My Recent Activities Here In Our Place

in instablurt •  7 months ago 


I have fun time activities last day and because of this, I want to share some of my activities in Life. Together with my Partner, She took me a picture during visiting our Farm land and looking for Muringga leaves. The most funny moment when we searching for the said vegetables, was instead I only get the palm of the muringga leaves, I decided to Cut the Branches of it. This is good so that we can plant also the muringga branches in my simple organic Garden. This branches of Muringga plants I've got in the place full of wild grass and plants, so it is very better to get some branches and plant in the place that doesn't have wild grass and tress. The leaves of this plant is very good for vegetable soup and that is what I want to do, by cooking vegetable soup. This is not really a stolen picture but my partners wants me to stop just for taking pictures while holding it.

While walking in the Farm, We also noticed this pretty small butterfly berching in this Yellow flower. There are lots of fascinating insects, I decided to take a picture and it was very lucky for me because the small butterfly was not flying away. It contains a dot black color on its wings with brown lines on its wings also. This pretty butterfly was very busy sucking more nectars on this flower and we let it flying around.

9 AM when I received a text message from online shopping apps. It says that my order has been arrived and the Grab and item carrier was already brought and went to our place. So I hurriedly went in the Barangay Road and wait in there. While waiting, I noticed this poor dog busy of getting and searching foods in this pile of Garbage. Our Purok leader already put a board saying about prohibition of throwing garbage here, but there are still many people throw a sack of garbage here. I felt very sad about it, the environment will make it dirty because of this.


Almost an hour of waiting before my Order has arrived. I was very happy and excited about the order and I thanked the Item carrier after paying it. I immediately went back home and started to unbox it. I am very satisfied about the item I ordered, the design and color are exactly to the items I ordered online. I ordered cellphone stand, this will help for my blogging activities and I instantly tried it using my other Phone. It is very fit and perfect for my phone and I am very satisfied.

After receiving my Parcel, I continued to write names in this coupons and it will be drawed this coming December 8, 2023. There are lots of prizes can be received in the drawed this coming December. It takes almost an hour before I finished to wrote the names in the coupons. I am very excited about it because I also have more coupons and I hope I can receive the said prizes.



After I finished the Coupons I proceed to my Organic Garden to plant this Sugar Cane. I asked my Grandma to have some sugar cane plane and as I received it, I instantly cut the sugar cane so that it can easily planted it. This are some of the activities I did last day, until next post thank you for visiting my post.

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