in instablurt •  2 years ago 

I have been at home for the past few days after recovering from an illness. Yes I was very ill, I know most of you don't know anything about it, but it's okay. I was ill for close to one week, I was placed on medications but I thank God I'm very much better and it's already a story for me. Hehehehe


So after recovering, I have been sitting down at home doing nothing, no I was actually engaged with my phone doing what I know best which is blogging. Sitting at home was becoming a common thing for me so I made a plan with my friend to visit some places in my school. I have been hearing lots of stories about the place and how far and scary it is. Infact, as a lady, you're advised not to walk alone in that lonely road, though it might be inside the school compound but it's more like an abandoned place. Two new facilities were built in that area and I wonder how student cope walking there alone 😞😞, I'm sure they won't dare walk alone, they definitely have to be in the company of others or maybe some of them have their private cars to go there.



I was bold enough to locate the new faculties, my friend and I walked to the place and it was very scary. At first I was very scared when I couldn't see any building, we didn't even see any body following that path so I told my friend that it's better we go back before something bad happens to us and no one will even find us here because of the bushes that surrounds the place. I will say my friend was very bold to reject my request, I couldn't leave her just like that to walk alone, I had to swallow my fears and we headed to the new building.



Finally, we got to see the building and I was even surprised that people were even in the building. Infact, students were writing exams and they were plenty cars packed outside. It was at this point my fears disappeared, I knew my friend and I were not alone anymore. We observed the building before heading back. Going back was almost the same thing but this time around, we had to take to our heals, we ran and never looked back until we found the nearest school shuttle that took us back to the school gate. Don't mind my friend, she's always appearing in almost all the pictures I took🤣🤣

IMG_20220713_131821-01.jpegme after the walk, looking so stressed out😞

It was really a dreaded walk but I'm glad I took that bold step, I can't graduate from that school without knowing all the angles and route to all the places inside the school.😂😂

All images used are mine.

Also written here

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  ·  2 years ago  ·