Beach Travel Adventure

in instablurt •  9 months ago 


It was an enjoyable and exciting, memorable day by visiting the beach of Lugait Misamis Oriental here in the Philippines. The place is located near at the sea shore that is why the houses was being built near at the sea. As we visit the place, I found the place more beautiful and relaxing. The sun was nearly setting down and the sea was very calm. Most of the place here are covered with many big and small stones, and some of the people who lives near at this place loves to search any foods just like crabs and fishes under of the big chunks of stone. Well, not all place was covered with many stones, there are also place that is filled also with sands and children loves to swim if the sea will raising up in the sandy place with water.

Wandering around is very fun specially if the weather is very cold. As we continued to travel the place, we saw a big clouds covering at the sky and a small portion of sunlight shines near of the clouds. It totally imagine its just like painted in the paint sheets. I really totally amazed of what I saw about clouds while ago.

My prediction about this dark clouds is it will going to precipitate anytime. But it is good also for traveling around, it will warm the place and everyone will enjoy watching the beautiful place in a fresh sea breeze. I had a great childhood memory about this place. Back when I am 7 years old, my family loves to go for a swim here in this place. Sometimes my Father cast his net to catch fish and luckily we got plenty of fish just for our lunch.

Every 5pm, people will getting ready for go for fishing. Actually, this are the primary source of income of some residents here in Lugait. They sold their fishes to the market place and some are having barter method. They set sail with their small boats to the sea and cast there fishing nets or [ Pukot ] in local term. This is not an easy job for all fishermen, it needs to have patience just like waiting for almost whole night to the sea. Some fishermen brought the foods already in their boats and they will left their families for a whole night.

It is not really easy for them with this work, sometimes they could not get more fishes and they will get back home getting nothing. This folks have a big contribution and parts of the society. With them, we can eat fishes and we can have foods serve in our table, we know that catching fishes is not very easy but because for them we can get very easily all we have to do is to pay their hardworks.


This place was a concrete and asphalt road. Actually, according to the elders who lives near in this place for a very long time, this place was not actually a coastline. This was a concrete asphalt road and it serves as a short cut area to all people who went to Iligan city. They called this place, [Lamisahan] and they added that this place was a stationary point to all american soldiers long time ago.
But for how many years has passed, the place was completely destroyed of huge waves specially during bad weather. As many years passed by, the sea water continued to raising up because of the climate change and extremely hot weather and this is the reason why this place was completely abandoned and gone.

This place contains an historical stories and I really enjoyed listening to the elders story behind this place. Also, Lugait coastline contains plenty of coconut trees near at the coastline. But this is not well planted, it was brought by the big waves and splashing out to the sea shore and begun to grow a sprout for a very long time.

I can really imagine how would it take this coconuts and ends here. I can truly say that this coconut fruit was in the mountainous areas and flashed away caused by the great big flood and lands here in the coastline. This coconut trees gives a big part to all people who wants to do picnics here. It can give shade and warm areas and also people who wants to eat buko fruit can also get in here for free.

We already seen some of the beautiful place here in Mindanao Philippines, so many beautiful place are not yet discovered and all we have to do is to take care our Mother Nature and preserve the beauty of it for many Generations to come.

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  ·  9 months ago  ·  

Thank you very much..