What Would You Choose If You Have Only One Choose to Make Over Blurt, Steemit or Hive?

in instablurt •  2 years ago 


Let's do a game.. Just imagine you are a blogger in 3 Platforms( Steemit, Hive and Blurt). You are posting all 3 platforms with various content and you have considerably good upvotes in all. But one day if someone asked from you to choose only one platform to write again, and if you have to leave other two platforms after you choose one platform, what platform you will choose? I would like to know about that. And there should be a good reasons to clarify your answer.

This is just a game, I will give my answer first. If you remember I already made a post about My answer to this game. I am a user of Blurt and Steemit, I was doing some roles in both platforms. But finally I choose Blurt when they asked to leave blurt. Now I am only a content writer in Steemit and I support only Blurt with my abilities. If someone asked why I chosen Blurt, It's because Blurt has the freedom while having the greater distribution of powers over the community. And Blurt is the best to support members to build from nothing.

So I expect to see your comments about your chosen platform. Let me & others to know about it reasons. It doesn't matter you choose Blurt or Steemit or Hive. I like to have your real thoughts. Comments are warmly welcome and every comment will get tinny votes.

Don't forget to vote me as a Witness

vote witness.gif

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  ·  2 years ago  ·   (edited)

Well I post my iPhone Photography, Actifit and Dtube videos on all 3 platforms … Blurt, Steemit and Hive since I have friends in all 3 places. Even though I often get downvoted to zero on Hive I still post my Actifit and Dtube there to earn Actifit and Dtube tokens.

At the moment I earn about $ 6 a day on Blurt…. $ 3 a day on Hive ( mostly from HBD savings) …. and $1 a day on Steemit (only through Delegation to @justyy)

It all adds up to about $10 a day… $300/ month from blogging. Not bad.

I am told that Hive, HBD, Steem and SBD will probably drop to zero ??? So I am thinking I should sell them and move everything to Blurt and Bitcoin ?

I like to be diversified so I also buy Bitcoin on Ionomy.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

About earnings, may be they have high amount than blurt, But we have the strength than them. I saw rycharde also shared a post about SBD recently. According to him, I think Steemit already able to get the price back to 0.25$. So still they are capable of continuing with SBD... But I think at some point all those SBD, HBD will collapse. We saw what happened to UST. Let's see what will happen.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

I’m just an artist / blogger who likes to share my work everywhere… even Instagram, Twitter etc …
Appics is also pretty good. I try my best to avoid politics and just share everywhere.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Avoiding politics is good. Other wise we can be in the middle of others wars.

I cannot support a system financially that zeros people just for kicks and giggles even if it’s not me. I’ll never stand by blind to that. Sometimes we have to lead by example.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Unfortunately I like to walk and I can’t post to Actifit without it posting to Hive. I have asked the developers at Actifit if they could provide the Option to only post to Blurt and they are working on it.

Yes I hope they do as I would like to use actifit if they make it so we don’t need hive.

  ·  2 years ago  ·   (edited)

There are still lots of people on Steemit and Hive, Twitter, Instagram, Facebook , Appics, Dtube, Actifit, YouTube, Minds, etc etc that don’t know about how awesome Blurt is …. We have to be careful we don’t become an Echo Chamber here on Blurt.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Promotion is much needed.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

I’m mostly promoting Blurt outside of Blurt these days.

  ·  2 years ago  ·   (edited)

I think in the hay day l was making 35 -50 dollars a day on hive or prob more but still wasn’t worth it for that type of negative energy. I will love it when blurt gets up to liveable daIly wage of like 50/60 dollars + for people that’s when these sites can really create freedom for people

  ·  2 years ago  ·   (edited)

That is awesome. I never ever made $50 a day anywhere. Just very very small amounts that I convert to Bitcoin on the dips.

I made a lot on hive during the high period but if it was too much it would get taken away a day before payout. But even making that much money I still came off it because I cannot support that toxic behaviour that I came to realise wasn’t just a few people but was really engrained into the site. If we allow ourselves to be paid off to turn a blind eye to bullying like that and not speak up for ppl we are as bad as they are. At some point ppl need to rip off the band aid and if enough do we can be making 50-60 dollars a day here.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

It's good I had a less experience in hive. Otherwise I also have to face same situation.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

I have made very little on hive…. All my crypto is from Steemit and Blurt

Why are they downvoting you to zero on Hive?
Somehow I have avoided that drama but I have seen enough of it to make me worry they'll eventually find some BS reason to take me down.
I just noticed @ultravioletmag was completely chased off of Hive (I follow way too many people there so sometimes it takes awhile to notice these things). Are they actually dving people for posting on multiple platforms? Wtf do they care?

  ·  2 years ago  ·   (edited)

I began getting downvoted because I witnessed the bullying in private chat rooms in 2017 and spoke against it rather than join in. I was invited to a private chat group on steemit chat and witnessed all these ocd whales picking out newbies and downvoting them to 0 for fun. They would just pick ppl and make their life hell till they left the platform. I didn’t go along with it So I got punished, they did stuff like open a new chat room window but mute me and just laugh about me without me being able to engage it was so childish. Then I kept my head down for a bit but defended ura soul and others getting downvoted to zero... so again got punished. I was allowed to make like 70 dollars but if I did better than that I would generally get downvoted the day before payout with the tag line ‘over rewarded’, even tho the people downvoted me did the most shit posts ever. I would rather be downvoted tho than turn a blind eye to others getting bullied and not stand up for them. I think meester boom didn’t like that I also posted on steemit, despite not minding his friend acidyo farms thousands on there every month. It became so toxic for me and I saw just how corrupt it is I honestly at the end just called them out and made it so I could never be tempted to ever use the site again, I would say it actually affected my life negatively using it. I didn’t realise how much till I left. I saw too much to want to give any money to those people or support that platform in any way whatsoever. Just using it your supporting them really and supporting bullying.

Yes I could keep my head down and make 70 dollars or whatever, or just post pictures on New account names but I would literally be supporting that toxic behaviour. The sooner everyone just leaves the better. A lot of ppl just seem to want to keep their head down and ignore others getting bullied in the hope they can continue to earn... this is toxic! If those ppl just all powered down and came here blurt would be worth as much.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

I don't think that ecosystem will work continuously as previous. People were there because they didn't see a option for hive because Steemit was already abounded by hive people. So whether they liked or not the only option was hive for them. But now they are hearing about blurt and they know they have opportunity here. People wait until the right time and At some point we will see powerdowns in hive and people will come to blurt.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

They want people to do what they need..If people want to do something which people need, may be they will get downvotes..But in blurt we all are free to do whaever we want.☺️

The infighting between whales is just ridiculous. "I'm going to downvote whoever he upvotes, just because he said something I didn't like 4 years ago." It's like we are all little proxy battles in their stupid wars.

I can’t say it enough ppl need to stop turning a blind eye to bullying in order to make a few dollars a day. If everyone decent ripped off the band aid and sacked off hive and it’s toxicity for good then people could be making the same amount over here on blurt. All it takes is some good old power downs and power ups here and then we would be doing the same here and have great developers join. Be a lion not a sheep lol start the movement you want to see.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

ha haaaa. Their stupid wars and we are just a players for them.

I already made my choice blurt due to amazing community and no downvote. I won’t even post on hive and support such a corrput agenda. Steemit I post on but I don’t get anything like as much enjoyment as I do from blurt :) I think we would all love the token value to go up tho so we could actually support ourselves as artists from posts :)

When I logged onto hive I felt felt a sense of dread, foreboding and like even I was becoming more aggressive as a result of the toxicity there. When I log onto blurt I feel light, loved and fun. I have conversations here and got to know ppl in just a few months to a level I never did on other platforms.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Yes.. Blurt people are friendly more than others. May be I know the reason why. We are here in blurt Because we see a potential and a fun place to be. But if we look at Hive or Steemit, It's totally a commercial place. People try to do whatever the management( I mean the teams and whales) wants to do in Steemit and hive. But here.. whales are generous to see what people wants to do and they support for them. That's the different I see here.

I am rly trying to enjoy it and build right now as I’m sure at some point lots more ppl will join with various energies. Right now I feel most ppl here are spiritual, open minded or free thinkers. It reminds me when artsy hippies build new communities and make them cool and fun then all the money crowds In. This is the fun time lol

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

you're right. Most people here have the strength to be here. Otherwise they also going after the money with hive and steemit. I know we will have more and more users here with the time eventually. May be more than other platforms. Hive and Steemit is already gone their way and We are still like a child. But when compare, we are same like them expect from price. Anyway we have long way to go. At some point we will pass them too.

Yes this is the best investment platform for ppl too as it rly can hit 10 c so easily. I see so many people on hive who hate what’s going on but don’t stand up for their friends and just bury their head in the sand to keep their daily rewards coming in. Its time to make the change you want to see people. Sometimes you have to take some brave new steps 😂

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Agreed. The toxicity of hive, oozes allover the platform.

I be won't asking you to join the raiding party then .... lol


It’s that time where decent ppl rly need to stand up and be counted. Not just bury theIr head in the sand and allow bullying to keep earning a few dollars a day. If people ripped off that band aId once and for all, powered down and invested here we could be earning the exact same rewards on blurt and have great developers here. Plus an easy ten x on money. Stand up people for your values.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

I sincerely hope that you're not trying to call me decent, young lady ? ...I've spent years trying to cultivate the opposite impression!
.....you'l be hearing from my lawyers if I hear anymore of that malarkey !


  ·  2 years ago  ·  

It's perfect and amazing community here. If someone said there is no support, it's totally a false one because I came here with nothing. Only one, two friends were here from steemit and I built from the beginning. And I saw how much supportive community we have here. Everyone supported and that's why I love so much to this Blurt family.
As you said, we all love to see the price go up. Not more than a long time, I hope we can see our hopes come true.

It can be hard to build but it can on all of them! A lot of it is what you put in to it. A lot of my friends who I got signed up to hive or steemit all quit as they only made cents for ages or witnessed all the downvote wars. The same ppl some have sly stuck it out on blurt and are loving it as they got a lot more activity much quicker. I think all the sites can have a bit of a barrier to entry at the beginning but I think blurt is the best of all of them of helping retain new members personally. I do sometimes see ppl not getting rewarded here but then I’ve often made a post to highlight them and ppl have stepped up to the plate. I’ve even seen people just randomly give people money here! I mean the only down side is all the vote weight is in a small handful of wallets I think it’ll be easier to support more ppl when there are more ppl with good upvote power.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

When the power is spread over the community, It's easy to support more and more users. Still anyone who have few dollars, can be a whale or big amount holder in blurt. So distributing votes is easy here with the price.

I think is still only rly 20 accounts that’s can rly deliver a good upvote here

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

We need more whales here.😍

Yeah or just a more spread wealth would be awesome. I don’t buy in to crypto so it’s harder I have to earn

  ·  2 years ago  ·   (edited)

It’s so easy to become a gigantic massive whale on Blurt. Just buy all the Blurt dips on Hive-Engine and Ionomy.

It’s super duper Easy …

Ionomy even pays you for it …



  ·  2 years ago  ·  

I bought so much on the other exchange I call it PRODIP! 💱

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Not so much time it will be easy☺️

I'll take BLURT! Thank you! 🏆😜

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Always made the right choice... Cheers🚀

I HAVE CHOSEN BLURT! I post strictly here now as there is no motivation to do so on steemit or hive. I LOVE YA BLURT! #LetsGrowBlurt

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

You made the right decision..😋

I already chose and my choice is Blurt.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

No doubt about your choice because I have read your several early posts regarding this topic.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

BLURT is the only social crypto platform I see worthy of interacting on and investing in. I AM IN 100% #LetsGrowBlurt

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

You will see what blurt gives you back in the next keep..Keep Blurting.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

I already chose, and it is BLURT!! :)

Posted from https://blurt.live

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Love u dear😍

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

While I was in steemit I tried had to carry out projects and yet no appreciation, on hive I did same thing I wasn’t even looked at but then on blurt I was welcomed warmly and given the support.

Blurt is not just blog or social media for me, it is more. I made couple of friends here and gets supports even though it wasn’t for my personal benefit, seeing people who are willing to stand by you and give you that support you need is something really amazing.

Blurt to the moon 🌙

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

in other platforms, they cares about only few of people...Mostly same people are doing same shits to get few bucks..but here everyone has freedom to do things and you will get a good support here..Blurt is the best..

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Elegí blurt solo por la libertad y porque podía emprender proyectos con amigos.

I chose to blurt alone because of the freedom and because I could undertake projects with friends.

Posted from https://blurtlatam.com

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

You're doing great here with your projects and as a content writer too. You're an asset for Blurt. Thank you for being with us.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

You are also doing a wonderful job supporting the community in general, I invite you to check the hashtag #blurtstartup and read the proposals of the initiatives, so we can exchange opinions about all these projects and why to support them.

Posted from https://blurtlatam.com

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Just knew about this tag. I will surely check posts under this tag today onwards. Thank you for letting me know.

I would also choose #Blurt. I started on steemit in 2018 and was very active over there with music (steemit open mic) and posting. Then I quit due to work issues and having no computer or internet. What I see in blurt is that it's all about YOUR CONTENT AND THE COMMUNITY. You can grow in Blurt Power pretty fast if you are consistent. I've only been here for 2 months. But I plan to grow on this platform as much as possible. Regards

Posted from https://blurtlatam.com

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Blurt is all about support to all users equaly. What we need to do is make more and more engagement here. Steemit is now like doing what team needs. Otherwise you can't earn there. But Blurt ..❤️

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

I only just discovered BLURT yesterday. So far I like what I see, reminds me of the old day of Steem. But if I have to choose one it would still be HIVE mostly because of Leo Finance and the Hive Engine / Trible Dex.
The UI's here on Blurt are pretty rustic, I've tried Blurt Blog and Blurt Live so far. What UI do you like?

Posted from https://blurt.live

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Thank you for your honest answer. About the front ends, Each front end have similar design with several new functions. At my first days of Blurt, I also feel different about the UI because It's not familiar to me. Anyway with the time, It's pretty much ok for me. I am using Blurt.blog front end normally.

Hive is the pits but I would like blurt to turn on communities tab 😎

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

You're very intelligent in your posts.
I would choose blurt definitely.

Posted from https://blurtlatam.com

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Right choice to make..❤

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Without a doubt, Blurt is the best choice.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Blurt to the Moon😍

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

I’ve only really been active on steemit. My early days of blogging were all spent there and the rewards were good then. In the last couple of months however, I’ve moved to Blurt, slowly converting my steem power to Blurt Power. I don’t really blog much here on Blurt, so I can’t really complain about rewards. I mostly just read and vote with the little BP I have. I’d choose BLURT over HIVE AND STEEMIT.

However a lot needs to be done on BLURT before we can even start to compare it to these 2 social media platforms. And I mean A LOT. From the interface to Dapps, and a lot of promotion needs to be done to create awareness of Blurt. Most of the bloggers on Steemit and Hive don’t even know Blurt exists and I’m sure a lot of them would flood to Blurt if they learnt about it. I plan on undertaking a few promotional Blurt campaigns here in Ghana soon.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

You're right. We need to do more with Blurt, But it's always happening something here. If you were in Steemit, you know there wasn't any update for a long time. Just a set of same curators votes on same people continuously. Promotion is also needed for blurt. But I think we have time for all these things because we are still in initial stages of growing. About the dapps and other developments, Our developers works as much as possible for blurt and they always bring new features here. Only thing is we need more developers here.

I mostly post on Hive because I have a decent following there. But the downvote drama does worry me sometimes. I have seen people blown up for ridiculous things and I'm always slightly paranoid that someone is going to find some BS reason to take me down too.
Sometimes I post on Steem, but it reminds me of a washed up and sad community. I don't see anyone making more than $0.05 a post there and I never see real comments. It's a ghosttown.
I'd like to be more active here but I can't seem to get the hang of tags here. The community system on Hive makes far more sense to me than the tags here. But maybe that's because I've been on there forever?
Also, it's just a massive amount of time for me trying to be active on all platforms. It's easy to drop a post in all of them, but I usually end up commenting strictly on one.
So if I had to pick, I'd say Hive for me, just because of my following there. But only until the downvote mobs hit me. Then it would be 100% here with a lot of posts there encouraging people to come here. 😊

Do you speak up for these people? If not why not? Are you ok seeing ppl you like taken to 0 for fun ? I know I sound harsh but this rly isn’t ok behaviour. People either need to stand up together and over turn that site or just power down and come here. It’s not right to watch ppl get bullied and just bury ones head in the sand.

I see your point, but how much is bullying and how much is legitimate fighting against plagiarism etc? I've seen legitimately bad accounts taken out for valid reasons. It isn't always "for fun."
I've also seen accounts like yours get taken out for who the hell knows why. Someone had a beef with you and used their power to take you down. I have an alt account which got dinged hard one week for similar reasons. They didn't like what I posted, instead of being an adult and just scrolling by, they found some BS reason to obliterate an entire week's worth of rewards. When I protested in a Discord chat I was basically told to get over it. They said I was committing plagiarism because I didn't directly link to sources for photos, even when I gave the source in my post. There is a shifting set of "rules" they like to hide behind and often they don't even abide by those rules.
If it were up to me I'd go back to the original premise of Steemit. Let the market decide what posts get rewarded by just allowing people to vote as they wish.
Maybe I just don't have the balls to leave after investing so much time and energy into it. But you're correct, I could do more to stand up for the bullied...

  ·  2 years ago  ·   (edited)

Once people open their eyes they will see it’s for fun and it’s very corrupt. Look at how @world-travel-pro first got kicked off and @yayogerardo @outofthematrix and @ura-soul @logiczombie @drutter @frot @projecthope thefe was An artist on super rare who got downvoted for sharing the same artwork a year apart using hive when the other was on steemit. Then when he questioned it was downvoted for doing it.
These ppl only turned More outspoken and made more aggressive posts when they had accepted leaving / earning nothing and had been pushed to breaking point. omg so many ppl have been targetedI lost count tbh

Personally when I was in that private chat group I saw them just target newbies so they drove them off the site and they are not even there anymore to see. You’ll find one of them @lost with his abandoned account still on steemit. This was just one of the many many newbies that got taken to rep zero just for a laugh.

The downvoters all break the rules they set for others. Check Acidyos steem wallet, check how many accounts he owns etc, check the date those accounts were created….. pre Steemit startup. I think it was planned like this from the get go.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

@world-travel-pro really using up some of their downvotes 🤣🤣

  ·  2 years ago  ·  


@blocktrades doesn't usually downvote

but when they do

they downvote the shit outta @world-travel-pro

Posted from https://blurtlatam.com


We should rly all set an auto vote to world travel pro I think we can o it without even logging in

Hive will fall apart... I really loved Hive and especially the German community there... It is a pity but it is as it is.... 😒

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

”The downvoters all break the rules they set for others."

Source: https://peakd.com/@antisocialist

  ·  2 years ago  ·   (edited)

I actually only rly got downvoted for standing up for others but I can’t just sit there and watch it. That’s just not who I am. It’s like watching ppl at school get bullied and standing by and not saying anything in the hope they don’t move onto you. If everyone just stood together they would have more power! My main point is do you feel comfy there you could ask one of the downvotin* whales why they are downvoting someone? Or would you feel too afraid to open that dialogue knowing they would turn on you? The answer to that q says it all. If you wouldn’t dare ask a simple a like that that is hella toxic.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

but how much is bullying and how much is legitimate fighting against plagiarism etc?

holy shit, don't get me started

Posted from https://blurtlatam.com

Ikr I had to stop 😵‍💫

If someone was getting beaten up and their wallet robbed on the high street would you just pretend you hadn’t seen it?

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

You may feel tag systems is like unfamiliar because you're coming from a community based system. You should be there few months and I am sure you will feel that as ok. About the hive dv, I don't know much details about that because I am not a frequent hive user, But I know about steemit and what's happening there. You have seen users who just get 0,05$ because they don't do what the teams wants. If you're doing what team wants, I am sure you will be in the $ list. I didn't like to work as they want. That's why I choose blurt because it has the freedom to do whatever we want.

I will choose blurt, because it is completely free platform and there are no any restrictions of communities.
I was posting in steemit but there are very proudy people. New members are not getting upvotes only high power bloggers are respected there, and getting high percentage upvotes.
But in blurt platform everyone gets upvotes and everyone is respected here.
So blurt is the best .

Posted from https://blurtlatam.com

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

In steemit, it's not easy to get votes for newcomers even if they are really good. In blurt we all have the support according to what we give for Blurt.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

It's simple, I choose Blurt because it is a friendly platform and I feel comfortable, there is freedom of expression and people support each other. It is a very attractive platform for all users who make life on it.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

You're correct. Freedom is only available in Blurt. Other platforms doesn't give the chance to do what users want. we need to do what the whales and team wants. That's ridiculous. That's why I choose Blurt.

Hi, @randula,

Thank you for your contribution to the Blurt ecosystem.

Please consider voting for the witness @symbionts.
Or delegate to @ecosynthesizer to earn a portion of the curation rewards!

Congratulations, your post has been curated by @dsc-r2cornell. You can use the tag #R2cornell. Also, find us on Discord

Manually curated by Blessed-girl

logo3 Discord.png

Felicitaciones, su publicación ha sido votada por @ dsc-r2cornell. Puedes usar el tag #R2cornell. También, nos puedes encontrar en Discord

Posted from https://blurtlatam.com

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Manually curated by @vickyguevara

Gracias por compartir tu publicación en #Blurt. Tu esfuerzo significa mucho para nosotros; por eso has recibido un voto positivo.

Te invito a votar por @blurtlatam como Testigo / Witness


Posted from https://blurtlatam.com

  ·  2 years ago  ·   (edited)


I'll tell you my experience
I first joined blurt then steem then after that I join hive.
I didn't get any support on Steem, neither on my post nor on their Discord channel. I was having issues with Steem login so I asked a few people in the comments section and Discord but till now I didn't get any response. 😂😂😂
Hive is a good platform
But if I talk about this BLURT it is very beautiful social blockchain and i proud to be a part of BLURT community because in BLURT everyone supports new users and their new ideas. Even the discord server is also active all the time and everyone is ready for solving the queries.