in instablurt •  3 years ago 

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(1) You don't tolerate each others vices- when you are in a relationship whereby both of you have bad habits or one of you, for example the guy may be a smoker or a drunk can you live with it hoping he or she would change, it won't be easy to quit so don't push it you can only help them and show your support by being patient, remember people can only change if they want to its your own health you should consider here, both physically psychologicallly and emotionally whether you can help the situation or not.


(2) You feel you are away too much - If of recent you are starting to feel like a broken bag of feelings it means you are getting too little love back in return from your spouse or you are emotionally damaged. If you can have a open conversation with your partner about what is going in in your mind and how you are feeling you could get changes and work things out and if you feel the relationship is unhealthy for you, you can quit because staying in an unhealthy relationship is more like committing suicide.


(3) The sex action is missing - you both have been together for months and you normally always jump on each other none stop but of recent you prefer just being together in your shared nest, you must start thinking of a strategy to bounce back to your intimate side you can make yourself hot for your partner again get back to flirting with each other you can't just sit on it learn the motion make a move to spice things up in your relationship.


(4) Change in priorities - You might be in a relationship, yet that doesn't change your identity. What's more, that is the place the issue begins. As individuals, we advance and change constantly. You're not the individual you were a year ago, and you won't be the individual you are currently one year from now.

Also, much the same as you, your partner too is evolving continually. What's more, once in a while, you and your partner may encounter changes that will pull both of you separated from each other. Also, soon enough, both of you may have nothing in like manner. Invest enough energy with each other and endeavor to develop together a comparable way. Discuss your convictions and your interests with each other and it'll help both of you become together along a similar way.

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