Hot: blurtmobAll contentrewardsvideokrblurtactifitzzanburnbotgamesphotographycentartblurtgermanlolzphotographblurtblocknewswamr2cornellbyterebelblurtindiaHotTrendingNewDAppsmattsanthonyit in blurt • yesterdayExperiences Shown The Children Learning More About Farm Animal 🐰🐇🐰 Production ( Feeding Routine Learning From The Excited Young Farmers )Hello Blurtters, The main purpose of putting this into an article writing is for us to understand what it means to always take part in day-to-day activity even with your children. There are…mattsanthonyit in blurt • 2 days agoThe Hybrid Breed Or The Local Turkey 🦃 🦃 Breed. Which One Do You Treasure And Why? Some Tips On Turkey 🦃🦃 Keeping For Individual Farmer.Hello Blurtters, Nowadays in agriculture we have different types of sections which will always bring profit to our table as individual farmer and person. The aim and objective of every farmer…mattsanthonyit in blurt • 3 days agoDifferent Species 🌿🌱🌿🌱 Of Green Vegetables With Different Mode Of Cultivation, Different Methods Of Harvesting Originally || The African Spinach And More......Hello Blurtters, In agricultural mindset there are different types of green vegetables with different nutrients likewise different types of planting techniques. There are some green vegetables…liumei in blurttribe • 4 days ago拭目以待店里就两套调料盒,客人吃饭时候到处拿窜,他们不方便、我也累。我要把每桌都配一套。买了装辣椒油的,醋、酱油和麻油我打算用矿泉水瓶子装。 今天会来一个50岁的姐姐试工,要价很高,直接给我飙升一千!好吧,看你活干的咋样,不值就不能给。试试再说,口气很强,什么都能干。mattsanthonyit in blurt • 4 days agoSome Random Photography Sections Of Different Crop Production, Don't Wait Till Its Late. The Time Is Now For Crop Production 🌿🍀🌶️🌱🍆🍒🌰🧄🌰Hello Blurtters, For everything you plant there is always the best reward you will ever see after so many weeks or month s of planting. The time range in which the cultivation of crops is being…mattsanthonyit in blurt • 5 days agoTeaching And Learning Continues With Practical Aspect Fully involved With The Little Growing Up Farmers.🌾🍀🌿🍆🌽🌴🍒🍅🍒🌶️. The Smile On The Little Farmer's Face.😀😀.Hello Blurtters, What are your thoughts when it comes to farm activities? There is only one way out which is continuous practice which also involve practical aspect. When you are right and ripe…mattsanthonyit in blurt • 6 days agoVenturing Into Different Agricultural Crop Species 🍀🌱🌾🌽🌱 Will Eligibly Increase Your Farm Production At The End And Decreases Farm Activities.Hello Blurtters, First and foremost, the given back of agricultural planting tips can always be evaluated through different ways by which you handle your farm system. This Farm system also…liumei in blurttribe • 7 days ago走不进心里面报了一个“走心”的课,开始时我在店里边干活边听,一个多小时后才到家,这时候已经开始走心环节了。 我走不进我的心里,我已经用脑看透了一切,明白一切的原因,我自己已经走出来了。心,走不进去。 听着别人看到的画面,哭的稀里哗啦,我也没有泪,也哭不出,不想哭。 昨天中午开始时没人,后来一下涌入一个一个又一个,我干的头都疼!看来招工标准要降低,先找个小时工吧。…