Was Guru Padmasambhava the Father of Quantum Physics?

in spirituality •  3 years ago 

This is the most recent documentary film produced by Shambhala Studio.

I am not sure of the precise order, but here are four of the three films:

Guru Padmasambhava - Searching for Lotus born Master - Part I

Lotus-Born Master: The Shambhala Access Code || Guru Padmasambhava, Guru Rinpoche

Guru Padmasambhava - “Return of the Lotus-Born Master” Decrypting the Dakini Code

The Dakini Code: Lotus-Born Master and the Event Horizon (Guru Rinpoche, Guru Padmasambhava)

I hope the viewers find some points of interest; more importantly, some motivation to discover and experience such realms for oneself, for without experience one just accumulates some new languages, some new concepts, to just construct yet another false picture of reality.

I have written about the important points of contact between science - especially physics and biophysics - and spiritual practices. I actually recoil at constructs such as the "quantum energy field". What is it? Philosophical fluff. Without details of the nature of the "energy", just adding "quantum" to it, like some extra mantra, explains nothing at all. Let us also not forget that in terms of a general theory the physics remains a mess!

If you really want to understand some of the speculations regarding quantum approaches to consciousness, then here is an overview. Compare that to the (rather slender) summary of electromagnetic theories of consciousness - notice how the field itself is seen by many as "unscientific".

But the damage done by such physical models of fluff to the general public is that they divert attention away from the very immediate effects that physics has on consciousness, including the experiences of other realms. Those of you who have read a little of my writing will know I am referring to electromagnetism.

I see absolutely no point in constructing some esoteric-scientific model that ignores the most obvious. Those pulsed microwave signals are destroying the delicate electromagnetic fields of all life on this planet. Those microwave transmitters are slowly killing you; those dumb phones you all carry around are microwave transmitters, often carried near your heart or your reproductive organs - I have no idea of the incidence of butt-cheek cancers, so that could be your lucky place.

Notice that such physico-spiritual constructs also have no consequences. I do not see any hypotheses that can be tested. In contrast, there are patents of devices that will create changes in consciousness. Do you think such devices were created without some theory? I think we have enough knowledge about brain frequencies to have a really good chance of creating "enlightenment devices"; instead of creating synthetic fear and stupidity, why not focus on improved mental health and deeper self-knowledge? It can be done.

So, I have to suspect that, even with the best intentions, trying to envelope Vajrayana within some quantum-construct is at best a waste of time, and at worst a deliberate sleight of mind, a distraction from the real science that really exists already. This is a large part of my dislike of the vast majority of what passes as the New Age Order. It is so very easy to steal ancient wisdom, wrap it in quantum-fluff and present it to a public starved of meaningful experiences.

If you doubt my point of view, listen to what Teslungney Lam Rinzin has to say (from here). He doesn't wish to discuss Laurence Brahm's theories; he wishes to deepen the director's experiences to the point of clarity. No theory will help him, although a map of psychic states may do, and this is something that masters are taught and document from their own experiences. The Buddha himself famously refused to answer metaphysical questions that seem to form the bases of so many other religions. Listen to all the masters on film and they all have the same attitude.

"Could the founder of Tibetan Buddhism also be the father of quantum physics?"
It strikes me as a deeply pointless question.
Who cares!
The answer will not be enlightening.
However, there are some interesting parts to the videos - enjoy those.

Posted from https://blurt.one

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If i am not wrong he was a famous Indian Buddhist master.

Buddha himself did not practice religion that people are following today in his name. There are lots of example about the same where people started worshiping great personality but reality was that those great personality themself use to worship someone else.

"Could the founder of Tibetan Buddhism also be the father of quantum physics?"

Who knows and who cares , i use to ask so many questions to my physics teacher and i was so much disturbed because i use use to hear terms like.

let suppose , let assume , in physics as well as chemistry.

I will try and watch these when i am free thanks for sharing them 🙂

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

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  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Good entertainment.it is good documentry.we dont know is he father of quantum physics.who cares.thanks for sharing this film

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Thanks! yes, has interesting parts in all of the films.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  


And meer ores.