Living In The Province Is Very Fun

in instablurt •  9 months ago 


Living in the Province have also many kinds of simple works thats needs to be done. For this article, I would like to share my obligations here in our place. This is a kind of simple works or tasks but it gives a greater happiness to my Parents. This post of mine can give visualize to everyone how simple it is if we lived in the Province and I will share to all of you one-by-one.

Honestly, we don't used any hightech things just like oven, rice cooker or stoves instead we used firewoods. There are lots of Wethered coconut trees and we chopped it using an axe and the chopped pieces will dried in the open field or space. I piked each pieces of coconut pieces so that it will immediately dried and ready to used. This kind of act or obligations can less our Family expenses and have a good way of simple exercises.


Well the difficult and tiring part of this task is to put the pieces of coconut trees in an empty sacks and lifting to be brought in the house. Some of it are a little bit heavy and it needs a strong lifting. This really put this dried firewoods so that it wont wet when there will have rains when it reach at night. This place were I dried the chopped coconuts is a little bit far from our house and it really needs to walk a few meters away.

Cow Raising:

This photos shows me take caring of our cows here in our Farm place. We are very lucky to have more cows and some of it are already sell to the cow buyers. We named this cow "Carla", this cow wont hit us even if she borns a calf that is why we really loved this cow. This is one of my obligations here until now.

Every morning, we feed this cow with fresh grass called, Kumpay. Sometimes we tied the rope of the cows in the place were there are many grass they could it. Every afternoon, we untied the cow's rope and lead them to the river so that they can drink more water. It really gets thirsty for not drinking water for a whole day that is why we take them to the river.

Fetching clean water to the Water Pump:

Next, fetching clean water in the water pump. We don't have any water faucets because it is hard and difficult to install any faucets here because of the river. So we decided to put water pump or "POSO" in local term. This is very important to all of us here, we can be able to fetch clean water for a drink, food uses just like cooking our favorite dishes and many more. This water pump already put here 5 years already. Even if there is an extremely heat, still there are more waters flowed in this water pump.

Goats Feeding:

We also have more goats in here. We named this goat, "Goaty". I am very happy because goaty is pregnant again. We only put and tied goatys rope near in our house so that we can easily seen it.

Goaty was born a first cute goat and I named him "Kim-Kim". I really take cared of my goats and feed them with fresh grass. We also built a small hut just for the goats to protect them from rain. Goats hates water that is why it needs them to keep dry always.

Boiling Water:

After doing my outside obligations, I immediately boiled water using this old kettle so that there will have a hot water in the morning for a coffee. Our kettle was already covered with charcoals because of the fire touches the surface of the thing.


While waiting the water to boiled, I carefully arranged the firewoods near at the cooking place. This will good so that we can have more firewoods to used when the rain comes. We would not going outside just to searched more firewoods because it already piled up.

Cooking Food for the Family:


I am also the chef of the Family and I cooked there favorite dish. One of the favorite dish we always ate is the fish soup. It is a kind of simple recipé and very delicious and nutritious. My Family especially my Parents will be very happy because I did my obligations and this will make them proud. This are some of the obligations I always do until now, I am very happy and proud to lived in this place because of peaceful and quite place that can relax ourself.

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  ·  9 months ago  ·  

Thank you very much..