It is realistic to imagine BLURT rising by x1000 from the current price

in blurt •  2 years ago 

We could look at how far we've fallen, or we could flip the script, and think about how far we could rise if the BLURT price returned to where it was!

Currently at 0.00335, we are up x2 from the all-time low of 0.0017 set three weeks ago.

If the price went up from here by a factor of x30, it would be 0.1 USD - still below the previous high (March 2021). That shows how far we've fallen, and how far we have to go! But that's a conservative figure. Let's play "what if"...

What if?

A lot of people believe the Blurt blockchain is superior to its sibling blockchain, Hive. We have a 4 (not 13) week powerdown, for one thing! We also have no "reputation", which is the means for censoring content others don't like or want to suppress. And we don't have a downvote button, which is the source of bullying and financial abuse on Hive, which myself and many others here have experienced. The only thing missing is the support of developers, programmers, and promoters. But that could change!

What if Blurt's price starts to recover, improving sentiment and content, leading to increased investment, in a positive feedback loop?

If Blurt is indeed superior to Hive, when things finally start going our way, our token could compete with theirs. If we go up x1000 from here, the price would STILL not be where Hive was just a year ago (3.41 USD)!

And from there, even if it went up x2 again, it wouldn't even be where STEEM was at its peak, which was 8.2 USD! So x1000 (or even x2500) from the current BLURT price isn't ridiculous. It could realistically happen, perhaps even within the next year or so.

How would you be doing if BLURT's price was 1000 times higher?

Personally, my 543k BLURT would suddenly be worth 1,900,000 USD (which is $2.6 million Canadian dollars). $0.1 million would more than pay off all my debts, unlocking my ability to renew my driver's license, passport, and more. The remaining $2.5 million would buy my dream house and farm, with enough left over to take care of my wife and children for the rest of our lives.

Also, my posts would then be bringing in hundreds - or even thousands - of dollars! Like those who were around in the heyday or Steem and Hive, I could travel the world on my blogchain earnings, with money left over to share, invest, donate, etc.

How about you? If you add three zeroes to your current wallet value, and every post you make, how much would you have, and what would you do?

Remember, this isn't pure fantasy. There's recent precedent for this actually happening. All it would take is two things, both of them well within the real of possibility:

  1. Something happens to Hive's userbase, sending a lot of their users and developers to Blurt.
  2. Another crypto bull market.

Obviously those two things are not guaranteed, but they certainly aren't absurd. After all, Hive's userbase is already rattled and uncertain, thanks to their insiders cannibalizing the economy, and their downvote cabal crushing anyone who they see as competition. This is eroding confidence in their false claims of decentralization, freedom of speech, and a free market. If they push it too far, there could be a sudden capitulation, and once a platform loses the trust of the community, it's near impossible to get back. Look at Steem for a recent example of what can happen to a platform that screws up!

Let's not always dwell on how far things have fallen. Yes, there is blood in the streets. But sometimes, that means you're near the bottom. And when you're near the bottom, if you have vision and a bit of optimism, you can think about where you can go when things start to get better.


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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

It's exciting that x1000 could really happen - there is historical precedent for that price. It sure would be nice to have a house and farm all to our own, paid off, with savings left over :)

Posted from

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Hive is deep state funded, as was steemit...they can manipulate the prices as part of the experiment.

If Blurt is not deep state funded it is unlikly to ever go bigtime. I actually think that is a plus and have lost all interest in the value of the tokens. This is like monopoly money in a blogging game

Posted from

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Do you believe something that isn't funded by deep state can't do well organically (on its own)?
Or that it could, but the deep state would take actions to knock it back down?

Posted from

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

I think the deep state controls social media, and can both grow and restrict platforms as fact i think the cia has an entire division dedicated to that, and when they want the price to go up it does. At this point Blurt is of no importance to them so we can have our own little platform. But the chances of them spiking the price is very slim, and organically it is unlikely to do much... it might double i guess. The small time corruption of certain insider's doesnt help.


Posted from

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Yeah, but to answer my questions..?

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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Specifically social i dont think any platform has become mainstream on it's own, all the big ones are deep state, and certainly if one got bigger than desired it would be taken down.

Posted from

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

My question is: Do you believe something that isn't funded by deep state can't do well organically (on its own)? Or do you believe it could, but the deep state would then take actions to knock it back down?

I realize social media like FB and YT are manipulated by the deep state. Those platforms are PART of the deep state, as far as I'm concerned. I don't think Blurt is in that category. I'm trying to understand where you're coming from ("it is unlikely to ever go bigtime"), but you won't clarify your position, so.... shrug

Posted from

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

My position

It is unlikely to ever go bigtime...if it is not a deep state platform it it will never reach the size of steemit or hivemind which are both cia

That is pretty clear isnt it?

Posted from

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

No. My 2 part question wasn't open ended, nor was it a trick question, nor was it rhetorical. It was "yes" or "no". Very strange that you won't answer. Take care.

Posted from

I think MySpace was organic no? It had its time lol

I think it is of some important tho. I think all of these are more social experiments than money. Hive was clearly a sort of 1984 style test to see how much people would tolerate in return for being given some little breadcrumbs and handouts for it. They rise some ppl up and pay them more to see if they would turn on their own people etc. I think blurt is interesting to them too tho as it’s an experiment into how a society copes with free speech and at least more freedom
Than they have on other social platforms they will be interested to watch it for sure. How we build social structures etc etc how we respect free speech. It’s still a useful observation platform.

I've been thinking this as well... ;)

Yes I absolutely believe this hive has enough access to enough money they can do anything they want to hold it up.

  ·  2 years ago  ·   (edited)

I think seeing it as a money making thing is not good. A handful of ppl earned big but let’s be honest most ppl if they spent 5 years investing that time in a business would have more money lol I think it has to be considered as a form of social media rly or an investment to just buy low and leave it be.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Nothing is impossible in this world, you just have to have a little faith, with 43 thousand dollars, I would help a little to cover the expenses of my house, help my family. I would buy a cheap car. And why not a house, if it is enough. Keep investing in cryptocurrencies and Blurt. Decreed so that one day it will pass

Once trust is lost, it is impossible to recover it and I agree with that. Can the BLURT token also be purchased on any exchange?

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Yes, BLURT is purchased on exchanges. We have a number of whales on this platform, and most of them did not earn those millions of tokens through content-creation. A lot of them bought those tokens. I use, but for people without a Hive account, I hear there are a few other exchanges to buy BLURT on. It would be great for it to be on ALL the main exchanges.

Posted from

I did a search and it appears that BLURT tokens are purchasable on PROBIT. I'll make sure of this in the next few days

I used ionomy

Thanks for reply

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

I hope that you're optimistic outlook is correct, and I'm woefully incorrect.
It would make me very happy indeed, to be totally wrong.

...Inspired by your post, matey.

Posted from

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Hope means little, I guess! So realistically, the future will be somewhere between you (-99%) and my (+1000%) numbers. Well then, now that we've nailed that down... LOL

Posted from

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

lollolol...yeah, somewhere between there....

As I said - nothing would make me happier than to be very, very wrong...

Posted from

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

I am always positive to what the blurt would become on the next days/cycle. At $3 price my 100K Blurt will turn 17million in Philippines peso enough for me to buy my own simple house, some land property and bag more crypto.

  ·  2 years ago  ·   (edited)

Let's not always dwell on how far things have fallen. Yes, there is blood in the streets. But sometimes, that means you're near the bottom. And when you're near the bottom, if you have vision and a bit of optimism, you can think about where you can go when things start to get better.

This is how I see it. Or you can beat yourself up over it, meanwhile the price could be up 30x a year from now. Staying diversified and not allowing one's emotions to take over is key. Even on the upside, people stay at the party too long, full of greed, and then lose it all when the bubble pops, even doubling down at like 60k bitcoin type of stuff.

Great post. Been a busy week for us here in Thailand. But it's all good!


  ·  2 years ago  ·  

I like to acknowledge reality, but then leave an opening for optimism. After all, if you don't belive it's possible things could improve, and you could succeed at your goals, then you're probably going to be right... things won't get better and you won't succeed. At the same time, I don't want to live in denial of the situation, that's not very useful either. But yeah, hope is good! We're currently watching Alive (Katie has never seen it) and hope is an underlying theme. One character asks "what good is hope?" when they realize rescue isn't coming and they're going to have to save themselves. I can't remember, but I think he's one of the guys who doesn't make it out. I'll find out tonight haha.
Thanks for reblurting :D
Just got back from the shop, picked up 4 big boxes of shrimp fished in Thailand! The choice was Thai, Indian, or Vietnamese... went with Thai. Funny I can't find Canadian (or even American) shrimp/prawns here, even though I'm only an hour drive inland from the Pacific. I think I'm going to try and make it to the coast (probably in the Spring) and check out the fish market by the docks. Surely there will be some local shrimp coming in off the water there.
Have a great day bro.

Posted from

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

It's what most are waiting for ,.. a big rise in the blurt price .
Waiting to sell it all at a good price ,. like not really thinking about how or what at all . Like if everyone wants to sell ,.. who will buy ?
Like what will the liquidizing of the stakes do ?
And who would invest in a new account when 1 blurt is 5$ ?

True history , things bottom out and stay there , where blurt is a coin that can be printed by the rewards pool forever . No market cap , no scarcity , no natural market working .

So in my vision blurt will stay down forever ,. and only by keeping the stakes staked there is a small change blurt will level out on 3 to 5 cent's .

That is if external forces do not manipulate the market .
But we all know external forces always manipulate everything .

I like your optimism , but i am afraid it is based on hopium .
We must own nothing and be happy with that .
Klaus will not allow anyone to escape his dominant global monetary control system .
And many witness on blurt will sell his soul to Klaus for personal profit anytime .

So i vote only for the witnesses that will not , and i keep my stake staked while working slowly on a bigger volume in staked and liquid blurt coins . Not by invest but by post's and comments . Witch in some awkward way makes me a printer of blurt coins true the rewards pool .

The big question is ,.. where will the increase in value come from ?
Me ? you ? ,. others ?

Posted from

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

"who will buy ?"
People who want the token, same as with every other good/commodity/crypto/etc.
"And who would invest in a new account when 1 blurt is 5$"
Reminds me of "who would invest in gold when it is $1000 per ounce?" We heard that one for years. Now gold is $2000 per ounce and continues to be bought/sold all the time.
"blurt is a coin that can be printed by the rewards pool forever.. blurt will stay down forever"
A majority of tokens out there (thousands) are the same. Will they all go to zero? If so, you could make a lot of money shorting them all! Reality though is that Blurt (and other tokens without a set limit) does not go toward zero, but fluctuate up and down over time. There have been bull and bear markets for Steem, Hive, Blurt, and thousands of others. Your prediction does not make sense and doesn't reflect reality.
"That is if external forces do not manipulate the market. But we all know external forces always manipulate everything ."
In the case of BLURT, how would external forces manipulate its price?
"And many witness on blurt will sell his soul to Klaus for personal profit anytime ."
If that was possible, how many votes do you think witnesses that destroy the platform and collapse the token price would get? There are safeguards against out of control witnesses. I can unvote someone in 5 seconds, as can you.
"where will the increase in value come from ?"
This demonstrates a fundamental lack of understanding of basic economic principles. You could ask the same question about anything. Also, we're talking about price, not value.

Posted from

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Would be nice 👍

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

price is easy in the crypto space, but the question is how do we get $$ so we can use it to buy blurt?

do you have any special tips about this?

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

if talking personal funds, since luna collapse i have been poor & covid-19 left me unemployed until today, hope to find a solution, at least i will use 40% for this and the rest for my living expenses.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

You want my advice on how you should earn a living and make money to cover your investments?

Posted from


You have recieved a coconutty upvote! 🥥
Thank you for contributing to the Blurt Blockchain!
Keep up the great work!

Curated by @outofthematrix!

Please take a moment to vote for my witness! 🗳️


Even 5 cents would be awesome!!!! 🤙📈🍀

  ·  2 years ago  ·   (edited)

I think hive has domination of the old market cause it has a lot Of rich ppl who can pump a lot of money in to make it look anything they want and hold it up for a good while. Also ppl who make money there, even if they think it’s a terrible place have decided at this point to keep their head down and earn. I think it’s daps help it with the tech ppl too like the splinterland thing apparently makes up the majority of its users now by a long shot. I think blurts best chance is free sign ups and more mass adoption. Your mass users won’t like hive imo they won’t want to be censored when they don’t have stake there and they won’t trust putting money in if they experience that kind of thing either and they won’t even understand how to use it as there are so many layers an dapps it’s too much for your average joe. If blurt improved its useability and image a bit I think it could do well with new ppl wanting to get involved in blockchain, like us in the early days of steemit.