Where do we go from here?....A very quick tour...

in blurtpolitics •  2 years ago  (edited)

After the financial crash of '08, the already dying current economic system that we were in (lets call it the federal reserve system, for simplicity), went hyperbolic into the realms of 'quantitative easing' - i.e money printing.

All this extra liquidity added no actual value to anything, but instead, created bubbles.
In everything.
Stocks, real estate, crypto etc...

Reality - the real value of any tangible goods remained - and remains - the same.
The carrot, or the cow, would still provide you the same amount of value, (calories and nutrition), irrelevant of whatever token price was allocated to it.

Quantitative easing (money printing), was simply a way to 'hide' the decay of the federal reserve central banking system.
Bear in mind that the destruction of the dollar was - is - a mathematical certainty (as with ALL fiat currencies throughout history).

I suspect that the banking cabal who met at Jekyll island in November 1910 already knew this full well, when they created the federal reserve.

And here we are.

So what now, going forwards ?

bursting bubble.gif

My opinion:

ALL crypto currencies (including bitcoin most probably) will go to near - or absolute - ZERO.

Why do I say this ?

Because the inflationary balloons that were created by QE, made crpyto's a sponge.
I.E They soaked up a lot of the excess liquidity that was caused by years of QE.

It was also the final throw of the dice by the banking cabal, to extract - squeeze out - wealth from the producers in society, to the parasite class. (banking, insurance, financial institutions, etc).

Retail investors, with greed being their operating system - invested.
Today is no different in it's dynamics, than the financial 'wall street crash' was, in 1929.

Just as today, the retail investors - complete with the same delusions and the promise of easy profits, (money for nothing) - poured their hard earned cash into the delusion created by the banking cabal.
No one could ever lose, right ?

balloons rising.gif

As the bubbles begin to pop (they do not deflate slowly, relativity speaking) and the liquidity is sucked out of the system, the people left holding valueless assets will be the retail investor.
('the bagholder').

This is nothing new, but merely a repeat of times gone by where clever, manipulative psychopaths, prey on the gullibility of the less intelligent - but just as greedy - retail investor.

But there's one HUGE difference this time around.

THIS TIME, is the final time.
The strategy of 'kicking the can down the road', is coming to an end.

The 110 years old road - built by the federal reserve system - has now run out of road.
And these parasitical predators want it ALL.

They want ALL the wealth to be solely in their hands, and their hands alone....'you will own nothing and be happy', yeah?


While this idea is doomed to fail as being 'the new world order' (just as mathematically inevitable as the dollar going to virtually zero), the casualties of this are the normal, regular people, who just want to have a job, work, and have a quiet life.

For the crypto investor, it will mean losses.

Big losses.
Obviously for a few, of either the charlatans, grifters, or just ideologically naive who 'got in first' - they will profit greatly - but that is, by far - a small minority of individuals).

As the bubbles burst, and the excess liquidity is sucked out of everything (to service debt) , the whole world of crypto currencies will implode.

This is my opinion only - and all predictions are difficult - especially when it concerns the future - but after several years watching the crypto space and putting that into context of the wider world view concerning banking - I see no other future in the short/medium term.


...On a more optimistic note - I DO see a future with blockchain technology, and cryptocurrencies - one that's not a dystopian Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC's) nightmare - but nothing as it is today.

Unless and until, crypto currencies becomes sound money (tied to tangibles such as gold), it will remain nothing more than a concept - one borne from the optimistic desire to see a different financial system not run by the banking cabal.


Unless/until it becomes 'tethered' to the real world (pun intended), it will remain a pipe dream, with foundations made of hopium, and empty ambitions of going to the moon.

Sound money can not - ever - be merely a speculative asset.

Sound money, is sound money- and that can only ever be achieved when it is directly connected to real world value, based tangible goods.

...If history does indeed rhyme, then what are you hearing, right now...?

Posted from https://blurtlatam.intinte.org

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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

I'm not as informed as you seem to be about these issues, but I did have one thought. If crypto value is measured in USD or any other fiat currency, when that fiat goes inflationary, the crypto value in the fiat will go up as astronomically as the fiat itself. I hope that makes sense. Crypto will not have value of its own as long as we measure it in fiat.

Posted from https://blurtlatam.intinte.org

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

A really good video series is Hidden Secrets of Money, by Mike Maloney. In a few hours, you can learn how the world works, and really understand it (even without formal financial training etc). For years, I did YouTube videos on the topic, and got to know Mike's team. He invited me to dinner in Vancouver a few years ago but I wasn't able to make it. Very smart man.

Playlist for all 10 episodes:

First episode on its own:

Episode 4 is great as well. Much of the dialogue in that one echoes discussions I had with Mike and his team. I'm not credited for it, but my words and ideas are all throughout that episode.

I think it's worthwhile understanding this stuff, because the world is literally based on it, and it is the reason behind everything happening right now, including C19.

Posted from https://blurtlatam.intinte.org

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Thank you!

Posted from https://blurtlatam.intinte.org

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Very good videos.

Posted from https://blurtlatam.intinte.org

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

They made this fucker man of the year twice ,..
while he was starving the people to death .

Remember , and never forget ,.. and never forgive !

Posted from https://blurtlatam.intinte.org

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Good post matey.
But you lost me when you claimed hyperinflation will lead to prices crashing. Where'd you get that from?
I don't believe cryptocurrencies are in a bubble right now. Perhaps they will hyperinflate to billions of dollars per BTC, or the like, and then "crash" back down to some more reasonable amount, down the road. But I don't think they're going to collapse significantly from current levels.
Same with gold and silver. They are not in a bubble right now. Manipulation has kept their prices from absorbing much (or in the case of silver, ANY) of the trillions of funnymunny being created from nowhere. Silver is barely over the cost of production right now and above-ground inventory is lower than it has ever been in history. Silver is required in every smart device... every device period... and just about everywhere else. It literally can't crash. Maybe (like cryptos) it will hyperinflate at some point, and then crash afterward when the fiat system dies. But they will hold value and maintain purchasing power.
Most cryptos will never be sound money (they are currency, not money), but many/most are sound to some degree. Code is not without intrinsic value because it has real uses. Crypto isn't gold, but it's not the antithesis to gold, either.

Posted from https://blurtlatam.intinte.org
