Up goes HIVE as BLURT takes a dive

in blurt •  2 years ago 

HIVE had a jump of more than 10% today, while BLURT tested the bottom of its range - $0.0021 USD. Bitcoin and the rest of the crypto market was sideways again today, so it's interesting to see BLURT losing so much ground lately.

BLURT is down 98% from its all-time high of 0.11 USD.

BTC is down 75% from its all-time high of 69,000 USD.

HIVE is down 90% from its all-time high of 3.41 USD.

For months, the ratio has been locked at 1 HIVE for 100 BLURT, but with BLURT in the dumps while HIVE lifts off, you can trade 1 HIVE for 118 BLURT at the moment.

Can we turn this around?

Fixing Blurt

To fix BLURT (the cryptocurrency), we must fix Blurt (the blockchain platform).

There's a lot of talk right now about "where should we promote Blurt to get noticed?" But why would we promote (advertise) something so awful? Why advertise something that is almost complete garbage? It's like showing your soiled underwear in the middle of town for everybody to see, hoping to get a date. Pointless and embarrassing! We have to fix Blurt before we can promote it.

Others say "we need more/better content here", but that isn't going to fix Blurt either. I'm one of Blurt's top content-creators and also one of Blurt's top curators. Content is important, but only one part of the equation, as I said in my post The Relationship Between Blurt Price, Sentiment, and Investment.

Yes, we need content. Yes, we need investment. If we get those things, along with a rising token price and increased sentiment, things could begin to improve here.

But at the heart of Blurt is unchecked corruption, hypocrisy, and cronyism. No outsider is going to touch Blurt with a 10 foot pole until that's solved. I spoke about this recently at length here and here. Promoting such a depraved and defective product is merely going to permanently drive away potential investors, developers, and creators who might have otherwise someday considered joining us.

Let's fix our sinking ship before we try to bring anyone else on board. If the ship can't be fixed, additional passengers are pointless.

We need people with integrity and influence to stand up to the comment-farming owners using printed stake to circle-jerk. I'm doing my part (and taking plenty of heat for it)... but it's going to take more than just me.

Will you keep your head down, milk Blurt's universal basic income (Blurtbooster) and generous manual curators, and vie for your tiny portion of the reward pool? Or will you take a chance, identify the real problem at the heart of Blurt, risk your profits, and do the right thing for a chance at real success for all of us?

Just like with the Covid lockdowns, mandates, and endless government control, this ends when we all say "NO MORE". If you just go along to get along, you may be allowed some crumbs for a while, but eventually you'll get eaten.

BLURT could go up x1175 from its current price and still be less than HIVE was one year ago. If we fix the corruption holding us back, that could actually become a reality during the coming crypto bull market.

Don't you think it's worth trying?


Posted from https://blurtlatam.intinte.org

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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Yep, I'm going to keep my head down and MILK THIS PLATFORM - I could earn several dollars a week if I play my cards right, I'd be crazy to risk that kind of money!


Posted from https://blurtlatam.intinte.org

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

A lot of people doing just that... except they live outside the Western world, where that is a significant income. I know several people who are doing that and paying their bills with it!
Myself, the $1500 I've made in 10 years of fulltime work is enough to pay my bills (rent and food) for 10 days.

Posted from https://blurtlatam.intinte.org

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Yep the money on Blurt is so insignificant in NZ i just look at as sort of Monopoly money...good for controlling bots though!

Posted from https://blurtlatam.intinte.org

  ·  2 years ago  ·  


  ·  2 years ago  ·  

The whole crypto realm has a big big problem .
Governments moving in and demanding clarity on where your coins come from .

( Blurt blogging might use this as a good selling point , as there is clarity on how one got it's coins )

Many coin holders have mega problems even moving their coins anywhere , have coins blocked on trade sites or even worse . So not only the market crash is the problem , the tax man is moving in on it and making sure no one will be able to swap their coins for fiat money true the existing banking systems .
( The Dutch government wants to pass a law and system that checks the legality of any transaction above 100 euro's )
Any fiat investment going in to crypto is probably never coming out again . And i don't think there will be ways to buy any government social credits with any existing crypto's . Total control on your finance is coming soon .

Many , including me have bin kicked of binance for not complying to there government forced on rules ,. i do not have a legal address , so i am out . Other trade sites demand i only use my personal registered bank account to move in fiat currency . And on any deposit in crypto i will have to show where it came from , if not , it will be blocked .

( blurt blogging is legit and still has a strong selling point there )

What the crypto realm failed to do is create good alternative systems to pay with at local stores and so making it possible to become independent from the global fiat banking system . In my view the crypto realm is fucked up and going down , there will be no bull run ,.. all investors have lost interest ,. most see now it was all a waste of resources and time .

Yes i have a dark vision with little hope , and little hope that i am wrong ,. but i do hope i am just that ,.. wrong in my point of view . As for now i now my own future ,. in just a month ,.. homeless and roaming the streets of Amsterdam .

Indeed Blurt has tho shed it's circle jerking centralized "foundation" holding top . And focus on the big plus point ,.. getting rewarded true curation and blogging is legit in the eyes of the government and tax man .

Crypto is going down ,. better dump all bitcoin or what ever coin you hodl in to Blurt ,.. Stake it , and get some profits from the rewards . It might as well be reason why Hive is going up ,.. and blurt at this moment not . .. yet .

happy holidays to all .

Posted from https://blurtlatam.intinte.org

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

it is necessary to admit, that today the LEO token is higher in value compared to Blurt, and another great thing, you will find the same when you open leofinance exactly like the screenshot below, what are they doing & what is the blurt team doing? I don't know, I'm just here to have fun.

if you want to talk about "burn blurt" i will participate once i have raised 5k blurt, my initial stage will be from posts reward and then from private pocket if that interests me like i did for babydoge sometimes ago.


  ·  2 years ago  ·  

The only people who should be burning (deleting) BLURT are those who created it from thin air, or who are profiting off those tokens created from thin air. If you bought it or earned it then it's yours and you should keep it.

Posted from https://blurtlatam.intinte.org

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

participating is part of the fun

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Hit rock bottom you say? Sounds about right haha. Blurt Universal Basic Income, that's funny. Here is a picture of my flower, can I have some change now? ;)

Posted from https://blurtlatam.intinte.org

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Good afternoon. It is not often that one sees an open and honest publication that shows the reasons for the inconsistency in the work of the Blurt platform. The most important thing in this publication is that the author knows and offers solutions to these problems. I really liked this publication, for its transparency and alternative solutions. Thank you very much. Good luck and prosperity to you.

Posted from https://blurtlatam.intinte.org

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

We have the supply of content and the supply of users, all that's left is the demand in the marketplace, less FUD, and whales to not dump the coins.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Investors sell things if they need the money for something else, or if they perceive the price falling and want to get out before it gets any worse. So to prevent investors selling their BLURT, we have to get the BLURT price to stabilize or go up.
"FUD" (fear, doubt, etc) is caused by prices falling (people think it will continue to fall, which in the case of BLURT has been correct for a long time now). People like to think FUD can be caused by posts and comments, but it's actually the other way around - negative sentiment causes those posts and comments. Content itself doesn't have much effect on sentiment. For example, I can post very positive and optimistic things about BLURT (and often do) but that has no effect on price. Same with negative and pessimistic content, it also has no effect on price.

Posted from https://blurtlatam.intinte.org

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

That's sad
I wish I could order a solution but I'm not a crypto oriented person