My Daily Post: "Visiting My Relatives and Food Trip Day"

in instablurt •  2 months ago 


Greetings blurtterd, Hope you have a good time and fill with love and Joy. For today's blog of mine, allow me to share my wonderful experience happens and this are the visiting of my Relatives and a food trip day. But first, I will share the items I brought the time when I went to Supermarket and I kept my best to do budgeting by buying the right amount of products and those items that are cheap. I decided to went to the Supermarket early in the morning so that I can avoid the intense heat and crowded people.

Early in the morning I always drink a delicious hot coffee or somtimes hot chocolate. It keeps myself warm everytime when I drink it and keep myself well condition. I usually don't drink coffee always that is why sometimes I brought milk or chocolate drink instead. After drinking this hot coffee, I started to went to the Supermarket to buy our needs. I brought 300 Pesos and the items I've brought was Ripe Bananas, Dried fish, Instant noodles, Cooking oil and loaves of bread. Those products are little bit expensive, only few items I brought in 300 Pesos but there's nothing can do about it instead we always do budgeting.

A moment later, My Cousin called me about the order I did last day, I almost forgot about the order I did and good thing I have coins left. I ordered 1 pack of Yacult drinks and it costs 50 Pesos per pack that equivalent to 1HBD. Its been a long time since I did not drink Yacult that is why I decided to order some to my cousin. I hurriedly went to My Grandma's house and payed this pack of yacult drinks.


I was happy to see this favorite snacks of mine I've brought last night. Our neighbor sells chicharon and balot and good thing I put it in the fridge, balot needs to boiled before eating and it is perfect for Spicy Vinegar. Checharon is also a perfect combination of spicy vinegar and it sells every afternoon until evening here at our Place.

While at my Grandma's house, I surfing the net and checking the weather conditions here in our Country. The news says that there will be having a strong typhoon hit our Country and I checked the weather. Luckily, the strong typhoon will not directly hit our Place. It is better to get prepared always.

Visiting My Relatives:

After that, I decided to visit my Relatives. I passing by in this quite rocky road, I always passing bh in this place it keeps myself relaxing because of the relaxing green views just like trees, wild plants and some beautiful landscapes like rocky cliffs.


My uncle loves to take care lots of rooster and every Sunday He went to Cock fighting arena to bet. This is one of His hobby in fact He collected almost 100 roosters here. Some of his rooster are in the back yard and each of this contains an A-Frame structure were the rooster can fit inside everytime when there is a heavy rain and intense heat.


He is also a businessman and buying coconuts and bananas as for that He decided to brought small truck were he can load all of the coconuts and bananas he buy from other people. He also owned this tuktuk vehicle and it used this everytime they went to supermarket to buy their basic needs. I sometimes visit my Uncles place because it is quitely far from our Home and it needs almost an hour of walking in those quite rocky road.

That all for today's daily life post, thank you for visiting and reading my post. Have a nice day everyone.

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