in instablurt •  2 years ago 

The desire to make a difference in life demands that you must be different from the world. Doing things in your own way will assure and determine the outcome of everything you do in life. You must be bold to take new risk no one has ever taken, don't be afraid to try new things. Dare to make a difference by trying to doing new things. Whatever the outcome, be it failure or success, you will have something to talk about as an experience. If you fail, find out why you failed. If you succeed, good for you. We all learn from our experiences in life and you got nothing to lose trying to do new things, dare to make a difference.



The only way to change the world around you is to dare to make a difference. When you dare to make a difference as an individual, you will step out among others creating space for your own breakthrough. You will stand alone when you dare to make a difference and that's where your own creative ideas will be exploited. That's what great leaders, inspiring minds and great people do.

One good question you should ask yourself before ever doing something is, why is everyone doing it ? You need to get educated why people are doing a particular brand of business, crafts, course of study ( for those in academic field), skills, etc. You don't just have to jump into doing something because so and so is doing it. Get a deep rooted knowledge before doing what others are doing. Thereafter, get creative ideas that will surpass their strategies to do better than them. Most young people heard about crypto currency and started investing in it without gaining adequate knowledge of how it works. They never cared about the risk involved but the profit to be made. When they finally make huge loses, they end up taking their lives. What a pity ! What work for others may not work for you and that's why you should dare to make a difference.



Another interesting question to ask yourself is, is there any valid reason to why everyone chose to do it ? Or is everyone doing it simply because everyone else is doing it ? These were some critical questions I never asked myself when I started investing on crypto. I made some huge and regrettable investments that almost got me depressed. That's why I said earlier that you needs adequate knowledge about what others are doing before venturing into it. You can kill or destroy your creativity just by trying to do what everyone else is doing. Dare to make a difference.

To dare to make a difference, you must be ready to take the risk when everyone else is busy doing the same thing. That may be the best thing that can make your life count. It's absolutely okay to try something different from what everyone else is doing. So many industries engage in the production of a particular brand of product over and over again. For instance, toothpaste producing industry, bread factories, network providers etc. There are so many industries producing those products but each with its unique way. Each of the company have their own strategies to attract the targeted audience. That's simply daring to make a difference. Some really started small but they are making wave in the industry now. Why, because they dare to make a difference. Take that risk now that you can and dare to make a difference.

Look beyond your boundaries and see what people are looking for. One of the best ways to attract good vibes is looking out for a human need and reaching out to meet that need. Ask yourself, what does these people around me need ? And what possible way can I meet that need ? Find an answer to these questions yourself. Don't see anything as a boundary or limitation, look beyond that. There are a lot of creative forces in you that will make you to look beyond every boundary, discover and develop them to become the best version of yourself. Dare to make a difference.

If you must be outstanding in doing anything, you must dare to make a difference. Don't be afraid to take risk in doing new things. But before doing anything, go for adequate knowledge so it will save you the stress of regretting why you started doing it in the first place. Be bold to take risk and make your life beautiful, without risk there is no gain. Dare to make a difference !


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