in instablurt β€’Β  2 years agoΒ 

How often do you use this phrase - I KNOW?


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If there's one person that knows how to say this word, then it will surely be me 😏. When I was little, I hate being told what to do, I was the boss baby 😎 and because I never liked being told what to do, I always tried my best to make sure to do the things that was expected of me and everything was always going fine since I didn't wait to be told what to do first before I get it done.


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My Mistake 😬

Until this faithful day when my dad bought custard for breakfast and I quickly volunteered to do the honor of preparing it, I really don't know what came over me till tomorrow πŸ˜‚. I was thinking it was custard that I wanted to make so I didn't add much water because my dad likes it thick.

Pls note: It was my first time of making custard but I told my dad I could make it as if it was one of my hobbies 😬(my bad)

I quickly went to put the water on the stove and started mixing the custard and like I said I added just little water and mixed it very well. Before now, my dad had asked me if I knew what to do and I was like, I know is it not custard? Oh, I just wished I didn't say that 😏. Now the water was boiling so I mixed the custard once more then I poured the hot water inside the custard to make.


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I quickly dropped the pot (we don't have kettle πŸ™ˆ) and started staring, oh no!!! I know some of you can guess what happened, the custard was so thick and full of seeds, ah how I'm I going to tell my dad now after all this bragging 😩?

The deed has already been done 😭

I just stood outside thinking of what would become of me when my dad saw what I've done and while I was still thinking, my dad just came to the kitchen and was like, don't tell me it's the custard you're still preparing? While he was still talking he was drawing Close to see what I've made and when he saw the custard, I received a very hot knack on my back 😏, if you see the way I jumped, oh, I felt for myself.


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I learnt my lesson 😒

Since then, I was always careful when I'm asked about my knowledge of something, even if I know about it, I might still say I don't because I don't know when the devil wants to use me πŸ˜‚. So don't be surprised when you ask me of something and I say I don't know, it's as a result of what I've learned and I will advise you too to be careful with that phrase, I KNOW πŸ˜‚, if possible, avoid it in any way you can. After that day, I made sure to learn how to make custard very well (just keep it to yourself) but hey I still don't know how to make custard (I refuse to brag) πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜„.

I hope you enjoyed reading through one of my life experiences 😒.


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See you at my next blog ❣️❣️.

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