Political system.

in instablurt •  2 years ago 

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History has shown that a rare and ideal age of Islam has passed in terms of a well-integrated political and economic system. It is a matter of great regret that this age of Islam did not last long. In the future we will try to understand the real reason. Some people think that this reason lies in the very nature of the political and economic system of Islam itself. But in fact this reason is not contained inside it but outside it - we will discuss that later. First we will discuss the political system. Because the economic system is always subject to the political system and follows its nature.

One day, when the time for the death of the Prophet (peace be upon him) was approaching, he instructed Hazrat Abu Bakr (peace be upon him) to lead the prayers. Hazrat Ayesha (R) objected to this, arguing that Abu Bakr's (R) heart was very tender. So when he leads the prayers, people will not hear his voice, they ask him to reconsider his instructions. The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) became angry and insisted on calling Abu Bakr (ra) to be the Imam.

In our opinion, these two are utterly irrational. If the Prophet (peace be upon him) had decided to appoint a caliph and if there was a provision in Islam to appoint a caliph, then he would have done the same as he had declared other rules and principles of Islam in clear language. And if the Muslims had clearly understood that the Prophet (peace be upon him) had appointed Abu Bakr as the Caliph, then there would have been no question of a dispute between the Muhajirs and the Ansar over the Caliph at a place called Sakifa. Because the Ansar never objected to the decision of the Prophet (peace be upon him).

In fact, the whole matter of the caliphate has been left to the mutual consultation of the Muslims. The people will elect the most deserving person of the caliphate with full freedom and consent - that was the purpose. If after the negotiations in Sakifah it was decided that the caliph would be from among the Muhajirs, then it was not a specific provision of Islam but a unanimous decision taken after the dialogue between the Muslims. If the Ansar had opposed this decision, no one could have objected to it. But what actually happened was that the Ansar agreed to the caliphate of Abu Bakr. Because he was the most deserving person. In Medina, however, the Aws and Khayraj tribes sought to obscure the situation by inciting regional animosity, but the Ansar foiled the plot.

In this case, the caliph must be from Mohajer, this decision does not mean that the caliph must be from the Quraysh dynasty. ” It is known that Salem (R) was not of Cyrus descent. Moreover, according to the principles of Islam, no Quraysh can be considered superior to other Muslims simply because he is a Quraysh and a descendant of the Prophet (peace be upon him). Hazrat Abu Bakr (R) appointed Hazrat Omar (R) as Caliph. But that does not mean that he forced the Muslims. They had every right to cancel his appointment. Hazrat Omar (R) became the caliph not because of the appointment of Abu Bakr but because of the election of the people. Thus Hazrat Omar (R) formed a six-member advisory council. He instructed the council to elect a caliph from among themselves. But the Muslims were not obliged to accept one of the six caliphs. His completely independent spontaneously chooses one of them. Because in fact those six people were the most suitable person in the Muslim Ummah at that time.

Disagreements arose during the election of Hazrat Ali. This disagreement led to the first war between the Muslims. As a result, one by one, heartbreaking incidents took place that severely damaged the vitality of Islam, its political and economic principles, and the ideas it introduced in other areas of life.

From this brief description, the real ideology of Islam about the system of governance became clear to us. That is, a person can hold the position of ruler only on the basis of free and fair election of Muslims. Hazrat Ali (R) was the cousin of Rasulullah (SAW), his son-in-law, his close relative. Knowing all this, the Muslims installed him in the seat of caliphate much later. Maybe delaying Hazrat Ali in this way, especially after Hazrat Omar, is a violation of his rights. But it is undeniable that this delay has made possible the most accurate assessment of the Islamic system of government. This has brought about the greater good that the idea of ​​succession could not even come close to the seat of caliphate. Because this idea is at a distance from the essence of Islam and its principles. There is no doubt that the actual implementation of this ideology is more serious than the personal injustice done to Hazrat Ali.

Then came the era of Banu Umayya. They not only limited the Islamic caliphate to the Banu Umayyad dynasty but also transformed it into an authoritarian monarchy. It was not the result of the teachings of Islam but the influence of "ignorance". This influence of ignorance paralyzed the life force of Islam.

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