in instablurt •  2 years ago 

You all know that most of the food we consume are processed food ranging from bread, sausage, cereal which most of us enjoy for breakfast and dinner, milk and soft drinks and some other canned foods

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I have come to notice that many people like processed food because it's easier to make some good delicacies with processed food than natural food. I understand that most people don't like to go through the stress in making their meal when they can easily get a processed food from the store such as pizza and many more. We actually think we're enjoying and reducing our stress but we don't know that we're adding additional health problems to our system.

While eating this processed food, we should know that these foods are made with preservatives and lots of sugar are also added to it which makes it more unhealthy for human to consume especially those with complicated health problems like diabetes. I could remember in those days, when our fathers get all their foods from the farm because it was all natural and they never complained of health complications. Infact, most of them lived for a very long time before leaving the world.

Since the advancement of technology, things has been made easier such as production of canned foods and lots more, though it was made easier for our own use but on the other hand, too much of it in the body is very bad. I know we can't stop eating processed foods completely but we can actually reduce the rate at which we consume them.

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The more advisable food to eat now is natural foods because the more natural it is the more your health is in perfect condition. We can actually do it, you can decide that for some period of time, this is the kind of natural food or fruit I will be eating and as we practice it, it will become part of us and we'll learn to live a healthy lifestyle.

Like I said before, we may not be able to stop eating processed food completely but we can still reduce the way we consume it.

I will conclude by saying that to live a healthy lifestyle and to be free from health issues, I will advise you eat more of natural foods because it's best for our body.

Also written here


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