Followup to my WITNESS UPDATE yesterday.

in witness •  2 years ago  (edited)

This is a followup post to my witness update yesterday, which can be found here:

First of all I want to thank all the Blurtarians that stepped in and voted for me, getting me out of the danger zone on rank 20, now ranking 19 !!! I am so grateful for that!

🗳️ If you haven't voted for me yet, you can do this here:

First of all I want to thank @drutter for his wise words in the comments under my last post:

I was talking with Dan about this topic. I think falling prices are causing negative sentiment ("vibes"). Every time the price drops, generally because an investor is pulling out, mood on the chain drops, and we see less posts, less comments, less curation, and less rewards/growth. When the price jumps, we see an immediate spike in content-creation and curation. For insiders to blame BLURT's price on users is not a good look. It reminds me of a couple months ago when the foundation attacked investors and dropped the price by 75%.

This, IMO, is clearly fault of the Blurt Core Dev Team! Instead of making Blurt a better user experience for every Blurtarian with nice new features, they are looking for ways to manipulate the user listing results. You can twist and turn it any way you want... but this is censorship ladies and gentlemen!

Dear Blurt Core Dev Team, please stop pissing off the users here and do your job! Implement new features and make Blurt a better user experience! Thank you so much!

A short reminder: Better user experience ≠ Pissing off important users, investors and curators, that are important for Blurts growth!!! When will you finally start understanding this!?

@frankbacon: Thanks so much for your support! Of course we can have a call, that would be awesome! Discord? Or something else?

@ my BFAM @world-travel-pro: I know in which phase you are just in at the moment as witness my bud... 😉 You are trying to maneuver your way through the jungle 'diplomatically'. My advice: That doesn't work mate! 😂 In most cases, if something looks and smells like poop... It usually is poop... BLURT your opinion straight out! It is better in the long run, believe me! 😜

Thanks to our lovely and delightful Blurt Queen @ultravioletmag for prooving that trending definitely isn't trending on the official frontend with this post:

Finally, I am repeating myself, but it can't be said often enough! IMO, there is censorship going on in the official frontend ''. I personally do not like censorship! That is the reason why I will post solemnly via the frontend as of this moment and I encourage you all to do the same, so you can always see ALL COMMENTS AND USERS and thus see both sides to a story!

This is absolutely hilarious! Weren't Vote Trading Services supposed to be gotten rid of on the trending page of the frontend ''? Well then, check out who is rank 6... Satire at its best!


Last but not least, I want to thank @cristo for inspiring me to BLURT myself on my photo! I saw this on his profilpic and found it to be absolutely awesome!

Please don't forget to vote for my witness. It would be much appreciated :


Posted from

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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

I don't want to be negative, because I love Blurt and I know the potential it has, I've been here since day one and that's good! Congratulations for the great work with your witness, the platform must diversify the witnesses so that this control ends and I am glad that you add positions, I had many witnesses supporting them with my vote, but with the changes I eliminated them and only left a few, because I have little blurt power in my wallet, don't withdraw my votes in a bad way, it's just a strategy. In recent months very strong opinions have been divided, they want to make known who is the most powerful, but they do not realize that this is wrong, everyone must understand as a community we must work together, because they are only negative debates for the platform, they drive away developers, they drive away people who want to invest here, they drive away exchanges, they all move away, because of speculation and bad behavior, very immature behavior. With so many debates going nowhere and just fighting like little kids, they just push people away, investors leave, and people get discouraged stop creating content, stop commenting, stop voting. Many people here have dedicated a lot of time and hope that this platform will be successful, the least we want to see is dramas, we already have a lot, we have not learned anything. Learn to read, learn to listen, learn to think, if you don't like something, ignore it, it's very easy to ignore, but they take everything personal, it's like the world is going to end, that's wrong. Blurt deserves people who have a passion for growing the platform, we must understand that we have to work together, everyone, it's a community, their word says so, many people don't understand it or don't want to see it.
Recently with all this, I wrote some ideas on how to grow blurt, that's what we should do, grow the platform, sadly I'm not a developer, I support in many ways and many people here do too. It is interesting how everything has been changing, I hope that all this ends and that we support each other, make this grow. Thanks for the mention, but the first initiative to have our avatar with the name of Blurt on our profile, this initiative works as advertising, if we all made our avatar and published Blurt's photo, it would be incredible, this initiative is from @mostrorobot.

I leave you the links of the ideas, for Blurt, just for you to see. Multiple users joined:

Blurt - Ideas (ESP-ENG) @cristo
(Esp/Eng) Un par de ideas para dar a conocer BLURT / A couple of ideas to promote BLURT @oswaldotorres88
Winning in Blurt is very easy with them [ENG-ESP] @oneray

He continued, I don't want to be the center of attention, but that's what I think. As all this has been allowed to pass I have tried to draw the attention of the developers, of someone who can do it, I have commented on discord trying to push a little so that they include blurt in other cryptocurrency exchanges, so that we have more options and opportunities for everyone, the price of the token go up and increase their trust, it's hard and requires a lot of money, but there's nothing wrong with trying, but they don't seem to care. My regards, brother. Either way, Blurt is a great platform, with great people, anything will happen and Blurt will succeed. I hope you understand my points, I translated it.


  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Thank you very much for the comment friend. The most important thing is that more people join to participate and support the platform. yeah!!

Posted from

You hit the nail mate! Blurt really is awesome!!! The only thing that interests the ones in charge here, is their reputation and that is becoming a very big problem!!

Posted from

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

The super rich, the Global elite want the best cryptos to drop to zero so that they can buy it all for zero. So they create FUD , Fear, Uncertainty and Doubt…. so people sell all their crypto at the bottom … for almost nothing.

Posted from

Not with me!!!!

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  ·  2 years ago  ·   (edited)

But you sold all your Hive ???? Out of Fear ? Uncertainty ? Doubt ? Intimidation ? What caused you to sell all your Hive ? FUD from the Global Elite. The same way people are now selling their Blurt and Bitcoin. Pure FUD.

  ·  2 years ago  ·   (edited)

I sold all my Hive and moved here because TheCrappyCrap Marky annihilated my account over on Hive. From rep 64 to -5:

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Yeah… The Hive Downvote wars were brutal. I almost sold all my Hive too…but then I decided to just trade for HBD and earn 20% APR… people keep telling me that Hive and HBD are a scam but it seems to be doing much better than Blurt. I almost sold all my Dogecoin at .0001 … luckily I held on to some and sold at .70 instead. You never know which crypto is going to make a run to $1,000 so I just Hodl a little of all of them … Blurt price is definitely depressed at the moment. Hopefully it will go back to $1.50 USD (on Hive-Engine) … that is where I would maybe sell some.

  ·  2 years ago  ·   (edited)

I answered you over there😉👍🏽 What I forgot : Yes, our whales aren't behaving very nice and the language is harsh, but the ones in charge here have absolutely no talent in communicating nor diplomacy...

  ·  2 years ago  ·   (edited)

Sometimes there can be no diplomacy if the other side continues to demonstrate they will not compromise and will continue to go scorched earth until you give up what you're unwilling to give up.

I would point out how far many have gotten attempting to compromise with Marky? Sometimes one just has to say fuck you is my final answer.

In this case it seems many are making it more of a big deal than it is. I say this as not only are there other front ends that are not the property of the ones always being attacked, but the blockchain allows anyone of the mind to of making their own front end where they get to pick the criteria for what would trend.

Hell, to be blunt if this was my front end I would make a new category called proof of free speech and put all the shit talkers posts there so the world could see just how much free speech is allowed here. But that's just me. Plus it would make the incessant word vomit about being censored look as idiotic as it it really is. But we each have our own way of saying fuck you to those who earn it.

Personally I think using vote values is stupid anyway, and this is coming from one of whose posts have been on average probably among the highest in my time here. I like the idea that number of votes (discounting vote trails if possible) would play a large factor in the idea of what is trending. Of course, my posts typically have always done well in that category as well as comments.

At the end of the day, I find it laughable that fuckers who are non stop talking shit about the chain and the owners of the longest running and most worked on front end make surprised pikachu faces when they finally get swatted like an annoying fly, lol. Perhaps they would be better served analyzing how their actions are creating these situations. Perhaps the crowd they stir up should as well.

Oh noes, the person I've been bullying finally hit back. Look everyone, they are out of line.

Then the crowd gasps.

Where the hell is the gasping during the non stop attacks that are creating this?

Sometimes ya just got to tell the other party to fuck off.

proof of free speech and put all the shit talkers posts there so the world could see just how much free speech is allowed here. But that's just me

Hell, that would awesome! Sadly those immatures are constantly using their energy to censor these people and ALL OF BLURT IS WATCHING THIS SHITSHOW... People are leaving because of this.. Bloggers aren't posting anymore because of this... And so on and so on...

Posted from

There really is no censorship going on as far as Blurt is concerned. The many thousands of words churned out weekly shit talking is proof of this, and in my opinion makes it ludicrous to even assert this.

People are leaving because of this

I would say if this place is so bad as the shit talkers say they should hurry through that exit door. Maybe create their own place where they put up the money and the labor and then let those with the money buying in dictate to them like employees their every move. I would be curious to see how long that would last before they said fuck this.

Bloggers aren't posting anymore because of this

I'm guessing there are bloggers who are becoming reluctant to post anything good about Blurt for fear of certain folks showing up on their blog to shit talk both Blurt and them personally for saying something good about Blurt. People are tired of this for sure, and maybe it would be good for all concerned if those who wish to be dictator of how others see things and write of them did leave instead on non stop talking about it as they do.

Sometimes it's just not meant to be.

If this place and those running one front end and maintaining the chain are so horrible, one can simply not type this front end into their browser and choose another one and problem solved.

Oh noes, my bully noticed me again when I went directly in their area and started throwing rocks at them again. Look everyone, see how much of a victim I am.

It's almost like they think of me every time I start throwing rocks at them. If they knew how to do this right they would accept the sting in their faces from my rocks.

See how they try to block the rocks I throw everyone, they need to grow up and take these rocks in their face. They censor me by trying to stop my rocks while still allowing me to throw them.

Ridiculous really.


Yes all of Blurt is watching and I don't think the majority are sympathizing with the so called victims who keep starting this shit and won't stop beating the dead horse. Speaking for myself, I don't. Stop poking the bear and maybe the bear will go on about its business. It has tried to several times now but the same crowd keeps following it to poke it some more.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Wasn’t there literally a blacklist? I am outta loop I just admit. Just remember seeing it discussed that MEGA dude had set it up.

You're thinking of the Coal list. When whale wars on the Foundation happened the first time, it was over the VTS. The original argument against them was it was rewarding plagiarism. In an attempt to appease the whales and find a middle ground, it was re-implemented. Of course, the plagiarism stance was not the real reason behind their push against it despite that being the illusion they gave.

It basically is a tool the front end uses to fight plagiarism. It is not a chain function, but a front end function and any front end owner is free to choose whether or not to utilize it to fight stolen content.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Yes that was it! The coal list.

  ·  2 years ago  ·   (edited)

Months ago, I recommended a 'Community' feature on Blurt, similar to Hive on the Discord channel... No-one gave a 💩!!!!

Probably too diffiult to implement...

Instead a few weeks later, the 'awesome' mute button was introduced! YAWN!


IMO, they do whatever they want and don't give a poop about the stakeholders here, pissing off an entire community whilst they are doing it...

They think they know everthing better and are arrogant as hell on top!

the bear will go on about its business


I'm guessing there are bloggers who are becoming reluctant to post anything good about Blurt for fear of certain folks showing up on their blog to shit talk both Blurt and them personally for saying something good about Blurt.

I am definetely not your opinion on this one! The bloggers simply aren't earning anything anymore here and the few big curators (ctime, mmm, marius) are trying to be censored by the founders/dev team.

So much stupidity.....

I came here with about 2500 USD worth of Hive and all that is left is $1337 in Blurt!!!! AND I bought massively in the dips!!!!

Am I pissed off? You bloody bet I am!!!

Posted from

Instead a few weeks later, the 'awesome' mute button was introduced! YAWN!

I'm pretty sure they give as much of a shit about your yawn regarding what they do with their privately owned front end as Blizzard would be if I bought some of their stock and then yawned at their next update.

They think they know everything better and are arrogant as hell on top!

As mentioned above, it seems more likely to me that they think those trying to dictate what they do with their privately funded, privately maintained front end is no one elses business and those seeking to order them around are the arrogant ones.

Anyone is free to set up and maintain their own front end as Freakeao has.

I came here with about 2500 USD worth of Hive and all that is left is $1337 in Blurt!!!! AND I bought massively in the dips!!!!

I feel your pain despite differing on assigning any blame. Mine was worth 13k just a few months or so ago and looks like I'll be liquidating it for about 1800.00-2000.00.

I explained to you here

That the price many of you were buying in at was an anomaly. Where Blurt sits now is the value it has been at much of my time here. I explained why the price rose and has returned to its current level.

Sucks for sure, but it was unrealistic to expect that the whales who pushed it there would continue propping it up there, even if the Foundation had caved and bowed down to them in effect handing their assets over. They are not made of endless money.

If folks see something is lacking on Blurt and have the tech knowledge or funds to create that application then by all means they should. And just as the current front ends are personal property the new apps made would also be personal property subject to the desires of the creator/maintainer.

  ·  2 years ago  ·   (edited)

Thanks for commenting! But you didn't answer the question. This circle has a responsibility towards all the stakholders here...

I'm pretty sure they give as much of a shit about your yawn regarding what they do with their privately owned front end as Blizzard would be if I bought some of their stock and then yawned at their next update.

Well at least Blizzard has brains and its ear on the community needs. Then they are dumber than I thought... Throwing away their investment making one crappy decision after another...

You didn't say YES or NO... ;D

Posted from

I hope @tekraze will read this comment and will stop his "abuse" bullshit

Posted from

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

It looks like another whale just voted for your witness, because you're now at #13! Keep up the good work mate.

Wow😍No, there must have been a shift in votes in somebodys account...

  ·  2 years ago  ·   (edited)

The Global Elite create FUD so that everyone sells everything to them for nothing. This is how the Global Elite accumulate never ending wealth. They can buy everything for almost nothing. People dump their Bitcoin, their stocks, their Blurt and the Global Elite buy it for almost nothing. Nobody knows who these Global Elite are … but they are the ones that create Fear, Uncertainty and doubt. Every single day.


I came here with 2500 USD in Hive... What is left of it? 1300 USD of Blurt!!! I am fed up with way Blurt is being lead by absolutely immature adults!

Posted from

  ·  2 years ago  ·   (edited)

The Global Elite are everywhere …. they create FUD so you sell all your Hive, Steem, Blurt, Bitcoin for nothing.

This is what they do.

Posted from

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Why did you sell all your Hive ?


Pissing off important users, investors and curators

As you may know, I was there live when the German village was burned down in early March this year. Later it was often said that MD had no choice, he had to defend himself against the attacks. Well, this is a confusion of timing, the bad words came only after the village was burned down. For me, this action came as a complete surprise.

As it seems, the mood has not improved since then; on the contrary, new disasters have been added.

If this continues, we definitely will not be seeing any big investors in the near future!

That's the way it is. The reason I see is that trust was lost. The shabby handling of important users and announcements that were never carried out. For example, there was supposed to be a new chain called Splash. Blurt users were promised an airdrop. Later the same game again, with Bling. And because it was so nice, we start Beach. None of the three announcements ever happened.

It will be a long arduous road to restore the destroyed trust and thus get new investors and a reasonable price. To be honest, I don't believe in it and I very rarely check what's moving on Blurt anymore. It was just your beautiful lines that made me comment here once again :-))

Anyway, I wish you good luck as Witness, you will surely need it!

Yes, I too am disappointed... The wall between founders /core dev team is getting bigger and bigger...

Posted from

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

hehe well done, congrats to your 19th rang and now the 13th hats off !

I like how you run this thing its kind of my style always runnign against closed doors until they are broken, that´s the hard way but its mostly the best and the honest way.

That´s some thing I learned in my years as MD in several companies you can´t let all your engineers talking to Investors or clients not even to the peeps from the revenue service, most of them will mess it up.

AndTekraze is a super example of them, he maybe a fantastic coder (I don´t know if its like that) but he is only telling us what he was told before from MEGAcontroller, or he really believes in what MEGAavoidInvestors is having in mind is correct to do ;)

Go on like that my friend and maybe in a while your ranking under the first 5 witnesses.

Thanks for your support mate 🙏 All of us here have stake. All of us want Blurt to grow and prosper... Especially the Blurt price!!! All of us except the founders/core dev team... No idea, what is going on in their heads??? 🤷‍♂️

Posted from

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

maybe they are all deranged politicians that would be a reason for their stupid handling of things, maybe we have to get rid of them to free this chain from such stupid influence ;)
You´re always welcome !

Posted from

Honeslty it seems the core team can take no responsibility here. Always blaming someone else. It’s Marius and c time ‘attacking’ blurt if they want to cash out.... no how about they came here on the premise of free speech and when that is threatened and they don’t like how it’s ran they think about cashing out. You can’t go around blaming investors for crashing a site, instead build a better place to get more investors so one threatening to leave doesn’t hang the whole site in balance.

Some ppl say just move on if you don’t like it, for many ppl this is their third time doing that so at some point ppl need to stand up. I think there is still lots of chance on blurt to nip stuff in the bud whereas because ppl left it too late to speak up on hive it was too late to turn the tide and it’s over for hive. I can’t see anyone ever having any success at turning that ship around now the corruption runs too deep. I believe there is still a chance on blurt to make this a community project that works in the favour of the community as a whole and not controlled by 4 or 5 ppl. I guess they don’t like Marius and c time have so much influence but that’s the way the cookie crumbles sometimes. This isn’t anyone’s site, it’s an open source project and we still have time to steer the ship.

I give props to mega drive lately tho he has completely changed from what I’ve seen and stopped egging on lucylin, getting involved and bashing blurt investors. He seems to just put factual statements and back out and began acting like a proper professional. I’m impressed so far.

Posted from

They are running the Blurt price to zero with their constant provoking of our big investors... The people are doing high effort 50 cent posts. This is an absolute joke and I don't think, that the people will stick around much longer...

Posted from

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

When I first came here, I was so excited, was planning to run a witness node even before you did it but I wanted to know the people around first, was planning to try and pop up a new front-end maybe, was planning to grow my stake constantly...guess where I'm standing right now?

I got to know part of the crowd, you can see that the "leading staff" has formed a group that will push forward the same idea/s, and the same messages, and will defend their side even if they know that they are somehow wrong.

When Tekraze is saying that he is feeling abused and attacked in the comments, of course, the easy solution was to add an option to filter/censor the user, but the optimal solution would have been to not give so many people fighting material, a little change in personal behavior and way of thinking on a bigger level could have gone much further. If the plan is to censor, then why even use the blockchain technology, just set up a forum and you have easy control there... disappointed... 😔

Posted from

You said it mate... I have no idea, if they will learn from this..?

Posted from


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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

I also saw that response from Lucylin and was amazed. Sometimes I even thought that he said everything that crossed his mind to insult those who did not agree with his position, but I have changed my mind.

Making Blurt a better place to share is everyone's job, and creating and driving improvements to the platform, I guess it's up to the witnesses.

Posted from

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

In most cases, if something looks and smells like poop... It usually is poop...

You are definitely right. If it smells like poop, no matter how brown its color is, it will never be chocolate. I have no idea how to handle a witness, and I'm not popular enough to be, haha, but if there's one thing I'm sure of, it's that we all have something to learn, whether we're network witnesses or not.

I think it's a good time to stop "attacking" whoever the user is and dedicate ourselves to offering improvements to the platform. I do not believe much in the Vox populi, vox Dei, but I am sure that good proposals can be found among users so that everything goes on the right track.

Posted from

  ·  2 years ago  ·   (edited)

Well, the problem is so obvious, that even a blindman can see it...

The problem in a nutshell:

Those in charge here are engaged in a kindergarten quarrel with a few of the most important investors and bloggers on Blurt... Instead of making Blurts features better, they are trying to censor exactly those users, thus driving the Blurt price downwards because nobody in their right mind would want to invest here after seeing this insanity, thus driving the bloggers away, because NOBODY is doing high level effort posts for 20 cents, driving the Blurt price AND the blog post frequency FURTHER downwards in a catastrophical spiral... I just checked the number of posts here on Blurt in the last hour: 24 posts in the last hour! That is NOTHING!

#letsNOTgrowblurt (sarcasm off)

Posted from

Completely agree. Blurt needs spokespeople who speak like adults and just focus on growing and improving the platform. Like I said mega drive has done a lot better lately some of the others are just like a fly to a uv light and have completely lost focus on building the site.

Posted from

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Job openings 🤬

Want ads 🥓


The Tragedy: They aren't seeing it... 🤷‍♂️

Posted from

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

...dedicate ourselves to offering improvements to the platform...

When the latest and biggest improvement for the platform was that the "leading staff" became able to censor users from certain front-ends, I'm not that excited to see what other improvements are lined up...

Posted from

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Precisely, the ideal is that those affected with those involved have a good conversation that allows more open participation. I have seen how those who criticize censorship, as well as those who support it, both have silenced other users or are mutually silenced. Hopefully, those conflicts are resolved so that we can all start working toward the same goal. This is my wish.

Posted from

I might go with the witness thing next month too and just see what happens.

Posted from

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Congratulations to for making it to Rank 19. I wish you more of this my friend

Thanks mate!

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

I am saying again, I dont see those investors doing any good for Blurt, other than promoting negative votes. And we are fixing old code, that is from ages and built on steem. And I know there are loopholes, that were liked by some people.

Its just that when they are patched, not everyone like this.

I dont have any personal issues with anyone, but when they go personal and abusive, I dont think they deserve my attention.

And those investors who keep threating, irrevalant of how much blurt they buy, unless they stop promoting negativity. There is no benefit of buying more stake.
Also buying more stake, doesnt mean they become decsion maker.

Either they stay or leave, we dont care, as we know, they would never leave. They just want to keep pissing the team and blurt, to extract the rewards. As they also know, blurt is the best in all chains in terms of rewards, so price does not matter, when they can have the quantity with them.

So, I deserve your post as being a witness you are, but also as another witness, I dont agree with your comments.
I hope people will see the truth behind those investors.

  ·  2 years ago  ·   (edited)

Either they stay or leave, we dont care

AND THERE WE HAVE IT... That is exactly why the people are so pissed off at you and you don't even notice it! Your attitude towards others is ignorant and arrogant. You have no diplomatic expertise whatsoever and obviously you don't give a 💩 what other people have to say here...

There is no benefit of buying more stake.

Wow! Now that was very intelligent for any potential investors reading along here... 👍

Your comment just confirmed the whole problem the community has with the dev team. You guys are doing what you want. Nobody is allowed to ask questions and the big investors can go FO... Well congratulations!!!

blurt is the best in all chains in terms of rewards

On which planet are you living? The top bloggers here are earning maybe 3 bucks on a high effort post.. Pretty soon there will be nobody left here to blog because the price is dumped to hell... Wake up buddy!

The people are mad at you because of your attitude towards the community. It is evident in every word you write. As long as you continue your spree in this manner... Things will be getting worse here...

Posted from

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Many of these comments in this thread are in the same category or my thoughts I had in my mind when I responded to ur most recent post.

Hey mate! Thanks for your ongoing support! Please take part in my pole! You can find it here:

Posted from

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Well I don't need to comment on my attitude, people already know. And yes we, because there is no one left that was not abused by those people.
We have not given them freedom to abuse us.

  ·  2 years ago  ·   (edited)

How about you stop playing the victim and start serving the people here!?!?!?

Posted from

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

How about you stop following those investors and actually be a witness, with your own voice

  ·  2 years ago  ·   (edited)

Sadly, this is my voice! You guys are fully responsible for the ongoing loss of Blurt price! We have a stagnation of bloggers because they aren't earning anything, because the Blurt price is so low that all that comes around are 50 cent posts and we have no investors because everyone with half a brain can see how they are treated here!!! Your whole irresponsible crew has massive Blurt wallets and should have a HUGE INTEREST to get that Blurt price going up... BUT YOU DON'T... You don't give a 💩 and nobody on this platform understands why!!!

Quit playing your childish censorship games and finally start making the people feel welcome here.... SERVE THE COMMUNITY, NOT YOUR EGOS!!!!!

Posted from

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

I feel you with them are childish now. I don't have any time to play games like you people.

I don't want to comment any more here, as this can lead to more arguments, I can only say. Just keep doing what you believe is right, and I will be doing what I feel right.

I think social media is not for you, everyone is "abusing" you, what the fuck does that even mean? Stop that crap

Posted from

abused lol
what are you talking about?

Posted from

Hello @outofthematrix
Thank you for sharing such great content!
PLEASE KINDLY CLICK HERE TO VOTE US AS BLURT WITNESSBlurt to the moon 🌕You can delegate any amount of Blurt power to @blurtconnect-ng
This post has been upvoted manually by @chibuzorwisdomblurtconnect.gifUse #blurtconnect tag to get more upvotes from us

Also, keep in touch with Blurtconnect-ng family on Telegram and Whatsapp