After Two Years of Inactivity on

in instablurt •  4 months ago 


Foto: This is at Kilometer Zero Indonesia

Hello friends

After not activating this account for a long time, today I want to come back here to tell you about the various experiences I have had.

I didn't expect it, I've been inactive for two years. And five days ago I also posted about my trip to Rubiah Island, Sabang, Aceh, Indonesia to see the historical buildings there. Hidden Islamic Tourist Destination on Rubiah Island

I've been through a lot. I am also grateful, in the last few months I have also proposed to the woman I love. Hopefully our relationship remains happy.

Many other happy things. Maybe I can mention them one by one:

Accepted as a civil servant

I am very grateful for my achievements. I am trusted to be one of the state servants. I will be appointed in August 2023.

Proposing to a woman


This is my grandmother putting the engagement ring on my girlfriend's finger

We have been in a relationship since May 27, 2022. And on January 27, 2024, we are determined to have a serious relationship, by getting engaged. Please pray, my friends, that there will be no obstacles in getting married and having a happy family.


Many other happy things. I'll try to tell you about it later in the next post.

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Es un placer para nosotros compartir nuestros mejores deseos y felicitaciones. Usted ha recibido un abrazo virtual de la cuenta de curación @newvisionlife y curado manualmente por @OneRay
La vida nunca termina y hay nuevas formas de verla. Cuéntanos la tuya en nuestra comunidad

  ·  4 months ago  ·  


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