great that matters to me. I have already archived Diamond Sutra on STEEM and HIVE blockchains. It is literally my proudest…