BlogHide Reblurtsdryuen in blurtstory • 3 years ago雪都会融化,或早或晚 l 雪地来信 (小说)亲爱的汤圆: 看完了Netflix今年的圣诞系列Love Hard时,不由自主地伸手抽了两张纸巾揉了揉眼睛。眨了眨眼睛,我有点惊讶地发现,原来不知从什么时候开始,我竟然也会被电影弄哭?到底是因为电影如此的感人,还是因为感受到了源自于你心中的难过,老实说我确实分不清楚。…dryuen in blurthealth • 4 years ago你喜欢火锅还是韩国烤肉马来西亚风行动管制令,也就是所谓的封国有延长了。不过老实说并不会太意外,毕竟现在每天确证人数依然徘徊在五千到六千左右。所以看来大家只能继续够乖乖呆在家里了。对于我来说,我们不能够在家办公,所以还是需要继续上班。…dryuen in blurtstory • 4 years ago阳光的一天~日式咖喱饭今天早上莫名其妙地被吵醒,往窗外一看原来是下大雨了。但是好在今天不用上班,所以就算是窗外下着雨,心情也是美滋滋的。赖了一下床才甘愿洗刷。弄好早餐时才发现,外面早就不下雨了。暖暖的太阳,仔细一听还可以听到鸟叫声,觉得今天应该会是美好的一天。…dryuen in blurthealth • 4 years ago乳牙反正会换,还需要照顾吗虽然说,乳牙在大多数的情况下都会自然脱落,但也有例外的情况。若是小朋友乳牙并不会自然脱落,这代表小朋友很有可能患有先天性缺牙症。 在恒牙之中,部分先天缺牙率高达2.3~9.6%,而且,恒牙列的任何一颗牙齿都有先天缺失的可能。先天性恒牙缺的几率虽然不高,但是很有可能发生在任何人身上。…dryuen in blurthealth • 4 years ago疫情之下的艰难前几天收到意想不到的信息,其实是来自在巴厘岛上,负责载我们的小哥哥。…dryuen in blurtstory • 4 years ago巴厘岛之旅2019年农历新年的时候,我好不容易说服爸妈,让我们全家来一个新的尝试,就是到国外走走。对于这样的想法,传统的父母一开始还是蛮抗拒的,毕竟在他们的观念里,农历新年就是一定要在家吃团圆饭,然后上亲戚家拜年。当时我的坚持是出自于平常的日子里,我还有上学的弟弟没有办法腾出时间那么多天的假期,所以要全家一起出门,这个是不二之选的季节。在我的软硬兼施下,爸妈终于屈服了。到今天想想,还好当时我们去了,要不然赶dryuen in blurthealth • 4 years agoMilk after brushing?When parents came in with a children who are about 1-2 years presenting multiple holes in their mouth, I was often asked “ why this is happening? I make sure my child brushes everyday. “ Most of…dryuen in cn • 4 years ago团圆饭之夜同样的我们家今年也是第一次度过了人不齐全的新年。在外面读书的弟弟还有隔着一片海工作的妹妹今年也回不来了。往年,我们团圆饭通常都是吃火锅,但是今年就只有我和爸爸妈妈三人,所以我们决定预定盆菜。既简单但蛮有仪式感的,最重要的是真的超级方便。店家把盆菜连同锅子一起送来,我们只要倒入汤汁,开电热一下就好了。我当时有点饿了,忘记拍照就把汤倒进锅里。我们点了最小的四人份,但是还是吃不完,剩下的隔天下方便面当早dryuen in blurthealth • 4 years agoThe habits that change a child appearanceSpeaking of one's appearance we often concluded that it all come down to the gene we inherited from our parents. However research has shown that environmental factor such as : climates, diet, habits…reblurtedfamilyonline-tv in ulog • 4 years agoADHD的兒童,在人與人的相處時,會遇到甚麼困難? @親子Online共融電視台【歡迎各位爸爸媽媽分享】 ADHD的兒童,在人與人的相處時,會遇到甚麼困難? 很多時候,他們並不是想離群,ADHD的孩子也想有團體社交生活,可是卻常常遇到被排擠 或與 群體爭執的情況。 或許,只要大家多走一步,社會多點認知及包容,給予耐性及時間;支持著SEN家庭的父母,有信心有耐心地,讓孩子循序漸進改善及成長。 編輯及整理:朴陶 (2020年)…dryuen in blurtstory • 4 years agoMissing the woodsIts 4am in the morning but I am having some difficulties in sleeping. Yesterday was very exhausting to me, hence after dinner i was a bit sleepy Initially I was planning to nap a while but i…dryuen in blurtchef • 4 years agoLock down cookbook 封城中的小娛樂-下廚As the cases arising , Malaysia government had announced a selective lockdown which is different from the one we had during March 2020. This time only selective places which as higher case will…dryuen in blurthealth • 4 years ago新冠测试个人经历 (下)今天早上醒来时心情还蛮平稳的,有那么一丝丝庆幸今天不用上班。在床上赖了大约20分钟,就下床开始收拾了房间。看着角落里,装着昨天打包的食物的塑料袋,想要拜托隔壁合租的朋友拿下楼,但又感觉不好意思。毕竟等下还需要麻烦人家下楼帮我取餐,只好拼命说服自己看不到垃圾的存在。…dryuen in blurthealth • 4 years ago新冠测试个人经历 (上)拖延了大半年,昨天终于搬到了新家。由于新家离公司特别远,今天一大早就出门,开了将近40分钟的车,在距离公司就500米的距离时,手机忽然响起。一看是我们公司的人事部经理,还在想说这么早怎么会给我打电话,她一开口就说:”今天就不用上班了,我们会安排所有的人去做新冠检测。“ 我满脑子的问号,还想继续问下去,她就说还得马上通知其他员工,就把电话挂了,留下一脸懵,满脑袋想象的我。…dryuen in blurtstory • 4 years agoCounthing down for Christmas ~ 圣诞节倒数中December is always my favourite month. It's a month which symbolise of hope and love. Despite this is an unexpectedly bumpy year but I believe it somehow make us more stronger and more adaptive.…dryuen in blurtreview • 4 years agoDisney movie review~ Moana 2016 《海洋奇缘》"Moana" was an accidental finding for me. The trailer wasn't a hit and i did not aware of its existence until me and my friend decide to watch a movie during Christmas day. The story was surrounded…dryuen in blurtchef • 4 years agoA chilling night at the China House 中国屋的一夜Are you an adventurous person or you are a sedimental person ?Do you like to explore a new cafes on weekend or do you like to just go back to your favorite cafe and if possible sit on the same spot…dryuen in blurthealth • 4 years agoSmile is the best medicine 喜乐的心乃是良药Have you ever had any experience where you just had a very bad day, everything seems went against you and you felt like literally at the edge of burning out ? But then while you were walking on the…dryuen in ulog • 4 years agoStreet art - A way to inherit culture and tell stories of your generationWhen I was young, street art wasn’t been pay much attention and often being labeled as vandalism. But in my eyes they were simply amazing. It gave life to the wall, it tells stories , it is an…dryuen in blurtography • 4 years agoThe girl who likes weird insects and reptiles 蜘蛛和水蛭的美照I have no idea how do i end up falling in love with insects and reptiles but somehow they are very magical in my eyes. As a natural lover, every time when i am in the woods i always like to observe…