Trending: lifestyleAll contentrewardskrvideoblurtactifitzzangamesburnbotphotographycentnewsblurtgermanlolzartphotographblurtblockwamr2cornellblurtlifebyterebelHotTrendingNewDAppsbaiboua in blurt-1845409 • 2 days agoCafé Dreams in Full Bloom 🌿☕Hello everyone A few days ago, my sister and I went to a plant shop to pick out flowers for our café’s decoration. As someone who...jgb in blurt-188398 • 13 hours agoCómo manejar el estrés diario sin que nos controleHoy quiero traerles una reflexión sobre algo que todos vivimos, pero pocos sabemos manejar correctamente: el estrés diario. Vivimos en un mundo acelerado, lleno de responsabilidades, plazos y…axeman in photography • 14 hours agoFlowers of the Old TownOutdoors conceptual art portrait Post production in LR+PS Enjoy! Be sure to click on the image to view full screen! CategoryPortrait/Art/Fashion CameraCanon 6DM2 / Tamron…cryptoyzzyblurt in blurt-192372 • 16 hours agoLa magicienneSalut à tous, toujours dans le cadre d'un festival de spectacles de rue cette magicienne loufoque qui fait des tours avec son lapin. C'est plutôt un spectacle comique car tous les tours de magie…baiboua in blurt-1845409 • 3 days agoA Day of Hard Work at the Café 🌿Hello everyone This morning, my sister and I woke up early to continue working on a café that is slowly taking shape. We spent the morning...jgb in blurt-188398 • yesterdayEl poder de soñarLos sueños son la chispa que enciende el motor del cambio. Víctor Hugo, con su aguda visión de la vida y la humanidad, nos dejó una frase que encierra una verdad fundamental: "No hay nada como un…axeman in photography • yesterdayLibraries are the most dangerous weaponsIndoors art fashion portrait Post production in LR+PS Enjoy! Be sure to click on the image to view full screen! CategoryPortrait/Art/Fashion CameraCanon 1Dx / Tamron…cryptoyzzyblurt in blurt-192372 • yesterdayTraction avantUn modèle de voiture qui a connu un succès populaire de la marque Citroën. La traction avant a était construite dans les années 30 et produites pendant une vingtaine d'année. Il faisait partie…axeman in photography • 4 hours agoIn search for lightStudio conceptual faceart portrait Post production in LR+PS Enjoy! Be sure to click on the image to view full screen! CategoryPortrait/Art/Fashion CameraCanon 1Dx / Tamron…jgb in blurt-188398 • 2 days agoEvitemos que la ansiedad nos impida disfrutar del presenteLa ansiedad es una sombra que nos persigue, incluso en los momentos en los que todo parece estar en calma. Nos roba la tranquilidad, nos aleja de la realidad y nos mantiene atrapados en un sinfín de…rasel8 in blurt-188398 • yesterdayশোনা যায় না আর সেই ধ্বনি।।বিসমিল্লাহির রাহমানির রাহীম আসসালামু আলাইকুম ওয়া রহমাতুল্লাহি ওয়া বারোকাতুহ। [হ্যালো আমার প্রিয় বন্ধুরা। আমি @rasel8. #বাংলাদেশ থেকে। সবাই কেমন আছেন? আশা করি আপনারা সবাই ভালো…axeman in photography • 2 days agoA Duet - between imagination and expressionIndoors art fashion portrait. Colombo, Sri Lanka Post production in LR+PS Enjoy! Be sure to click on the image to view full screen! CategoryPortrait/Art/Fashion…axeman in photography • 9 hours agoShining steelStudio art fashion portrait Post production in LR+PS Enjoy! Be sure to click on the image to view full screen! CategoryPortrait/Art/Fashion CameraCanon 1Dx / Tamron…axeman in photography • yesterdayJust between girlsIndoors art fashion portrait Post production in LR+PS Enjoy! Be sure to click on the image to view full screen! CategoryPortrait/Art/Fashion CameraCanon 1Dx / Tamron…axeman in photography • yesterdayCity talksOutdoors conceptual art portrait Post production in LR+PS Enjoy! Be sure to click on the image to view full screen! CategoryPortrait/Art/Fashion CameraCanon 6DM2 / Tamron…blurtlarecette in blurt-1845409 • 2 days agoTomates rôties et fetaSalut à tous, une recette faite un peu avec l'inspiration sans connaître le résultat et j'en suis plutôt satisfait. Des tomates cuites au four avec des pommes de terre et de la feta, un fromage…axeman in photography • yesterdayEvery city has a colorOutdoors conceptual art portrait Post production in LR+PS Enjoy! Be sure to click on the image to view full screen! CategoryPortrait/Art/Fashion CameraCanon 1Dx / Tamron…axeman in photography • yesterdayWhite touchStudio art fashion portrait Post production in LR+PS Enjoy! Be sure to click on the image to view full screen! CategoryPortrait/Art/Fashion CameraCanon 1Dx / Tamron…axeman in photography • 8 hours agoNever trust stairsStudio art fashion portrait Post production in LR+PS Enjoy! Be sure to click on the image to view full screen! CategoryPortrait/Art/Fashion CameraCanon 1Dx / Tamron…jgb in blurt-188398 • 3 days agoEl síndrome del impostor: cómo superarlo y reconocer nuestro propio valorEl síndrome del impostor es una sensación persistente de duda sobre nuestras propias capacidades, a pesar de contar con logros y habilidades que demuestran lo contrario. Muchas personas, incluso…