Hello Hello Hello
Couple of days ago
i think about key ring blurt logo and then i make it in real with my friend @naseer432 support. i had post about it you can see this Post, Blurt in Hands
As a Blurt witness i feel proud that i am serving big time here with blurt friends sharing and asking many thing with you. i live in East Punjab we live biggest District, and most popular city called LAHORE, many of my friends are government employ and they can be good investor for blurt ,
Today i spend my day with my friends and tell them about this friendly social media giving them keyrings that i design They all impress and appreciate my work for blurt.blog,
Meet Abdul wahab and zeeshan look they are very happy to see my blurt account. and they are Sidr honey trader and supply honey in best quality.
Meet sir semar works as medical rap and he is also want to join this blockchain, he i was not believing before that blurt really pay ?
Meet Aklaq he is also work for political parties he appreciate and he give me idea tha i should make tutorial in URDU language for helping newbie Pakistanis
At the end This is @shahbazsani he is newbie he start his blog with my key ring i hope all of you like my work. He is medical representative i hope he will do his best
i have many ideas that i am going to share soon Blurt will be popular in pakistan.
At the end i just want to say i am very tired and going to sleep because i need to do more for BLURT
Support me as Witness Click that link, i will be thankful

We are at #Blurtpak Twitter link
Good work
Wow that's so kind of you 😍
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