in instablurt •  2 years ago 


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Growing up, getting a job was inevitable, I had to do something to assist myself and my family. I don't really like boring people with my need so I needed a job. I finished my secondary 2018 and before I finished I was asked by a woman who had four kids to take them on extra moral classes. I was happy about the whole thing even when the pay was not really encouraging.

I loved the kids so I enjoyed teaching them, the parents were satisfied with my work and they were really nice to me but they still didn't increased my salary 😁. I learned a lot while working there, the only difficulty I had was closing from school and going to their home to teach them, it wasn't really easy for me but I had to because I needed the money.

I've had other jobs like, collecting money from people and helping them save it with the company that employed me, a cooperative company. This job was really good too because I got a phone from my employees because then I didn't have any. After working with them for sometime, they became more demanding and I still had my schooling to attend to so I had to stop.

And the last job I did was out of my passion for it. I was employed as a cleaner in a duplex to be paid $10 per month, the pay was little compared to the work I was doing but I didn't mind at all.

I was just so happy to get the job because I loved cleaning and now I was going to be paid for doing it. Unfortunately, we had to relocate to a different location far from where I work so I had to resign again. My employer was not really happy I was leaving but there was nothing he could do.

I haven't really had a job that I can say was worst because I was really selective when it comes to working and I've been so lucky. All I've experienced while working was just improvement on my understanding, the way I talk, the way I act, the way I relate and many more.

The reasons why I think I never had a worst job was because,

  • I'm always expecting the worst from everything and sometimes when they come, they don't seem like anything to me because they were less compared to what I was expecting.

  • I always try to put my mind to whatever I'm doing and this helps me to give my best at all times to make my employers satisfied.

  • I followed what I think was best for me and luckily for me, I've never made a wrong choice and the credit is not to me but to God and also the amazing people he has given to me.

Having a job for me, is both a blessing and a curse, it just depends on you taking such jobs. I always try my best to give my best to whatever job I do, but I also try not to pick my job over the things of the one that gave it to me (God). I also hate it when people complain about my performance, so I always try to seek for advice from those who have been there or knows about sure things.

So I'll end my writing here and I hope to see your comments,upvotes and Reblogs if you learned anything from me today 😊😊.

See you at my next blog ❣️❣️.

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